Transferee Guy

1st of August. 10:55 AM.

The morning assembly is almost over. We are now watching an opening school year video. The entire one hour and a half was a total waste of time because everything was just dull and annoying at the same time.

Annoying because I had to sit next to Mr. Transferee.

When the bell rang for lunch, everyone was swarming away from the theatre and into the cafeteria. Mr. Transferee was just following us quietly behind and not saying a word ever since we had that little encounter.

He is getting on my nerves. I don't know why! Maybe because he has not said anything for the past hour? He's driving me nuts.

"Okay. It's lunchtime, and we gotta eat. This is the cafeteria. So, go buy yourself some food, and we'll be off somewhere else," I said, stopping his tracks before the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Don't even try to follow us anymore. We're done here for the morning. Go find someone else to bother going back to the room," I said and turned my back on him without waiting for a response.

The girls and I went to our usual spot at the university, which is the park. The three girls were gossiping about some guys and girls hooking up with each other last spring break. I didn't listen to any further details because my mind is once again somewhere else.

I can see the pond and some trees at the school park giving just the right amount of shade to the students sitting by the ground. The pond looks very beautiful, mirror-like, and calm; unlike my life, that is the total opposite. I keep thinking that I wish I could turn back time, but I know I can't and that it is impossible to do so. I almost cried out in frustration and sadness when Valerie snapped her fingers in front of me.

"Hello? Are you there, Lu? You keep spacing out since this morning in class. Are you fine?" Valerie asked, looking sneakily happy than concerned.

"I'm okay, Valerie. No need to worry. There's just a lot of things weighing on my mind right now," I said and sighed.

"Like the party, you're gonna throw us on Friday, right? You know what? I think we should party tomorrow night or tonight! What do you think, Lu? We should celebrate your comeback!" Valerie excitedly said. Hearing the words "party" and "tonight" were enough to make my head spin.

"Oh yeah, about that, Valerie. I don't feel like throwing a party. A lot just happened last year that partying now makes no sense for me at all," I said. I didn't lie when I told her this, but she didn't buy it.

"C'mon on!! Are you kidding me? No party? Not at all? Are you insane, Lu? You're back at the top, and you're not throwing a party? You have to at least make it known to people that they cannot mess with Luna Harper, shouldn't they?" Valerie pressing this matter is a danger to me. How can I say yes to this when I don't even have the money to throw some socialite parties with Junior students?

"Okay, I will think about it," I said. (What the hell Luna? What's there to think about?! But do I even have a choice?)

"Whatever. A party is a MUST for a Queen, right girls?" Val turned to the girls, and they nodded in response. I just turned away and grabbed my sandwich for lunch.

"Are you on a diet, Lu? Tuna sandwich? Is your family going on a food strike? Why is your lunch like that?" Kate asked, pointing at the only food I could make for myself this morning.

"Oh, this? I don't mind. I forgot to grab my lunch earlier this morning because I woke up very late," I replied. I think I am becoming an expert in lying.

"You should've told us earlier when we were still at the cafeteria, Lu," Jane said. I just shrugged and ignored their comments. I don't want this to turn into a big deal.

"That Nathaniel guy seems to be into you, Lu!" Kate said, trying to change the topic. Maybe she noticed my disapproving look at the subject.

"What?! No way!."

"You don't mind me getting him right, Lu? Since you're not a single-hearted gal." I woosh away my hand, basically telling them 'whatever.' I don't care about boys right now. I don't have time for it at all.

I heard the girls talking about Nathaniel, the transferee guy. He got into the university with a scholarship grant and was said to be an orphan. He's living with his aunt somewhere on the `poor` side avenue. Well, at least he has his scholarship.

"Attention, students. Calling out to Ms. Luna Harper. Ms. Luna Harper. Please proceed to the headmistress's office now. Thank you!" the campus broadcaster said.

"Why are you being summoned, Lu?" Jane asked.

"I don't know exactly what's going on here, but I haven't even started trashing the first day yet."

"Exactly," Valerie agreed and laughed. I just walked away and hopped into the shuttle car.

I arrived at the headmistress's office. I was held up waiting because it seems that she has a meeting with some significant person. I browsed my phone for some old pictures we had together back then. I miss him so much. We could've been happier, but before I even started going too deep with my emotions and started crying, the door opened. I saw an old man who is the same age as my grandfather walking out the door. The headmistress and his hand shook first before parting ways. After that, the headmistress called me into her office.

Her office is quite spacious. At the back of her table is a big window with an outside view of overseeing the entire university from above. There were shelves on each side of the room filled with books and records, I guess of students from the past. The floor is carpeted in a burgundy shade. Having an affair here is easy, especially during the night. No one can hear you from trashing the entire place, plus you can do all the naughty things you can think of inside the room. Maybe, like a roleplay?

I stopped myself from thinking any more fantasies and followed the headmistress. She offered me a drink before sitting down. I replied, asking for a glass of water.

"I'm surprised to see you here at the university, Ms. Harper. After everything that happened." I was just about to sit down, but I immediately fell to the chair, and my eyes wide-opened, looking straight at her after hearing the words that came out from her mouth.

"Oh yes, I very much know your current status, Ms. Harper. You have nothing at all. Because of past mistakes, one's life has been greatly changed, and that is you, Ms. Harper. How are you holding up?" Headmistress asked with a calm and refined voice, but I don't feel like she is concerned. I think it was the opposite.

"I--I…" I stammered for the first time. I was afraid of this—someone knowing my secret. My pride in being Queen shattered into pieces just because this person right in front of me now knows.

"You are not much of an A student before Ms. Harper. Your grades are all below average, and knowing your situation, we cannot grant you any special treatment," Headmistress Brown said while smirking. Her authority is intimidating, and I can feel it all over the room. I can only fiddle my fingers in desperation and hope to come up with something to make me stay in the university. It is my senior year already. One more, and I am done.

"Headmistress Brown, even though that record says I am no role model in this university, this school has been my life. Graduating from such a prestigious university and finding a job easily is what I need right now. You may not believe me when I say I have changed over the past year, but if you are in my situation, I am very much sure that you too will have an eye-opening moment," I explained. I was about to cry, but I held it in, but the desperate voice escaped with every word I said.

"You cannot expect when your life will change, huh?"

"Excuse me?" Confused at her reaction, I wiped the little tears off my face.

"Your grandfather called me yesterday. He told me you could continue studying here until your graduation."

I was surprised that my grandfather even cared enough to take care of my education when we are all living under a roof with no water and electricity. But beggars can't be choosy, right?

"Yet, he has conditions… " Headmistress caught my attention, and I just sat there listening attentively to her next choice of words. Knowing grandfather, everything comes with a price for him.

"Your grades must be above average, and you will have to be an exemplary student at this university."

Hearing what the conditions are might have been hard for me if it was the party-girl Luna, but I do need this, and I have to work on this, or else I will be kicked out. The second condition sounds like a PR stunt to me. I could honestly read the headlines when I graduated: 'Rebellious student turns Exemplary—graduate from Greenfield University, the grandchild of Edward Harper.'

"You will be expecting the best from me from now on, Headmistress Brown," I said in confidence.

"Oh, I will Ms. Harper. I will be observing you from now on. Remember, one wrong move, and you are out," she said the last words sharply with a threatening voice. Yet, if grandfather is the one backing me up in school, I'm sure I get three warnings before I even get kicked out. I will use those three warnings appropriately.

Then I remembered, "Headmistress Brown, I do have one favor to ask, and that is my situation should not be public knowledge in the university. This will work in your favor too, am I right?"

"Don't worry, Ms. Harper. Your grandfather has his way of saying, don't mess with the Harpers." I felt relieved when Headmistress Brown said it. I thought I would lose it. The only thing left I have of my previous life is myself on the throne as Queen B (Bitch).

After the long conversation I had with Headmistress Brown, I have to breathe some fresh air. I went up to the rooftop of our room's building. It is restricted, but I have my ways of being able to sneak out to it.

During the old dark days, I might have slept with some guard who has access here. I was almost caught sneaking but acted my way out, and surprisingly the guard has his eyes all over me. It was so easy to read that I could just seduce him right then and there, and he will give me what I want. I made out with him and maybe gave him a felatio while sucking out his remaining dignity as a man and as the university's security personnel.

I put the key in but to my surprise; it was already opened. I shrugged and just went along with it. I continued walking to my usual spot. Just right where the shade is at. I sat down - my back behind the wall, looking where I came. I lit up a stick and smoked.

Whenever I cannot handle pressure from academics or the girls or my life in total, I escape here at the rooftop. I always feel like I'm near the heavens even if I know I'm not going there when I die after everything I have done in the past. But I feel safe, and that's what I need right now—a safe haven.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard something thumped. I stood up immediately, afraid of getting caught. It's not a good moment to get caught in a restricted area, you know?

Suddenly a silhouette of a man with his unbuttoned shirt, tie loose, and jacket on his right hand appeared right in front of me. His eyes were looking straight at me.

"You!" I said in annoyance. I sat back down when I recognized his face. I relaxed and thought that it wasn't something I should get all worked up.

"Hello, Ms. Harper," he said.

"Transferee. What are you doing here? And how did you even get in when the door was supposed to be locked? This is my territory." I said without looking at him and just continued to smoke.

"Oh, that. Well, I work as a student assistant in the technical service office. They asked me to check the lock of the door. When I tried to check it, it opened, and I was amazed by the view here. So, I just sat for a while, and I guess I took a nap for a minute or two." He explained while rubbing the back of his head and looking down at the floor, feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah, whatever."

Then he was just standing there, and I looked up to him. Suddenly, I felt comfortable around him - his warmth. I shook my head and stood up. I walked to him and he raised his head to level his eyes with me. He was still holding his jacket over one shoulder and his other hand in his pocket. The wind blew, which messed his hair a little more, showing his golden eyes staring right directly through me.

For a second, I wanted to be my old self. Play and seduce. Yet, something about him tells me he's dangerous, and this innocent act of his is just a facade.

Our heights are almost the same, thanks to my heeled shoes. He takes a step back as I take a step forward closer to him. The wind was bustling, and we could still hear the students from the ground chattering and busy walking. The birds are chirping. My eyes were stuck on his chest, which was almost revealed because of his unbuttoned shirt.

Finally, I was up to him, and I locked him in place by putting my hands beside his face just right above his shoulders.

"This is my territory. You can leave," I said with authority while whispering it to his right ear. I could smell his oceanic perfume, and it was perfect for him.

I put my hands down and turned my back on him, but I suddenly felt a strong hand gripped my wrist and pulled me over to him. His one hand was over my nape and the other was still gripping on my wrist. I struggled to move, but he was stronger than me.

"You know, Ms. Harper, I could make a move here right now if I wanted to. I may look innocent, but I am not. You don't want to get on my nerves because you don't want to make an enemy of me or you'll regret it for the rest of your life," he smirked. His voice whispering to my ear gave me goosebumps. It was sexy despite its threatening words.