Academy games P1

"Alright! For this event, which we know as the great Academy games, there will be no killing, and you students must challenge each other as teams. The first game is fairly simple: YOU ALL must work together in groups to take the flags that many other teams will have. Furthermore, the use of lethal force is prohibited; however, by all means, I suggest you all capture as many flags as possible." The instructor went on to explain that if any of the teams lost their original flag, they would be disqualified, and that each flag is a single point.

The more flags captured, the higher the points for the team. This being said, a team could steal flags from another team and add them to their own. By the time of the games' end, whichever team has the most points will obtain a higher ranking spot for the games. This meant that, by the end of this event, those with the most points were going to duel another to see which had the stronger students; and as for the teams, they were going to be set in groups of 4.

After the explanation had ended, Koku looked around, and just as he was about to take a step forward, a guy yelled his name, "Koku!" It was Aron; and he alongside 2 other randoms were on their way towards him. After they reached him, they forced Koku to join them.

Truthfully speaking, Koku wasn't forced but was acting as if he didn't want to join the group. In reality, Koku knew Aron would show up and was content with this group temporarily. After a few minutes of standing idly by, the bells rang signifying the start of the game.

"GO MOVE TO THE CORNER OF THE DESERT!" Aron was dead set on not being the target of the many groups which were now brawling over the flags they all possessed. A few minutes into their run towards the corner, Koku jumped up into the air as Aron side-jumped.

Why did they do that, the other 2 members thought to themselves as they fell face-forward onto the ground. The ground had vibrated and created a decently sized earth wave, and Koku alongside Aron noticed it before it reached them.

"Koku," Aron called out as they made eye contact; the plan was simple, and they were going to tag team the attackers quicker than they could reach the 2 on the ground with the flags. So as Koku landed, Aron tossed Koku a plain steel long sword as he himself pulled out his longsword and intercepted this other team of 4.

Catching the sword, Koku went straight for the leader of the group and began showing very basic swordsmanship and hid all of his strength and matched it to their leader. Aron, however, began using his magic. With ice shooting out of the ground and colliding with the earth spikes which were now appearing, Aron and 2 other members fought.

A few minutes into the fight, Koku side-stepped and kicked the leader square in the face, knocking him off balance which in doing so, Koku rushed forward towards that single member which wasn't fighting due to him having the flag. As quick as he got there, Koku slid his foot underneath the person's feet and took the flag as he fell.

As that happened, the group lit up a vibrant blue color and disappeared. "So that's how they disappear huh..." Aron sighed, and the other 2 members cheered as they now technically made it to the next game but just had to wait and see if they wouldn't lose their flags.

After roughly 15 minutes, every team had a flag. Those who didn't were disqualified, and for the ones with flags, they were now able to move onto the next match.

After moving into the next match, Koku sighed, and the reason for that was because the principals had announced that they'd add a new match for "the students' benefits." However, very few dared to question it, and things went accordingly to their wishes.

"Now…I'll have to take this into consideration and adapt it into my plans." Koku said as he saw all the teams be rounded up and brought into a room.

"We will be preparing something very good for you all," one of the instructors told them with a smile, a very creepy one. The students talked amongst themselves, and during this, as the instructors prepared the monsters they'd be fighting.

It was decided that students would be fighting in the groups they'd been a part of in the previous game. Hearing this, Koku remained calm; Aron frowned as he knew they had 2 very useless partners with them. But there was nothing they could do, and so the matches began some time later. It wasn't anything special, and 80% of the students were flying right through this.

It took a while since the place they were at by this point was a colosseum, and they had to take turns in fighting monsters. A few hours later, most of the teams had finished fighting, and Yuusha's match-up ended.

People had been astonished since the rumored strongest of the academy's had been matched up against hobgoblins in groups. Not only this, but as a bonus, they had a juvenile troll as their final opponent on top of all of that. Koku, seeing all of this, wasn't really interested. Though, to his surprise and delight, Emiko had shown great skills in fighting against the hobgoblins, and apart from that, nothing bought his interest.

But just as their match ended, there was one team which had not yet gone, and that was Koku's team. But as their names were announced, the instructors stated something to everyone out loud, "We apologize for last-second news, but it seems we've run out of monsters. However, we have 2 monsters that weren't planned for the event and were notified that we were to use these. So, we present to you, the mighty adult troll! And coming in with shackles, you can see another adult troll. Both parents of the younger troll that was killed in the last match…we shall see these 2 upset parents fight!" The instructor lifted his hand, signaling for the shackles to come off.

Koku seeing these trolls made him look up at the VIP stands. He stared daggers at the principal, then seeing Celestia sitting next to the man, watching from afar made Koku smirk then look away and back to the trolls. "Well, an adult troll is a problem, one those 3 can't face…", Koku, who everyone thought was weak, pulled out the sword he was given by Aron earlier in the other game and began running at a very slow pace. This was to fool everyone since Koku's plan was going underway even then.

Seeing Koku run towards the trolls very slowly made everyone laugh. However, for the team, Aron was thinking of how to tackle the situation as Koku rushed in. Both of the other members had been shivering in fear since they knew how strong trolls were said to be and those 2 were enraged.

This was noticeable since the moment Koku began rushing to them slowly, they let out a loud battle cry as their eyes flashed red with rage. Koku had seen this and was currently running to them. "Trolls adapt quickly and have good healing factors, I'll…" In a split moment, a troll rushed towards him with speed that left everyone shocked.

Those who hadn't fought trolls didn't know that they were actually pretty fast and were deceiving with their big bodies. Two fists slammed down on the ground, and all it took was 3 seconds. A cloud of dust had risen up after the brutal yet fast fists had hit the ground. Aron saw this and was shocked, "Ko-KOKU-", Aron yelled as he saw his best friend seemingly die just like that.

Emiko, who had been watching, grew a horrified look, "Koku?", she for a moment was trying to process what had just happened…It was all so quick, the fight starting, the fist, Koku, she was processing this and then began to yell, "KOKU NOOOO…", most other people smiled seeing that garbage die.

But 4 seconds after the attack, everyone saw something flash purple for a second. Many wondered what it was and could make out a sword inside all of the dust. And as fast as it appeared, the Troll yelled in pain as it clutched its eye.

When that happened, the dust cloud disappeared. Seeing Koku there with a chipped iron sword and a purple aura sword left people shocked and questioning how he survived.

Seeing him well, Aron began to just spam ice magic attacks. He shot lots of ice spears at the trolls, but they didn't even scratch them. However, this did catch the attention of one of the trolls, so Koku was left with one troll to take care of. The troll who had been slashed in the eye quickly healed its eye and roared once again. This time, it activated its ability "fear," this skill could put fear into its targets if they are weaker than the troll, and in doing so, this quickly runs through the energy of the one in fear.

This skill hit everyone at the stands, but only affected the students since the rest of the people at the stands were either knights, instructors, or mages. The troll who had used that skill then began running at Koku really fast as it thought it had caught Koku. But just then the troll saw Koku jump back and slash his aura sword. After doing so, a purple slash flew across the air and hit the troll.

As the attack landed, Koku rushed the beast with 20% of his actual speed and cut its knees, forcing it to fall to the ground. Then, with the chipped sword, Koku stabbed one of its eyes.

Koku jumped back pretty far after doing this, leaving the sword lunged in the eye of the Troll. The Troll tried to claw it out, but then Koku began using Aura slash on it. Forcing the troll to stop getting the sword out, it focused on defending from Koku's attacks. "Void arrow" (He obtained it in the years he trained), Koku muttered as he formed a dark purple arrow which was shot at insane speeds.

As the arrow hit the Troll, everyone saw the Troll get pushed back in a dramatic motion. Koku took this opportunity to run up to the Troll as it was healing very quickly and he once again used Void arrow. This time the arrow engraved itself within the Troll instead of pushing it back. Afterwards, Koku pointed his aura sword and repeatedly struck the Troll's head.

In his final strike, Koku lifted the sword and coldly said within his mind, "Void thrust." This instantly turned the Troll's head into mush. But it wasn't done yet. Koku then pointed his palm at the Troll's body and used Void arrow. This was aimed at the heart of the Troll, and after hitting it, it died instantly.

"One down, another to go…" Koku rushed towards the other Troll that was beating down on Aron and the other 2. "GREAT ICE WALL," Aron yelled as he created an ice wall that could only tank one hit from the female troll. Just as it broke the ice wall, it was about to punch Aron and kill him, but suddenly its head and body were violently slammed to the ground.

This was Koku using Void thrust. Void thrust is an ability that uses an explosive force of power but mainly uses gravity by making the attack itself light. However, as it comes into contact with something, the gravity of whatever was hit is used against them but 4 times the weight.

After hitting the Troll, Koku swiftly killed it and looked at the stands; he smiled and then began walking off into the next waiting area, "Well Aron, are you coming along?" Koku spoke as he walked away. Aron began walking towards him and began to ask all types of things, all this while the many students booed him and called him a cheater.

Up at the VIP area of the stands, "Well, Principal, looks like we have a strong one," Celestia mentioned, pretending not to know him. "Yes yes, it seems so," the Principal was quite content and was mocking the other academy principals.

"The match-ups will be announced soon…" Koku told himself as he looked up at the magic screen hovering above the colosseum…and something interesting came into his mind, "Ahh yes, I have to…"