How Do You Want to Die??

If you could choose the exact way that you want to die, what would it be? I am typing this right now and I'm sure all of you expect me to already have a method in my mind for how I would like to die but I'm still thinking myself.

The options are endless, your choice could be elaborate or very simple, but this needs to be discussed. Don't just read this and get it in your mind and move on to something else, reply and let the rest of the audience know what you think.

Firstly, I know everyone right now is thinking of either the least painful way or the quickest way. Some of you are certainly thinking of what you fear the most and you're definitely going to steer far away from that. Don't let pain or fear motivate or persuade your decision, you'll be dead at the end of it so the pain and fear will be forgotten. That's my logic anyway.

Maybe a huge car crash in which the engine block is detached from the car and thrown directly into the driver's seat. How about running in the country and you go to cross the train tracks but your foot gets stuck and you either have to cut your foot off with a rusty spoon or get hit by the train?

Maybe you're more of a passive person. Go to sleep and not wake up type of person. Walking down the sidewalk, fallout and never regain life as you knew it type of person. I say, go at it hard! Jump off a cliff with a parachute on and the chute never opens. Don't scream or cry, just accept it and know that the rocks below will catch and stop your fall.

I know ways I DON'T want to die. Fire and drowning are at the top of my list. Frankly, I can't handle the thought of that.

Maybe I become a test subject when we finally begin to try to make some real Spidermen and Supermen. Take a spider bite to the neck and die from the venom. Sit in a room full of radioactivity and kryptonite and dull out from the exposure. I want something astounding or extraordinary, not something normal.

Then the question arises, how long do you want to live? Is there no set number in your mind, when you die you die? Pick a number, any number and see how close you get in the end. I think if my life runs into the mid to late 70s then I've worn out my welcome. I don't want to be a hindrance to society. I don't want to be that old person that is in the right hand lane driving 10-20 miles per hour below the speed limit, probably due to fear or lack of reflexes. I don't want to constantly have a little tremble when I reach out to grab something because my body has decided to wage an epic war against my mind.

Finally, if you could choose how and when you died, would you want to? I would and I'm willing to bet 70% of you reading this would want to also.

Keep it real peeps!