The Relay

A week has passed, and it has been pretty quiet in the university. I am doing well in class. By well, I mean I manage to get average scores on a few tests. I am proud of myself since this is a really unusual achievement for me. The girls haven't asked or even brought up the topic of what happened during the party. It is as if it never happened.

Everyone is busy taking out their gym clothes from the locker and undressing to prepare for class.

"Why does our gym class have to be an outdoor activity?" Valerie complained.

For our physical education class this year, we have to do track and field. I actually don't mind doing this activity for the year since I have loved running ever since. Whenever I do my runs and put on good music, I feel worry-free.

"I know, right. We all get sweaty and smelly," Kate secondly complained.

"Well, at least it's not just us," Jane jokingly said while glancing at the door that shows the boys' shower room. I shook my head, smiling at Jane's comment. These girls only know how to play but never commit.

I looked at Valerie, who seems to be having a hard time with her laces. She looks frustrated. I walked up to her after tying my hair up in a messy bun.

"Let me do that," I said, kneeling down in front of her to tie her shoelaces. Valerie let out a big sigh.

"What's the matter? Something going on with Chase? Do you want me to kill him?" I asked. It's the only reason I could think of. When Valerie couldn't do a simple task well will always mean that something is bothering her.

"No. It's not. Well, kinda. It's just things at home too," Valerie said. This is my first time hearing her out like this.

"Well, if you want to drink this problem away, you know who to call," I said, finishing the last knot.

I stood up, ready to go out of the shower room, when Val grabbed my hand. "You know what, Lu…" she said, trying carefully to choose her next words.


She stood up and walked next to me. "You seem different," she whispered to my ear, then continued walking out of the room. She left me frozen to the place I was standing.

'Does she know?' I thought.

All of the students in our class were gathered in the field. Our coach was giving rules and instructions on what to do for the day. We will be doing a relay. Students will be grouped, and they will be positioned on the field. We have to pass the baton from one person to the next until the last person arrives at the finish mark.

"Any question?" the coach asks. Everyone shook their heads in reply to the coach.

"Okay, we will have to draw lots to determine your groups," Coach announced. Students formed a line to draw from the bowl the coach was holding.

I took my turn, and the result is Group 1. I turned to the girls to see if we are in the same group, but it seems we will be separated for the day. Kate and Jane are together while Valerie and I are on separate teams. I know for a fact that the three are not sporty at all, so maybe it's a good thing that we are separated. The competitiveness in me is kicking in.

"Go to your groups now and plan who will be positioned where," the coach instructed. Everyone was so noisy shouting the number of the group they belong to.

When the others gathered for the team, a familiar voice came up behind me.

"Is this group one?" he said. I looked to confirm who it was, and I was right. It was Nate.

"Nate," I said, greeting him.

"Luna," he said without looking at me.

Things have been really awkward between us. Things are just utterly awkward from the party to stay at his home and the homework we did. We have exchanged greetings but not really more than that. To think we did something out of the heat of the moment, things would slowly turn to something I don't know what. But you know, I thought we could be at least "civil" friends.

The team gathered and talked about our positions on the track. The three other team members are not runners, so they asked if they could position themselves first. I agreed, and so did Nate. Nate will be placed second to the last, and I will deliver the baton to the finish line.

"Are done planning?" the instructor asked. Everybody chimed in, saying yes.

"Then, go to your positions. When I blow the whistle, you start running," the instructor said.

We all went to our places. The girls wished me good luck and as did I to them. I went past by Nate, and he held me by the wrist.

"Check your laces before you run," he whispered and let go of my hand. I looked down at my shoes and saw if they were untied but were not, so I shrugged and went my way.

I stretched my arms and legs, getting ready to run. It's been a while since I felt my entire body so active. I really love doing anything active because I love the adrenaline it gives me.

The instructor blew his whistle, and the students were cheering for their teammates. Even if I was stationed far from them, I could hear them screaming. I could see the first five students running as fast as they can. My first teammate is running well. She had good posture, and her legs are a lot longer than the others, so she's gaining more advantage than the others. I can't help but also jump in place and scream to cheer my teammate.

Few more batons were passed from one person to another until the third person in our team was now running towards Nate. I saw Nate getting ready, and all focused. He leaned his body forward, prepared to receive the baton, and positioned his legs well to be able to turn his body and immediately start running. Our team was leading, and next was Valerie's team.

Valerie nudged me on the shoulder, so I looked at her.

"May the best team win?" she asked. I could hear her challenging me.

"Of course," I said, smirking.

Nate was running fast, and his posture is better than the rest of the students I have seen so far. He's also an athlete? What else can this guy not do anyway?

I positioned myself correctly, ready to receive. Nate stretched his arm for me to be able to reach his baton. When it was in my range, I grabbed it and started running. As soon as I grabbed it, he lowered his body, holding his weight by placing his hands on his knees. He was catching his breath.

I was running as fast as I could and breathing in rhythm so that I wouldn't catch my breath immediately. I looked to my left and right and saw that I am leading the race.

A grin was painted all over my face.

Ah! This feeling of being number one again feels good. I don't feel like a loser at all. I missed being on top, not worrying about any shit of grades or having no money on my wallet. Maybe, I have been spoiled too much. I have been dependent on my parents' earnings, but… Damn!

A part of me is also grateful because I am starting to feel like I am my own person. I feel like I could bring so much more than being a rich spoiled brat born as a billionaire.

I was a few more meters away from the finish line. People were screaming and cheering for me too. I could hear them. Valerie was just a few steps behind. When I was about to cross the finish line, everything suddenly blacked out.

I opened my eyes, but everything was still blurry. I tried to observe where I am, and it smells like a hospital scent. I then felt a sharp pain in my head. I touched it and was surprised to feel a bandage wrapped around it.

"Where the hell am I?" I huskily asked, not knowing if there are people around because I am still trying to adjust my senses.

"Luna, how are you feeling?" I hear a familiar voice beside my bed. I felt the sensation of my hand being held, but I can't see who it is. "Wait a minute, my dear. I'll call the doctor, okay?" she said, brushing my hair away from my face and then left.

A few minutes later, my senses had finally adjusted, and I noticed that I'm in the hospital. The last thing that I remember was I was about to cross the finish line at our PE class.

The door opened with a doctor and a nurse, and Mrs. Gibbs. I was surprised to see that Mrs. Gibbs was here with me. The doctor looked at the monitor that was beside my bed. He then smiled at me and started asking questions.

"Do you know what your name is?" he asked. I nod.

"What is it?"

"Luna Harper," I answered with a husky voice.

"Good. Now, where are you?" he asked again.

"At the hospital," I answered, feeling confused with all these questions.

"What time do you think it is?"

"Evening?" I replied, unsure of the answer.

"Let me do a few tests, okay?" the doctor asked, and I nod as a reply.

The doctor was checking me and was saying things I don't understand to the nurse. He also asked me to smile and then hold his flashlight to my eyes. The nurse was jotting it all down on her paper. He held up his hands, asking me to answer how many fingers I see he is holding up.

"Okay, so far, you seem to be doing great. But I like you to stay for a few more days here to make sure you are not gonna experience other symptoms of concussion," the doctor explained.

"That would be great," Mrs. Gibbs said in relief.

"Will you be her guardian?" the doctor turned to Mrs. Gibbs, and I felt happy to see that she nodded in reply to his question.

"Her mother is not around that frequently. I'm her landlady," Mrs. Gibbs explained.

"Then, please follow me. You'll have to fill out some paperwork for Ms. Harper," the doctor said.

The room was then quiet after they left. I was trying to remember what happened to me before I blacked out, yet all I can remember is that I was about to pass the finish line.

Suddenly, a rush of anxiety came over me.

This is not good. Grandfather will get mad at me again for this. For sure, he will contact me or someone near me. I still have money left from what he gave us before. I think I can pay half of the bill and then just make an installment for the rest. Is that even possible?

A little later, Mrs. Gibbs opened the door. She was holding a bouquet in one hand and a small box in the other.

"Mrs. Gibbs, what's that?" I curiously asked.

"Well, someone gave it to me on the way back here. The person told me to tell you to get well soon," she said.


"It was some guy. He was familiar, though?" Mrs. Gibbs said, trying to remember the person she just bumped into.

"Where do you want me to put this?" she asked.

"Anywhere you see fit, Mrs. Gibbs," I replied.

I settled my body comfortably on the bed. I kept the blanket up to my neck while fidgeting it with my fingers because I still can't seem to piece everything together. All I can really remember is the relay and nothing more than that.

Did I win?

"Are you gonna rest now, dear? I'll have to get back to the apartment to grab some things or also some of your clothes," she asked. I only nod as a reply because I can't stop thinking.

Mrs. Gibbs was about to leave the room when she came back and looked at me.

"Ah, I remember. He introduced himself when he called me on your phone. His name was Nate. He was the one who was with you from your school till you got admitted here in the hospital. You better thank him when you see him, okay?" Mrs. Gibbs said, and left the room.

My jaw dropped, and I was left shocked. Alone in the room.

Nate? Again?