
Jacob was asleep. He was exhausted from yesterday. Jacob wanted to sleep in, today. After all, he could just teleport to his master, a few seconds before sunrise, but it seems that someone else, had other, plans in mind.

Jacob suddenly felt a cold splash on his entire body.

Jacob immediately stood up on his bed, and what he saw before him, was Mordred with a bucket of cold water in his hands.

Jacob and Mordred just looked at each other, and then, Jacob gave chase to Mordred who ran out of the room.

Jacob chased Mordred inside the castle, until they ran into Merlin in the hallway.

" Waoo. Where is the fire? " Said, Merlin.

" The only fire here. Is the one I am going to start when I get my hands on Mordred " Said Jacob looking at Mordred, who was now, hiding behind Merlin's legs.

" Wow, Jacob. You really need to chill. Oh, wait " Said Mordred with a smug smile on his face.

" That is it. I am going to kill you now! " Said Jacob and was ready to charge through Merlin's legs to get to Mordred.

" Great. It is just one problem after another, this morning " Said Merlin putting both his hands on his face.

" Wait. What was the first problem? " Said Mordred.

" Well. Let us just say that the king wants to sleep in today, and refuses to get up " Said Merlin and sighed.

Jacob and Mordred just looked at each other.

King Arthur. A man who is a wise and noble king, but even he could not foresee what was about to happen.

Arthur suddenly woke up to a cold surprised and in front of him stood Mordred and Jacob, each with a bucket in their hands, and the three of them just stared at each other.

Prince Madoc was walking within the castle's hallway, looking for Jacob.

" Where is that boy? " said Madoc to himself.

Suddenly Madoc, saw Mordred and Jacob running down the hallway towards himself.

" Jacob, what is going on? " Said Madoc.

" Sorry master, but it seems, like, I will be late to practice today, " Said Jacob running past Madoc in the hallway.

Madoc looked behind at the two boys and then looked in front and saw his brother -Arthur- run past him. Still dripping cold water from his body and only wearing pants.

" What in the hell is going on? " Said Madoc with a confused look on his face.

" They gave the King a cold awakening " Said Merlin, standing beside Madoc in the hallway. Madoc had an even more confused look on his face.

From that day on. Arthur made the dungeons, a second home for the boys, for all the upcoming pranks, that Mordred and Jacob were going to pull off, in the future.

Jacob ran into a room in the basement within the castle.

" Seems I lost the King. I hope Mordred got away too " Said Jacob.

" Oh. Hello there Jacob ".

Jacob looked forward and saw Amir in front of him.

" Amir. What are you doing here? " Said Jacob.

" What do you mean? I work here. This is the court physicians room " Said Amir.

" Really? "

Jacob walked forward and looked around the room and saw books, herbs, and other medical materials.

" You sure are amazing for making all this stuff, Amir " Said Jacob.

" What are you talking about? Morgan Tud is the one who owns all this stuff "

" Morgan Tud sure is an amazing guy, " Said Jacob.

Amir had a confused look on his face and then Said

" Guy? ".

Seconds later, a door went open in the room and out walked a lady, with black hair and green eyes.

Jacob lend over to Amir and asked: " Who is that? "

" That is the head physician of Camelot and my master. The lady Morgana "

Jacob's mouth went wide open. Because Morgana is a person Jacob has only heard rumors about, but he never actually met her, until now.

Lady Morgana finally noticed Jacob and said " Oh hello there. Who are you? "

Jacob looked at Morgana and said " I… Um … I am Jacob. Prince Madoc's squire "

" Oh, you're Jacob. My brother has been singing your praises lately " Said Morgana and once again Jacob's mouth went wide open.

" Brother... Master Madoc is your brother!…..wait that means that King Arthur is also your brother!! " said Jacob.

" Well technically. They are my half-brothers, but yeah " Said Morgana.

Jacob looked back at Amir, and Amir nodded.

" But wait. Why are you called Morgan Tud? " Said Jacob and looked back at lady Morgana.

" Morgan tud is a nickname, given to me by the people " said Morgana.

" That nickname is not, the only thing, the people have given you " Said Jacob.

Morgana looked a little confused and said " What do you mean? "

" Well….. the people also say that your beauty is second to none " Said Jacob and Amir nodded.

" Oh please. I'm sure there is someone else here in Camelot, that's more pretty then me " Said Morgana.

" Beauty, humility and a sharp mind. My lady Morgana, you truly have everything " Said Jacob and Amir nodded once again.

The door to the room, then went open, and behind Amir and Jacob, walked in a man.

Amir sees the man and says " Sir Accolon"

Accolon walks in and Morgana's attitude changes.

" Oh my, and to what do we owe this great honor, of having you here, sir Accolon. Are you here for business or pleasure " Said Morgana and looked straight at Accolon with a smile. While Amir and Jacob just looked at each other, with confused looks on their faces. Actually. It was more Jacob that was confused.

" I am of course here for business. Head physician " Said Accolon and walked closer to the lady Morgana.

" Hmm….. What a shame. I would rather have enjoyed, seen your flustered face once again " Said Morgana and who now, stood face to face with Accolon, who blushed by her words.

" I don't understand. What is going on right now? " whispered Jacob to Amir.

" They are unofficially a couple, but neither one, has confessed yet, " Said Amir and Morgana looked straight at Amir and said " Did you say something Amir? " and without skipping a beat. Amir replied " No my lady "

Jacob noticed that Amir was now starting to sweat and came with a suggestion " My lady. Why do I and Amir not go and collect some herbs, in the nearby forest? "

" I think, that is a good idea, Jacob " Said Morgana.

Jacob and Amir then went to the door, but before they left. Amir lend over to Jacob and whispered: " Thank you "

At a nearby forest, that has many bountiful herbs. Jacob and Amir can be seen there, walking on the road.

" So Amir, since you're the expert here. What fun can we have here? " Said Jacob walking beside Amir.

Amir looked at Jacob confused.

" Are we not here to collect herbs?" Said Amir.

Jacob looked back at Amir and then said " Well, that is what I said to Morgana, to get us out of that awkward situation back there. Besides. It seems that lady Morgana and sir Accolon wanted some alone time. So now let us have some fun "

" But…. I always have fun doing my work " said Amir.

" Sure, but what do you do, when you're not working? " Said Jacob.

" I do research, experiments and think of new ways of making medicine " Said Amir.

Jacob now had a confused looked on his face and said what needed to be said " Amir.... you're are too serious and too boring "

Amir was shocked by Jacob's honesty, but then again. He had heard those words before.

Jacob then noticed, that Amir had lowered his head, looking down at the ground and was now sad, but then Jacob said " Amir, don't you ever lower your head for who you are "

Amir lifted his head. Looked at Jacob and said, " What do you mean? "

Jacob looked straight at Amir with a smile and said " You are passionate about what you do and that, is inspiring. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise "

Amir could not hold back his tears.

" No one, has ever said anything like that to me before " Said Amir with a trembling voice.

Jacob put his right hand on Amir's back and rubbed Amir's back.

Then a stranger walked up to Amir and Jacob and said

" Excuse me, young lads, but could you spare some water "

Amir (Within a second) took out a water bottle and some medicine from his backpack, and walked up to the stranger and said.

" Please, sir. Take these and may you have a good life "

Amir then gave, the stranger, the medicine and the water bottle.

The stranger then said.

" You, young boy, have a good and big heart. Do not, let anyone tell you otherwise "

Amir was shocked and said " You are the second person today, that has said something like that to me " Amir then looked at Jacob.

The stranger then, also looked at Jacob, and said

" Well. Same minds do think alike "

Jacob just looked at the stranger, with a forced smile. Because for some reason. The stranger made Jacobs's skin crawl.

" May the gods grant you both, a good and long life " Said the stranger and walked past the two boys.

Jacob and Amir looked back at the stranger.

Then Jacob put his right arm around Amir's neck and said " Let us go and collect some herbs, My friend "

Amir had a warm smile on his face and said " yeah. My friend "

When there was a long-distance between the stranger, Amir, and Jacob.

The stranger took off the hood that was hiding his face and revealed himself to be none other than Lug, and all Lug did was. He took a sip of water out from the water bottle and smiled.