In the Old Manor

I have never been in the manor for more than a year now, and it feels distant to be in this place again.

The rustic gates creak as they opened when our driver spoke by the intercom.

"You've been awfully quiet. Has your tongue been cut out from you, dear?" My grandfather mischievously said.

"It's been a while, Grandfather, that I've stepped into the grounds of the manor," I said while trying my best to gawk my eyes through the window just to evade his stare.

I never knew I would be back in this place — not this soon. The memories still haunt me, and I know Grandfather will love to see me suffer, for he has been tough to be around since the accident.

It is still half a kilometer away or so before you get to see the manor from the gate. It's not visually seen from the main road as woods hide it. After a few minutes, the mansion is in view. Just right in front of it is a big fountain placed in the center of the roundabout. The car makes a semi-circle and stops by the front of the manor. As I got out of the car, I looked around. I see a bunch of bushes lined up with flowers blooming from its stems. I smell the fragrance the flowers bring and the fresh air the wind blows towards me.

It's indeed been a while since I have been here.

The house staff lined the upper step on the staircase leading up to the main door. In unison, they greeted my Grandfather and me.

"Miss Luna!!!" a familiar voice shouted my name from a distance. I turned around and saw my most favorite person.

"Nanny Nora!!" I ran to her and hugged her tight. She responded and pulled me away after a minute, looking at me from head to toe.

"You've grown, my dear, and you look different," she said with a worried tone in her voice.

"Oh silly you, Nora! I'm still the same babe you took care of after all these years. I have missed you so much," I said, hugging her once again.

I got goosebumps when I heard Grandfather clearing his throat. I forgot that I came with him. I got too excited seeing Nora still being an employee of the house.

"Forgive me, Lord Harper! I could not control myself as I have missed your granddaughter ——"

"Enough. Luna, see me at the study by 8 pm tonight. Help yourself with dinner," Grandfather coldly instructed and went his way. When he was out of sight, Nora and I giggled.

We hugged once more after that and another one after that. I almost cried while embracing her in my arms. Nora was one of those people who taught me to enjoy life, for we are but living a short one. She always knows how to cheer me up every time Grandfather scolds me for something I have done to disappoint him. Nora has always treated me like her own daughter, for she lost hers during labor.

"What do you want to do here, Miss? When your Grandfather told us that you would be coming, I immediately prepared your room. Do you want to see it?" She asked while gleefully holding my hand. I can genuinely feel that she is happy to see me. I nod as a response to her question.

We walked up the staircase to the main door, and the other maids opened it for us. As soon as the door opened, I could see the giant staircase from the left leading up to the second floor. I remember that it was the same staircase I walked down when I had my first gala. The staircase is a big open hall that works as a living room now, but during parties and galas can actually become a small ballroom. The hallways are long aside from this one. Anyone can really get lost here if you are new to the manor.

Nora was in front of me, guiding me to my room. I cannot help but still get mesmerized by how big the manor is, as if it was my first time in a place like this. Nora was talking about how things were in the estate when I was away. I can't seem to focus on what she was saying at the moment. She opened the door to my room, and I scanned the room and remembered pieces of memories from the past - both good and bad.

As we entered the room, Nora showed me the changes made since I last stayed here. She was excited and all, but I felt the total opposite.

"N-Nora," I called, but she didn't hear me.

"Nora!" I shouted, which caught her attention. She stopped - shocked for raising my voice then faced me.

"I'm sorry, Miss. I didn't mean to--"

"Can you just leave me for a while? I will call you if I'm ready for supper. I just want to be alone." While walking to the window facing my bed, I said where the moon can be observed as it goes up for the night.

"Yes, of course, Miss. I'll take my leave," she said and left the room in silence.

I thought I was already strong enough to be back here because I have endured enough this past year. I thought I could stand with my head held high when I came back, but I was wrong. All the emotions are coming back, rushing to me all at once. I dropped to my knees with my head placed by the window frame, crying my heart out.

"I'm sorry…" was all I could say repeatedly.

After a few minutes of sorrowfully crying alone in my room, I stood up and went by the big bookshelf in my room. I slid a particular book in a row that welcomed a secret compartment. It was my Father's brilliant idea!

"Remember, my dear; I love you despite the harsh teachings I show you. I want you to grow up independently and spoiled with my love. Thus I made this space for you that only I and you know about it. This is where you could hide all your chocolates and most treasured stuff," he said before when he presented me the compartment.

I was still a kid back then. I was astonished, and it was truly always filled with sweets wherein Mother did not know anything about. I remember she was always so furious because I kept having chocolate stains on my bed but couldn't find where I got the chocolates. Mom and Dad have those little fights now and then because Mom always accuses Dad of spoiling me too much.

On the top shelf, a particular box stands out. It's a customized woven box with a heart lock. I took it out of its place and put it on top of the bed. I closed the secret compartment, and from the bookshelf, I took out a classic romance novel by Shakespeare: "Romeo and Juliet. " I flipped the book on its back cover and revealed a taped key. I took it and then placed it back in the book. I sat on my bed and opened the box.

It was my treasure box. Whenever I have gone somewhere for the first time, I take a trinket with me then store it in this little box of mine. I had my corsage from my junior high school ball, a pack of white sand when we went to the beach for the first time as a family, and another bunch of stuff that people may either find weird or sentimental. A particular photo captured my attention. It was when I was six years old. It was my first time in an amusement park. Mom and Dad brought me there as a Christmas present.

I remember that I was throwing a fit in the manor. I was a spoiled brat. I kept on disturbing the maids with their preparation for the Christmas Ball. Grandfather was so furious that Dad brought me to the amusement park to calm me down the next day. I can't even remember why I was throwing a fit back then. Maybe, I just wanted attention because everyone else was so busy with their lives, and I'm left alone in the corner to play with my teddy bear.

I took the photo out of the box and put it inside my wallet. I look at the time and find that I will definitely be late for dinner if I don't start prepping now. I walked to my bathroom and took a quick hot shower. After wrapping my hair in a towel and wearing my robe, I looked at myself in front of this big mirror. I carefully chose the products I will be using for my skincare. Once I was done, I went to my walk-in closet.

Everything lit up when I walked in - from my closet shoe to the compartments that held my clothes and bags. All of them were still as how I left them a year ago. I don't see any dust nor dirt piling up on my clothes, bags, or shoes. I should remind myself to thank Nora for keeping my things clean and tidy. I know that this is added work to her daily routines because, for sure, Grandfather doesn't mind my items getting worn out.

I picked out a simple nightdress in white. Its fabric is as soft as cotton. Its length is until my ankles, and its sleeves comfort me with its airy puff sleeves. It's not too sheer that it's inappropriate to wear around the manor. Still, it's elegant enough to present me before Grandfather.

I dried my hair and brushed it like how my father did when I was a child. I kept my hair down, which I usually don't do. Just as I put down my brush, I heard Nora knocking on my door.

"Miss Luna, supper is ready," she said.

"Coming!" I replied.

I opened my door and saw her standing aside. "Your Grandfather is already waiting up for you at the dining hall," Nora said. He's early! We picked up our pace and arrived at the hall just a few minutes after.

The butler addressed me where I will be sitting and adjusted the chair for me to sit on.

"Forgive me, Grandfather," I said. He did not say a word but signaled the maids and butlers to serve the food already. Nora asked me if I would drink wine or juice, but Grandfather intervened and told Nora to do us wine.

"I'm sure you don't mind drinking our own, Luna," Grandfather said while slicing his steak. He's too far away, for we were sitting on opposite sides of the table.

"Yes, Grandfather. I don't," I replied. The butler poured me a glass of wine, and as soon as it dropped on my drink, I can definitely smell the sweet aroma of red wine.

Silence falls once again. I can only hear the clanking of our utensils as we eat our meal. It's been a long time since I have sat at this table and eaten fancy food prepared by the household.

"How is school, my dear?" Grandfather asked. I stopped at what I was doing and looked at Grandfather directly. He didn't bother to glance back in my way and continue with his eating.

'My dear.' Did Grandfather call me that? I haven't heard that ever since. He never calls me that.

"School is… difficult. Turning in a new leaf is harder than I expected it to be," I answered. He laughed at my reply.

"Turning a new leaf? Is that really it, my dear? I hear you are even barely holding it all together," he said. I gripped on my spoon and fork, trying to calm myself. This is Grandfather. This is how mischievous he can be.

"Remember, dear, no one can ever get all they want," he said, looking directly at me as he holds a glass of wine in his hand and threatening me.

"I know. That's why despite your riches, Grandfather, you'll never be content and happy," I shot back. I didn't mind glaring back but focus on the meat in front of me. Grandfather slammed the table, but I didn't flinch.

"Meet me at the study, Luna," he said. I didn't answer. He left me at the dining hall alone, and I felt a smack on my head from behind. I shouted in pain.

"You, little girl! Why did you answer back to Mr. Harper?" Nora said.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked.


"I didn't. I know it's the truth. Grandfather is obsessed with his riches that he never was content to the point he lost Grandma," I said.

"Shh!! Stop that. He might hear you," Nora said, putting her hand on my mouth. "Finish that and go to his study room."

After I had finished my dinner, I went directly to Grandfather's study. As I entered his room, he was standing by the window. The moon cast a long shadow behind him, illuminating his face that shows his authority and confidence as the head of the family.

"Grandfather," I curtsied soon as the door behind me closed.

Our family may be living in an American dream, but our roots are in England. That's why Grandfather has a sense of authority, strictness, and old traditions.

"Sit," he said without turning his attention to me. I sat by the chair in front of his table. My shoulders spread and posture wholly refined.

"It has been too long, Luna. Our family has lived for generations. Your greatest grandfather and grandmother were born in a middle family. Still, because of their hard work and determination, they started a small business back in England. Soon after, we expanded our territory. I expanded it, which was supposed to be of your father's and then yours," Grandfather said. He lit up his tobacco which gave the air an awful scent. I never liked the smell of it. I drink, but I never smoked.

"With your wits and firm decisions, the Harper Corporation has been known worldwide," I said, affirming his statement and complimenting him at the same time.

"From a small farm in England, shipping goods from one town to another then another country, now we dominate the consumer industry. We have built malls, control some oil sources, and such. Our name is feared," he said with a proud voice.

"Your name," I stressed my words. He laughed at my comment.

"True. And soon it will be yours," he said, looking straight at me. A shiver came down my spine as I heard his words that it'd soon be mine.

"What--You mean?"

"Yes, Luna. You are your Father's daughter. He has trained you well, and since you are nearing the age of 21, I was hoping you could run a portion of our family's wealth. I need to see if you are capable and will not disappoint yet again," he said.

All I ever dreamed of was to be recognized by my Grandfather and Mother. This is a big responsibility that has fallen to my lap. I am speechless at the moment.

"I--I don't know what to…" before I even finished my sentence. I realized that Grandfather would never trust me, something as big as this, knowing that I am also my Mother's daughter, who he hates so much that he threw us away a year ago. He wants something from me. He will be taking something away from me in replacement for this great honor.

"What's the catch?" I said, standing and slamming the table right in front of me.

"See? You are truly your father's daughter," he said smiling.

"Get to the point, Grandfather," I said sharply.

Grandfather walked up to me and placed his head behind my ear, and said, "Stay away from that Cooper kid." My eyes widened with what he said enough for me to lose my balance. He left me alone in his study, still in shock at the words that left his mouth.

Grandfather knows everything.