Alright Folks,
Today's topic of discussion is going to be very mature and adult. We are going to discuss the PROS of genital herpes and why it is actually a gift and not a horrible, disgusting virus like the MAN wants you to believe.
Let's start off with dropping knowledge. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has maintained statistics since 1966 until present day. In 1966, the CDC confirmed roughly 18,000 reports of genital herpes. At it's peek in 2006, the CDC confirmed around 360,000 reports. In four decades, the 1966 number as grow twenty fold.
Now let's get to the gist of this discussion. I'm going to hit at least two points about herpes in this post to allow myself an opportunity to open a new look at this disease.
"Genital herpes is a common STD, and most people with genital herpes infection do not know they have it."
Firstly, I am deeply offended as a representative for the disease of genital herpes, that this is being called an infection. This "infection" happens to be a disease, but a disease that provides friendship, surprise and spontaneity to the "infected" person's life.
When an outbreak occurs, I assume it's like running into an old friend at the most random moment. Plus, the fact that you can go to bed one night and awaken the next morning with a beautiful surprise in your pants or skirt. Who doesn't love surprises? I do, any surprise is a prize in my eyes.
The fact that the "infected" may not even know of this lovely lifelong friend they have just made is rather upsetting and makes me emotional right now as I type this. Those whom are unaware are missing out on a fantastic event. There is nothing like the sight of a freshly bloomed set of herpes on your junk. It actually makes my heart mourn because I haven't had the pleasure to enjoy this yet.
"You can get genital herpes even if your partner shows no signs of the infection." Why is this statement used as a warning instead of an opportunity for enjoyment and excitement?
The CDC is selling genital herpes as a monster when it is simply a lifelong acquaintance that will probably never be curable.
So if you're a loose goose or a stud that likes to run through the ladies, bare back is the only way to go! Don't fear something that is being twisted into a negative view to the public by the MAN. Embrace it, hold it, love it and welcome it as often as possible.
"There is no cure for herpes, but treatment is available to reduce symptoms and decrease the risk of transmission to a partner." This makes me vomit in my mouth, swallow it, vomit again and spit it in a bowl and spoon it back into my mouth and down my gullet.
DO NOT treat herpes to slow symptoms, outbreaks and certainly not to avoid transmitting it. It's almost like buying the coolest present ever but never giving it to the person you love!
Spread it like a forest fire and maybe the naive public will realize that herpes is MAGNIFICENT.
In conclusion, if my city were threatened by villains and the only thing they were going to do if their demands weren't met was make the herpes virus airborne and infect the entire population, I would fight Spiderman, Batman and Superman to the death to allow this to happen...and I LOVE those guys.
If you see a little blister
just let it fester
don't try to treat it
shit you should try to feed it
Don't let the MAN lead you wrong. I KNOW I'm right.