Chapter 25

Erik walked towards the liar to see Simba sprawled under a tree on the grass with a boy sleeping next to his him with his head on his mane.

Shaking his head, he blinked and looked again.. why did the boy look like Metta? How did he get here?

This could only mean his suspicions were correct. He had to confirm without a doubt. "Oh Ceri!"

"Father! Where did you find the boy?"

"He found us son, Eka is finally back, he found his way back"

" Father, this boy is the son of one of the designers for my hotels who are here from Kenya, we have to meticulously check things out and return the boy to his mother"

"There is no way we are giving him away after he has found us!" Mr Cossa thunderously said. "You of all people know that once the ancestors only chose one leader and his place is here, Since Ekas disappearance two years ago we have been waiting and now he is here"

"Dad, Father... this boys mother do not have the same beliefs as us, she is very worried and we have to inform her that he has been found, I promise to bring her here and we will discuss the future"

"In the meantime, since it has been a day and half we will need to have him checked out by a doctor."

Erik planned to have a DNA test done in secret during the check up.