
Have you ever seem dragonflies banging? The foremost thought is that dragonflies take their reproduction more seriously and sensually than most other animals. Sure male cats bite the back of their lucky female lover and dogs, well, they have a fucking style named after them that even humans refer to.

Does this mean we as humans are more closely linked to dragonflies in lieu of dogs or cats? Are dragonflies more evolved than other creatures that reproduce? Do dragonflies make love or just reproduce? Do they have a doctor that can "fix" males and females so they can have huge orgy parties without the worry of having to pay insect support?

Many more questions come to mind but I don't want to give them all to the audience.

There is a picture that shows dragonflies performing an act many may think is the standard "69" position, however, upon closer inspection of the picture it is very obvious they are perform a triple variant "69" with a minor tail to head pull.