Caroline's POV
Oh my god! My brother is sick. Time to not panic. I can figure out why he mysteriously came up with this illness. It's odd because he never had an illness where he is so sick. So anyways, I got him a Among Us plushie and I don't know what to do with my life anymore. Hell, my parents might've not liked him but I did and I knew he looked up to me as his big sister. We honestly never got along but we had our bonding moments. I can't lose him. He's my everything and he's my little brother.
Nurse's POV
Uh I don't know what to say... Sorry about that some weird girl's diary.
Ms. Andersen's POV
Raphael is a sweet boy and I hope he has a speed recovery from his mysterious illness.
Caroline's POV
Please pray that my brother recovers. See you soon, diary!