Chapter 27

They hugged each other. Ceri cried tears of relief. All she wanted now was to take Metta home, that was a scary ordeal for her. She was exhausted from lack of sleep and now excitement and relief, her body needed rest.

Erik showed her a room to rest in after she ensured Metta was alright but she could not let go of Metta and they both went to lay down.


"They cannot leave!!" Mr Cossa thundered.

"Baba, I know but the DNA test will take three days to come back and if we ascertain that Metta is Ekas' son, only then can we take him away from her" Erik told his dad.

"Let is not rush things, if we make her aware of our plan it may complicate things, we will find reasons to keep her here till the results are back Baba."

Ceri had a good nap unaware of the storm that was brewing.