
'' Hey, wake up... Wake up already. You do not want to be late on your first day. Being a squire ''.

Jacob opened his eyes, to see Mordred on top of him.

'' What time is it? '' said Jacob.

'' It is time to get your lazy butt up. The others have already left and I am about to leave. Hurry and get ready '' said Mordred and ran out the door.

Jacob sat up, looked around the room and fell headfirst back on his pillow.

Luckily. Jacob did not arrive late at the training field near the castle. He and Madoc were at. mostly because, he teleported there.

'' You actually came '' said Madoc in his full knight armor.

'' Of course, after all, I am your squire '' said Jacob while looking up at Madoc. Madoc looked back at Jacob with a smile on his face.

'' So master, what are we to do today? '' said, Jacob.

'' I thought that we could go on a little hunting trip, to really get to know each other and after that. I think it would be best to start your training with a sword, and then at the end of the day. I will tell you about your chores and duties. Sound good? '' said Madoc.

'' Yes Master '' replied Jacob.

'' Alright, let us get going ''

'' Um… Master. Before that. I actually have a question ''

Madoc turned around and looked at Jacob and said '' Then ask away ''.

'' Not to be rude, but do you regret not being king, while your brother is king? '' said Jacob.

'' Straight to the point I see. Well first of. that question is extremely rude. Not only because I am your master, but also the fact that I am your prince, but to answer your question. No, I do not regret not being king while Arthur is king. Simply because. I am not fit for the throne as my brother is '' said Madoc.

'' Really?. I truly believe that you would be a great king '' said Jacob.

'' You do? '' said Madoc looking at Jacob.

'' Yes with my all my heart '' said Jacob looking back at Madoc with a serious look on his face.

Madoc closed his eyes and smiled. He then opened his eyes and then said.

'' Let me tell you a story. A year ago. 50 knights of Camelot, were ambushed by Barbarians near one of Camelots borders. The Barbarians were 5000 strong and as you can guess. the situation for the 50 knights looked pretty hopeless.

We, of course, got wind of the attack, but many within the counsel and some of Arturs advises told him, that the knights could not be saved. I am ashamed of admitting it, but even I thought that the knights were going to be killed, But Arthur on the other hand, would not lose a single knight that day. Arthur readied Excalibur. mounted Llamrai and rode straight to his knight's side ''

'' Then what happened? '' said Jacob with excitement in his eyes.

Madoc looked Jacob dead serious in the eyes and said '' All of the knights of Camelot- Including me- were inspired by Arthurs selflessness and rode to join him in battle. We were able to kill about 2000 barbarians that day, and we did not even lose a single knight or squire for that matter. So you see, I still have a long way to go, before I can be, as great of a leader as my brother ''

'' Do not worry master. I know deep within my heart. That. That day will come '' said Jacob.

Madoc looked at his young squire and felt a warmth within his heart.

'' Let us begin our hunt, my squire ''

'' Yes Master! '' said Jacob and follow behind Madoc.

After walking into one of the forests near Camelot.

'' What are we hunting for master? '' said Jacob walking beside Madoc in the forest.

'' Well. We are hunting something that is eatable. So basically. The first thing we see. That is eatable. We kill it. '' said Madoc while holding his crossbow.

'' Understood. Master '' said Jacob while keeping pace with Madoc.

After walking a while. Jacob said '' The forest is quite beautiful. It is like something out of a fairy tale ''.

'' Indeed. I have walked these forests many times with my father and brother. When I was little '' said Madoc, but what Madoc did not notice - while Jacob noticed - that there were many mythical creatures within the forest. Like the fairies flying around and singing.

Jacob could not help but smile at nature's beauty, but unfortunately. The moment did not last. What both Jacob and Madoc did not notice however was that. Lug was standing on top of a cliff. Overlooking the forest, that Madoc and Jacob were in.

'' My, My, It looks like they are having the time of their lives down there and I can simply not allow that. Since I do not get to join in on that fun. until now of course '' said Lug. With his hood off.

'' Come Failinis. I have a task for you '' said Lug and out of nowhere. A hound appeared beside Lug.

'' See those two down there. eat them '' said Lug and Failinis ran down the cliff towards Madoc and Jacob, but while he ran down the cliff. Failinis suddenly grew in size. To the point. Where he was big as an elephant.

Down at the forest. Jacob could sense something was wrong. He looked around the forest and then said '' Master I think something is coming towards us ''.

'' Yeah. I can feel it too. It must be a bear of something bigger. The ground feels like it is about to burst open, at any moment. Jacob, be on your guard ''

'' Yes master '' but the second he said that. The trees near Madoc and Jacob suddenly went flying and in front of them stood Failinis, with his big red glowing eyes and fangs that could bite through diamonds.

Failinis roared at Jacob and Madoc. Failinis roar was so strong. That the trees behind Jacob and Madoc. Bend downwards. Jacob and Madoc. Had to do everything in their power. Not to fly away by the roar.

'' Jacob get out of here now! '' yelled Madoc and fired his crossbow, but the arrow broke on contact with Failinis skin.

'' No master, I refuse to leave your side ''

'' Stubborn boy '' said Madoc and drew his sword forth and charged straight at Failinis. Failinis, however, whipped his tail at Madoc. The power from Failinis tail, sent Madoc flying. Until he hit a tree and passed out. Now Failinis sight was now set on Jacob.

Jacob stared straight at Failinis red eyes with his own and said '' I have always beg father for a dog, but you, my furry friend. Is not the kind of dog I want ''

Failinis charged towards Jacob with full force. With the intention to kill. Jacob readied himself and jumped up in the air before Failinis could land his attack.

Jacob then kicked with all his might, Failinis straight on his nose. Jacob's kick was filled with so much force, that he sent Failinis flying.

'' Well, well. I did not think that I had it in me, but it seems that I am starting to learn, how to utilize the power of creation in terms of combat '' said Jacob after he landed on the ground.

Failinis went flying, so far. That he eventually landed in a nearby lake, but as Failinis laid in the water of the lake. The water changed color. Into a dark shade of red.

Failinis stood up and was ready to continue the fight, but then he heard Lug say '' That is enough Failinis. Return to my side at once ''.

Failinis did what he was told and vanished into thin air. Returning to Lug's side in his normal size.

Jacob (after seeing Failinis disappear) said '' Well I guess we won, but what in the hell did that dog do to the water? ''.

Jacob teleported near the lake and smelled the water and said '' It is wine. The dog turned the water into wine. Now that is a dog I know father would let me keep, but for now, I best check on my master ''.

Jacob then teleported to Madoc's side.

'' It seems that his armor protected him from any serious injuries, so at best, he just has some bruises '' said Jacob, But then Jacob heard a voice behind him.

'' Well, well, and here I thought, that I was the only one with hidden powers ''

Jacob turned around and said '' Myrddin Wyllt ''

'' No, Just Merlin '' said Merlin coming closer to Madoc and Jacob through some bushes.

'' What are you doing here Merlin? '' said Jacob.

'' Well I sensed some old magic near here and I found you. The odd thing is. That I also sensed a second massive magical energy here and some of that magic is coming from you, Jacob '' said Merlin.

Jacob just looked at Merlin without saying anything.

'' I see. That you have a gift as well '' said Merlin.

'' as well? '' replied Jacob with a confused look on his face.

'' You see. I can also use magic. Like you '' said Merlin.

'' Who says that I can use magic? '' said Jacob.

'' Well. Either you used some form of magic or maybe I am starting to lose my mind. Because, I just saw you, at that lake over there and then within a second. You were here beside Madoc '' said Merlin.

'' Maybe you are starting to lose your mind? '' said Jacob.

Merlin looked at Jacob and then said '' You have nothing to be afraid of. I will not tell anyone and I hope you will do the same for me ''

'' By that. I assume that King Arthur does not know that you have magic '' said Jacob and Merlin nodded his head and said '' Well if he did. He would be forced to thank me, for all the times I had to save his royal ass from danger ''.

Jacob laughed at that comment and said '' I think that I can trust you Merlin ''

Merlin smiled and said '' So what kind of magic do you wield? ''

'' I do not know, if it is some form of magic, but what I do know, is that I have been blessed with the power of creation from God. This allows me to make any inanimate thing I want and create any power and abilities I see fit, but for the time being. My father has put limits on the things I can create. For now, I have enhanced physical strength and the ability to teleport and to read other people's minds, but for some reason. I have not been able to read the minds of anyone in Camelot '' said Jacob.

'' Well, that is not surprising. Since I have cast a barrier over Camelot, that prevents any such ability '' said, Merlin.

'' Why? '' said Jacob.

'' Well. To put it simply. Do you know, how much trouble Camelot would be in, if Arthur's enemies knew all his secrets, but the reason, I think my barrier prevents you from using your power, is the fact that you have not yet reached your gifts, full potential. Like you said. Your father did put limiters on you. '' Said Merlin.

'' I see '' said Jacob.

'' But for now, I think it would be best if we went back to Camelot, before prince Madoc wakes up, and do not worry. I will come up with a cover story for you '' said Merlin.

'' Thank you, Ambrosius '' said Jacob.

'' It is still just Merlin, and by the way, does your teleport ability work on multiple people? '' said Merlin.

'' I do not know, but it is worth a shot '' said Jacob and closed his eyes to concentrate and after a few seconds. He, Merlin and Madoc all vanish in a blink of an eye.

Jacob was finally in his bed again. With his face in his pillow and he was tired after everything that had happened.

'' So was your first day as a squire that hard? '' said Mordred from on his bed.

'' No, It was actually really fun '' said Jacob.

'' Really? '' said Mordred '' All I did was polish the king's armor and stand in the courtroom all day listening to boring politics ''

'' Sounds fun.....'' said Jacob and fell asleep.

'' Ha. He must have used a lot of energy, to fall asleep that fast '' said Mordred and blew out the candle on the nightstand and also went to sleep.

In a far off cave.

A man wearing a cloaked hood walks within. The man reaches a pool within the cave, that the light of the moon shines on.

The man looks to his right and sees a crow looking back at him on a rock.

The man takes off his hood, and the person we see, is none other then Lug himself.

Lug raises his hand before the pool and says

'' I seek an audience with the Morrigan ''

The crow flies away from atop the rock it was, and then the waters in the pool starts to shake, and after a few seconds. A woman can be seen emerging from the waters.

'' We are the Morrigan. What is it you want Lug? '' said the Morrigan.

'' I wish to know the future. Pretty please '' said Lug.

'' So do many. Why should we tell you? '' said the Morrigan.

'' Because I asked nicely '' Said Lug with a smile.

The Morrigan just looked at him.

'' Fine. If you tell me what I want to know. Then I will give you some of Failinis delicious wine in exchange ''

'' Accepted '' said the Morrigan.

'' Wow. So even the goddess of fate can be won over by some wine ''

The Morrigan ignored that comment and said '' what is it that you wish to know? ''

'' I want to know the future of Arthur Pendragon, and of his brother Madoc Pendragon ''

'' Arthur's fate, is as it has always been. He shall die by the hands of Mordred and then, he shall become the once and future king of Britain. His brother, however, will take over the throne of Camelot. After Arthur's death. Making Madoc Pendragon the present king of Britain '' said the Morrigan.

'' How interesting. So what your saying is. That I can try to kill Madoc Pendragon as many times as I want. Because, it is not his fate to die just yet '' Said Lug.

The Morrigan just stared at Lug.

'' You have been most helpful Morrigan. I will be sure to send Failinis, with some of his wine as promised '' said Lug and put back on his hood, while he walked out of the cave he was in.

The Morrigan disappeared back into the waters.