Interesting Question

Here's one of life's questions that may never have a legitimate answer. Generally, when a man is making love to a woman, the man will pull the woman's long hair because it's natural. What do you do if you are a man with long hair and you're banging out a chick with short hair?

The way I see it, the chick is going to be pulling the man's hair. Now this could end multiple different ways if the man isn't ready for this. If someone pulled my hair (if I had long hair) then I would slap the shit out of them (not really, men shouldn't hit women). It would mess up my focus and my rhythm. I don't have all night!

What if the guy reaches for the woman's hair but it is so short that it is impossible to grab and maintain a firm grip. That would just be awkward. Then that would lead to a choking action and we all know how that could turn out.

During the heat of passion a hand around the throat could lead to a potential strangling. It's happened to me multiple times. When I was younger I found myself the victim of multiple inadvertent strangling. I would lose consciousness and wake up to a legit CPR mouth to mouth deal and continue about my business.

Everyone out there needs to be very cautious if you find yourself in a situation of the hair reversal or the hand on the throat scenario. You never know what could happen!