Exams and The Answer

Today's Monday of the first week of September. It's also the first exam week, and I know that I really have to get good grades to have enough points if I falter in the next grading period.

I woke up early, around quarter to six o'clock in the morning. Somehow my sleep was really lovely. Yesterday was a blast - an unexpected one at that. Nate and I spent the entire day at his apartment and watched different movies from the Romance genre to Horror films. Nate was a bit of a scaredy-cat, and I laughed most of the time watching the last film we watched together.

Since it's examination week, all students are required to wear the proper uniform. I wore a white long sleeve for the inner, and over it is our University coat is navy blue with a silver lining on its hems. The school's logo is plastered on the left side of our chest proudly placed to recognize you as a student of Greenfield University. It's kinda funny how we are called Greenfield, but our uniforms are in blue. Haha!

As I finished preparing myself for school, I checked my things inside my bag if I already got everything I need to slay the exams. I even made a checklist last night before going to bed to make sure I don't forget anything.

"Okay, I got everything I need," I said gleefully. I never had embraced a morning like this. I feel thrilled that it worries me.

When I left the apartment, Mom wasn't around. I don't even think twice to care where she is. She has been absent since I don't know--most of my life.

Mrs. Gibbs greeted me with a 'good morning' as I walked past her door. She gave me a brown bag. I checked what was inside, and it was boxes of pancakes, fresh fruits, and a bottle of cold milk.

"Mrs. Gibbs! You didn't have to," I said while hugging her to give my appreciation.

"Well, you know, you've been good to me, and you're almost like a daughter to me, so it's no biggie! Go on before you arrive late for school," she said. Patting my back, telling me to move fast.

"Thank you! I will," I said, waving her goodbye as I tried to catch up with the elevator before it closed.

I rode the bus for a change going to school since I still have time to spare. The streets look different in my perspective. It seems like it has a gleam of kindness and love. What is wrong with me?

Well, one thing that hasn't changed is how people will still be walking by the road, either busy running or talking over the phone and how the vehicle emits pollutants. The world ain't doing shit about it. Protests and campaigns here and there, but it seems like it's all for the likes, shares, and comments. Stupid media!

Anyways, no need to get worked up by something like that. It's a great start to the week. I feel good and happy. I think I can definitely ace the exams. After twenty minutes, I arrived at the back gate of the University, where I have to go through the garden area first before getting to the main buildings. When I hopped off the bus, a familiar guy in his uniform was standing just beside the bus stop sign looking at his watch.

"Good morning!" I said, jumping right in front of him then tilting my head to catch his gaze. A smile was painted over my lips, and so does his.

"Good morning," he said with a smile. He messed my hair a little bit like I was his younger sister.

"Hey!! That took me a long time to fix my hair, and you just ruined it in a matter of seconds," I said, giving a smack on his shoulder.

"And to whom are you trying to look so gorgeous in the morning?" he asked, forcing me to stop what I'm doing as his arms were both placed on my shoulders. Our eyes locked. His amber eyes were glistening as the sun hit a part of it. How did he manage to capture my heart so smoothly?

I removed an arm of his from my shoulder. I poked his nose and said, "Well, the students of our University. Who else? I'm their Queen, right? I should just be gorgeous and presentable - fitting for a Queen." I started walking towards the gate when I realized he wasn't walking with me.

"Hey!" I shouted, but Nate didn't budge.

"Nate!" I shouted again, but he totally ignored me. Oh my god! Now he is acting like a child!! I can't believe this.

"You know, I don't care if you won't come. I won't chase you," I said and walked away. Then suddenly, I felt arms wrapped around me, and his head was hanging over my shoulder.

"C'mon. I'm not one of your minions. Don't treat me like one," he said, with a pouty voice.

"I'm still the Queen, Nate. I should act accordingly. I thought you understood this," I said while patting his hand lightly.

"I know… It's just that…" he inhaled deeply and released me. He grabbed my hand and said, "Nevermind. Let's just go."

Our walk was silent as we walked past the garden. Good thing there weren't really Biologist students hanging around this early in the morning. The University wasn't still as crowded as it would look around seven in the morning. Truly, only early birds can have the privilege to see the school in its peaceful mode.

"We still have time. Wanna hang out on the rooftop? I'll have to eat my breakfast prepared by Mrs. Gibbs too," I said. Nate just nodded as a reply.

We went straight to the rooftop. It's the place where it all actually began - the bickering and bets we made. It's also the place where we get to know one another and see a different side of ourselves.

When we reached the rooftop door, the door suddenly flew open, revealing two students who seemed to have just made out. My eyes widened. It good thing Nate was alert and grabbed me into a corner. His face looking at mine and his two arms at the side of my head. His back was enough to cover me to whoever were the students passing by from the rooftop.

"Oops, sorry!" the girl said.

I could definitely hear whispers as they walked down the stairs. I looked up to see Nate, and his eyes were not glistening anymore but full of desire.

"Nate," I mumbled his name, but he didn't move.

"Nate," I called out again. This time my voice is a tad louder. His fingers traced my face, putting away a lock of hair behind my ear. His index finger stopped at the point of my chin. He lifted it slightly and leaned for a kiss.

I felt butterflies in my stomach, and the heat was rising up in my cheek, making me flushed. We were so close, and I can somehow feel his body emitting heat - the heat of passion. His other arm drew me even closer, and then the next thing I know, his lips met mine. I dropped the brown bag on the floor and wrapped my arms around him and his around my waist. I closed my eyes as I was immersed in the feeling of showing my desire to be with Nate. Our tongues intertwined, fighting for dominance, but neither of us wants to lose. Our heads move along with the sensation we are feeling. After a few minutes, we pulled away and tried catching our breaths.

We suddenly burst out laughing after a few breaths.

"That was…" Nate is trying to say something in between his breaths.

"Amazing?" I continued. He chuckled at my comment and messed up my hair again. We then proceeded to go through the door to the rooftop.

"Ah! Fresh air," I said as I breathed in deep.

Nate wrapped his arms around me from behind. I tried to look up, and he was just staring at the view of the entire school. I chuckled because I never knew I could find comfort just like this in his arms.

"I know that we haven't really talked about it yet. I will wait. You know that right?" he said without even glancing at me. I nodded as a reply.

The bell finally rang as the first day of exams has ended. I can't believe what a hellish day it was, and it was still the first day. In the morning, we had an hour and a half examination for Physics class and another one in the afternoon for History. I couldn't believe how draining it was! This is the very first time I had to sit and answer my way through the entire test.

I put my head over my desk and was just staring at the wall right across the room. Were my answers even correct? Most of the questions were "eeny, meeny, miny, moe." I let out a sigh while thinking of the worst results I could have.

If this is how difficult it is already for these two subjects? How much more for the others? Will I even be able to survive the week?

For the next following days, I spent most of my time in the library or at the cafe where I worked. Good thing, Miss Ava was kind enough to let me be a customer for a week to understand that I was studying for exams. Of course, Nate was present most of the time. He helps me study, but I keep it really strictly business only. No flirts of some sort. He was kind enough to respect that.

It was kinda awkward when in school. We tried to keep it casual, so no one will notice what has already become of the two of us. Fortunately, most students were busy with their academics. Even Valerie didn't give a shit about me or spout nonsense about what happened over the weekend. I guess her father is back in town. She has always been afraid of her Father.

// Friday Afternoon.

The bell rang at last! The kids exclaimed in relief.

"Ah! It's over!! It's finally over," someone said. He was kneeling on the floor with his arms raised and bowing over and over again. I laughed seeing him like that.

Compared to last Monday, I was really a bit confident of how my results would turn out. All thanks to Nate.

I glanced at his seat, and he was as if waiting for me to look over him because his head was facing my direction. I gave him a wink and smile. He smiled back and mouthed, "See you at the gate." I nodded as a reply.

I started putting my things in my bag when Valerie and the girls came over to my seat. Valerie's arms were crossed by her chest and an eyebrow raised with a smirk painted on her lips.

I switched to bitch mode and asked her, "What do you want now, Valerie?"

"My little spy tells me you're already going out with that nerd," she said, enough for everyone to hear her. Good thing Nate wasn't already around.

"And?" I said, standing up to face her head-on.

"And? Are you not denying it, Luna?" she scowled.

I put my bag over my shoulder and flipped my hair across her face, and whispered to her, "Oh dear, are you jelly that I got dibs on the hottest guy in the University before you? 'Cause you know, rumor has it… Chase is ancient talk."

I walked away, leaving her in shock and, I guess, disappointment. When I left the room, I saw Nate leaning against the wall beside our door's room.

"Were you just listening?" I asked while walking past him.

"Well, I know you have it handled," he said, matching my pace.

"Good," I said.

Because it's Friday and it's already the end of our exams, I messaged Ms. Ava that I will be joining tonight's shift to make up for a lost time. As I entered the cafe, one of the personnel was teasing me.

"You look different," she said. Ms. Ava overheard her, and her attention was immediately switched to me. She came to me and scanned me from head to toe.

"You do seem different," she emphasized on the word 'seem' as if trying to figure out what caused the changes.

I laughed nervously, not wanting to give it away. Today's a special night for me. All of the exams are finally over, and I don't have to think about anything else.

The hours seem to be longer than usual. Maybe because I kept on checking if it's already my time off. When the clock struck 10 PM, I hurriedly went to the locker room and changed into my casual wear.

"What's the rush?" said Ms. Ava by the door.

"Ms. Ava," I said in surprise, not expecting her to be there.

"Uhmm…" I was trying to figure out some explanation, but she continued it for me before I could even do it.

"You're going somewhere with your regular, right?" she said. All I could do was nod as my reply.

"Well, he seems to be a good guy! Good luck," she cheered with a gleeful smile. I thanked her for her kindness and went out in front of the cafe to call Nate.

I'm obviously not my usual self today. My hands kept on sweating, and I can't seem to calm myself. I keep on checking myself. I was more self-conscious now than I was ever before.

Nate came out from the cafe after greeting the remaining staff a goodbye. I started walking, and he matched his pace with me by walking at my side.

"So, where are we going?" he asked me.

"The night's… still young. We can just walk around for a while," I said, fidgeting my fingers because I was feeling nervous. I know he glanced at my uneasy fingers, for he suddenly grabbed my right hand.

"Yeah, let's just enjoy the night for a while," he said.

We walked till we got to the train station. No one was actually talking. I felt butterflies in my stomach again as we walked side by side. I couldn't even look at him willingly because I don't want to get caught. Our hands were locked, holding one another even though we were already on the train till we reached the bus stop outside the train station of East Coast.

As we were standing at the bus stop waiting for the vehicle to arrive, I interlock my fingers with him. He glanced in my way, surprised by the act I just initiated. When the bus arrived, I let go of his hand, but he suddenly gripped it hard, not wanting to let it go.

I smiled at him, then tiptoed to reach his ear. I held his hand close to my heart and whispered, "Let's have that date."