Academy games P2 (end)

"Ahh yes i have to prepare for the rest", Koku said as he walked away using the exuse that he needed to use the restroom. On leaving the stand by using the bathroom excuse, Koku made his way under the colosseum, and after getting there, Koku determined that by time he was done with the preparations, it wouldn't be to long time for the execution, at most maybe 2-3 hours. 

So after Koku took his sweet precious time preparing for his plan, he was set, "Now that its all in place, i'll head back up", with this Koku went back up to the stands and continued to watch the remaining matches, and a few hours later Koku's name was called out. He was going to face Yuusha…however, right before Yuusha entered the field, the instructor began to announce something…something important.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, we just received word from the higher-ups, Koku is to face Yuusha, Damion and Elrin together…", hearing this people began to place thier bets on those three. Koku hearing this smiled slightly, as he had wanted this to happen. "Completing Celestia's request, is easy from here." Koku had now been put up against, Yuusha, Damion the silver academy's strongest student of the freshmen, and Elrin the strongest freshmen in the gold academy.

As those three walked onto the field, people mocked Koku and laughed at him, "He's gonna get massacred…", they said, and so on, Koku made his way to the field and found himself about 30 feet away from these 3. They stood still, not moving a muscle and all they were doing was wating for the battle to begin. 

A few seconds into the standstill the words, "Begin!", was yelled out. After hearing this, Koku created his Aura sword and got into a defensive form. After doing this, a secind later, Koku was blocking Damion's spear strikes…for a few seconds these 2 played strike and defend, however, just as Koku was about to attack Damion, Yuusha rushed in and began hacking Koku's Aura sword with his iron sword.

After this, Elrin jumped in with magic enhancements and began giving the other 2 support, for several mintues Koku blocked and dodged their attacks. Everyone was currently cheering for Koku's defeat and as eveerything seemed to be bad for Koku.

He faked an attack towards Damion and changed the direction completely catching Yuusha off guard. The attack landed and pushed Yuusha onto his behind, and as that happened, Koku kicked his face; the kick sent Yuusha flying several feet away. Koku then rotated in a slashing motion, and was parried by Damion, but it had been just how Koku wanted, after being blocked Koku slid his foot beneath Damions and made him lose balance completely; so ad Damion fell to the ground, Koku kicked him in the ribs sending him too flying away, but just then, Koku saw a flash of light on the corner of his vision.

"Too bad for you…i already knew you would do something", Koku reacted in time and jumped out of the way, and as he did that, Koku held his arm out and pointed at Elrin and simply used Void arrow. After unleashing the attack, a dark purple arrow flew at Elrin at high speeds. 

Elrin however, nearly got hit directly by the attack. He managed to slightly dodge the attack, but was still grazed by the arrow in the arm which then made a loud thump noise after hittng the ground. Seeing that happen, Elrin noticed Koku was now using lethal force and was now even more on guard. He looked away towards the instructors who hadn't notice the excessive force for a moment and Koku too this as an opportunity to get up close and punch him in the stomach and then slash at his face. 

Koku did so, and chose to just graze his cheek. After doing so, Koku took a few steps back and began to talk, "You know, all 3 of you are painstakingly weak… and if you thought i wouldn't notice those 2 behind me… your as dumb as i thought", Koku stated as he dodged Yuusha and Damion's attacks from behind. 

Koku hadn't even looked at them and was dodging the onslaught, but after 30 seconds of doing this, Koku turned around and bagn engaging them in close quarter-combat. Hit after hit, Damion and Yuusha were seeing how usless it was to fight up close, so Damion jumped back in order to use magic, but mid way through the jump, Koku used Void arrow and hit him dead center in the stomach. 

After the arrow pierced Damion, the crowd of viewers gasped in shock, the proctors then noticed the lethal force when it wasn't being used on Koku. After this they began trying to talk, and just then, Koku rushed Damion and slashed upwards, cutting his left arm, then another slash, this one downwards cutting his right arm. "Well its...time for the real fun to start", Koku said beginning to smile sadistically. Yuusha froze up in fear, as Koku's bloodlust spilled all over the place...

After Damion landed on the ground, wailing in pain, Koku walked up to him slowly and simply pointed his sword down and stabbed his neck, instantly killing him; after doing this, Koku positioned his Aura sword behind his back as Elrin attacked Koku in a rage.

"THAT WAS MY FRIEND YOU BASTARD", he screamed as his attack was blocked, "Oh? then i'll send you to him in a second", Koku told Elrin as he turned around quickly kicking him in the ribs and following that with a stab to the heart. "You see that Yuusha, that's what's going to happen to you right now…", Koku smiled at Yuusha and began to walk up close to him very slowly. While this happened however, everyone was in a panic, the knights had gotten up and rushed down to the field trying to stop Koku, as the students were evacuated by the instructors. 

Koku's intent was to strike fear into Yuusha, not to kill him as he intended to do with the other 2 and had done so. After he had seen the fear in Yuusha's eyes, Koku laughed out very sinisterly, "Look at you! all these years you thought you were better than me, and now…you're shivering in fear... and all because of a little bit of blood, or bloodlust? Hahaha", Koku in that moment literally looked like the description of evil. After this small moment, Koku had to get ready for the incoming knights, which were for the most part, ranked as low-mid level knights.

Koku sighed, and then yelled, "BEGIN!", as he yelled this, loud explosions was immediately heard from all corners of the colosseum and in parts of the city; seconds after, it was clear that monsters had been everywhere, as howls and the sounds of steal clashing against the hard armor of Koku's monsters were heard. The explosions distracted quite a few of the knights but just then, Koku laughed out as he rushed the distracted knights.

"Got you…", Koku said as he appeared behind a knight stabbing him in the heart. Koku then...