Chapter 26

"Ceri, we found Metta and he is safe, I'm sending a driver to get you, please pack up and check out of the hotel, you will be staying with us tonight" Erik informed Ceri

"Thank you God!!" That was all Ceri kept repeating the whole ride to where Metta was.

When she got there, the Cossa family doctor had already finished giving Metta a whole body check up, labs had been drawn and Metta was comfortably chatting with grandpa Cossa as they snacked on peanuts and played a board game called Butterfly.

Butterfly is a game similar to checkers but the board is shaped differently, it is basically, two triangles joined together at a point, in the shape of a butterfly. Each player has nine pieces which they place on each side of the board. They capture their opponents by hopping over them, using the 19 intersection points and hopping into available empty spaces.

One had to have great skills and Metta was doing great for a four year old beginner. Mr Cossa was impressed.

Ceri could not believe her eyes! Metta looked so content with no signs of worry or concern like you would expect from a child that had been lost.

She ran towards him, grabbed and gave him a tight hug as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Oh my son, are you okay, are you hurt anywhere? Did anyone kidnap you? Where were you what happened? How did you get here? Thank God you are okay!" She could not help herself as she kept firing questions without pausing.

"I will never let you out of my sight again, I'm so sorry I lost you before. Mommy loves you"