My Dudes!!

If you had to pick one person of the same sex to be with for the rest of your life and to have sexual intercourse with on live television, who would it be? If you're a woman, do you pick Scarlet Jo, Amber Heard, Jessica White or Jada Fire (DON'T GOOGLE JADA FIRE)? If you're a man, do you go for the obvious choices of Clooney or Eric from True Blood? Money is not an object in this. So whether they are rich or poor, famous or one of the masses, it doesn't matter. Strictly superficial.

Let's go to my obvious choice. I would, without a shadow of a doubt, select Brad Pitt from the movie "Fight Club". There's more than one scene in that movie where he is tearing up that chick Darla. Oh, how I envied her. You could wash some of the dirtiest clothes on that washboard set of abs he had. Oh and that face! So sharp and chiseled.

Next I'm going to go with my intellectual choice. Christopher Nolan. He's not gorgeous like Brad, he's not even somewhat handsome but the fact that his mind was able to help write and direct the Dark Knight Movies makes me stiff as a board. Whether you like Batman or not, the cinematic aspect of those movies made my weenus fill of with the power of one thousand rivers all trying to get out.

Finally, my sincere pick. Not many people are going to pick this one or even know him by his true name. He's slender, looks like he can move fast and I'm sure he has a heart of gold that will melt in my mouth, not in my hand like a nice big heart shaped M&M. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, known for his roles in such films as The Lookout, Inception and The Dark Night Rises. This guy looks like he could make love to me, maintain eye contact with me the entire time and cuddle me when we are finished. I can see him as a gentle lover that can calm my fears and ease my transition into the word of homosexuality. Damn, he's so cute!

Well, I put myself out there for the world to see me for what I really am. Do the same!