Chapter 32

Ceri was in a daze… what had Erik just told her? That was information overload

None of the choices seemed feasible..

On top off all these, Mr Cossa had gone and arranged a ceremony supposedly for Metta. Welcoming Eka's spirit back.

Men danced with scary wooden masks to chase bad spirits away and after that they danced a chopi dance, if Ceri was not still in a half daze she would probably have enjoyed the dance whose performers were adorned in lion skins.

If she chose to stay, Erik had promised to treat her well, give her a status whatever that meant, support her in building her career etcetera.

She had a life in Kenya, family too even though they had their own issues. She couldn't just uproot her life!

But what options were there, Metta was their son, treasured too, heir to a cultural lineage, if they raised the issue with the courts she would lose him just like that!!

Oh where is Makena when she needed her? Her childhood friend always helped her look at things in a different light. Always bringing joy in a situation.

She needed time to think, let all sink in.

Tomorrow she would talk to Erik.