Chapter 24

" What is so urgent that I have to come home before noon" Erik was not amused by his fathers orders. Although he had never disobeyed the patriarch of the family, he really disliked being ordered around.

"It pertains to Eka and cannot be explained over the phone" his father replied "so i hope you are nearly here"


The strangest thing happened, right as Adil expected Simba to pounce on Metta, the lion stopped abruptly and looked straight at the boy. Metta was looking straight back, with awe in his eyes, no sign of fear then he smiled and made a sound.

Simba trotted next to Metta rubbing himself against him and purred. He sat on his hind legs almost as if he was bowing so he wouldn't be towering over Metta.

"My Eka, Eka, you are back" Mr Cossa murmured.