Chapter 30

Erik had to think of a way to tell Ceri the truth and to keep her in Mozambique or make her agree to let Metta stay. He knew he could not convince his father to let Metta go.

He needed to learn more about Ceris culture, how was a male child valued? Was it different if the mother was unmarried? Would it be difficult to convince her family to let her immigrate to another country?

As Eka's brother, he could marry Ceri if ahe had been his wife and help carry on his brothers name but how would Ceri take this considering she had not been married to him and had no idea about Eka.


Me Mariba had gone to see his grandchild as previously planned and was eager to hear about the trip to Mozambique but on arrival to Ceris apartment they were nowhere to be found.

He went to her office and was informed of the mishap that happens and that got him really worried.

He could bot imagine what his daughter was going through and he was not there for her. Why had she not called him? Even if she had, what could he have done to help. He felt so helpless and cemented his feeling as a failure parent.

He could not protect his daughter from the village "gossip massacre" and had to sneak visits to them. All he could offer her was love and now she was in a foreign country and had no idea if his grandson had been found. Her phone was not working there he had tried to call. All he could do now was pray.