Chapter Six

Ms. Andersen held Caroline's hand. "It's alright darling. He'll be fine", said Ms. Andersen. Caroline sighed but was stressed out. She decided to go to Cass's house. She knocked on the door and Cass opened the door. "Hey Caroline", said Cass. "Can I please talk to you about something in the house please?" Asked Caroline. Cass nodded. They sat on the couches. "So what do you want to talk about?" Asked Cass. "It's about Raphael. He mysteriously fell ill this morning and he's now in the hospital. The thing is he never gets that sick", said Caroline as she bursted into tears. Cass hugged. "Calm down. It's okay. Come with me in the basement. I think I might know what's going on", said Cass. They went down in the basement and Cass got out a magical ball. "Good thing. I bought new candles", said Cass. She light the candles and held Caroline's hand. "Please don't tell my mother about this. She can't know", said Cass. Caroline nodded. Cass got out a spell book. "Okay, so you need to take a DNA test to see if you're a descendent of a witch or something like that", said Cass.

"Pull out a hair strand", said Cass. "I don't want to pull out my blonde strand", said Caroline. Caroline pulled out a brown hair strand and gave it to Cass. Cass gave Caroline a glass shard. "Now cut yourself", said Cass. "What?! No!" Yelled Caroline. Cass sighed. "We're not going to be able to find a cure for your brother if we don't run the DNA test", said Cass. Cass held Caroline's hand. "Please do this as if your brother is fighting for his life", said Cass. Caroline slit her hand palm as hard as she could. Caroline squeezed her hand for blood to come out in the cauldron. She cried in pain. Cass gave Caroline a bandaid and smiled. "Thanks so much", said Cass. She got out shampoo and poured it in the cauldron. She got out a stick and stirred the mixture. "Sacrifice! Sacrifice!" She yelled. Caroline was waiting for the mixture to be done. "Yeah, we have to wait a day to find out your DNA", said Cass. Caroline sighed. "Want to go to the skating rink?" Asked Caroline. Cass nodded.

Caroline and Cass went to the skating rink. Cass skated with Caroline. The "weird girl" walked to them. "Hello Cass Reid and Caroline Patterson with a II", said the "weird girl". Caroline was a little creeped out but she waved back. "Ignore her", said Cass. Caroline skated in a circle. "Come on silly. Skate with me", said Caroline. Cass chuckled and skated with Caroline until Caroline's phone was ringing at the bench. "Shit, let me get my phone", said Caroline. She took off her skating shoes and ran to the bench. She checked her phone and it was Ms. Andersen calling. "My foster mom is calling", said Caroline. Caroline answered the phone. "Hello?" Asked Caroline. "Where the hell are you?!" Asked Ms. Andersen. Caroline gulped. "I was spending time with Cass", said Caroline. "I'm at the hospital and we have bad news. I need you to come over there right now", said Ms. Andersen. Caroline agreed and hung up the phone. "I have to go sorry", said Caroline.