Koku’s plan

Koku then rushed another knight and decapitated him. After the fallen knight, the others redirected their focus towards Koku. Three knights rushed at him, and Koku jumped back, employing the Void Arrow. The arrow found its mark, killing one knight as Koku aimed for the head. The other two knights scattered and approached Koku from different sides.

Anticipating their moves, Koku blocked one knight's attack as his Cratrus swiftly came from the side, tearing apart the knight with a lightning-fast bite. The creature howled, and Koku swiftly dispatched the remaining knight. After the confrontation, Koku glanced up at the VIP stands, noticing their emptiness. "Seems they evacuated without identifying the assailant." Koku then spotted a knight running up behind him, whom he promptly killed with a single slash.

The assault persisted for about 20 minutes, attracting stronger knights. The two larger Cratruses were formidable, holding back several high-ranking knights. The largest one engaged in a fierce battle with a holy knight who arrived shortly after a few other high-ranking knights.

Having defeated 200 knights, Koku realized the necessity of escape. After dispatching the remaining knights within the colosseum, Koku began running in the opposite direction of the ongoing battle between the Cratruses and knights outside. Approximately five minutes into his escape, Koku encountered a few knights rushing to support their comrades in combat.

Seizing the opportunity, Koku intercepted and swiftly eliminated them. He then resumed his escape and eventually came to a stop as someone powerful stood in front of him. "Koku, explain your actions," a very familiar woman, whom he knew as Celestia, stood before him.

"It's fairly simple. 1. When I was 6, the knights planned to force me into being a tool for war. To do that, they'd have to put a slave mark on me after I graduate the academy. So I've decided not to be that and fight for myself. 2. Everyone in this damned country hates me. Knowing this, it'll be impossible to live life peacefully, and finally, 3rd, I need power." Koku said this and began summoning Voidpulse.

Upon Voidpulse being summoned, a rush of void aura instantly filled the surroundings. "Koku, that sword has an ominous power, and you seem to be in perfect harmony with it. It honestly saddens me that you've left the way of the knight and are now branded a criminal who's committed treason on top of terrorism. Go, I will not stop you since I promised if you put those two academies in their place." Koku, for a moment, could see Celestia's sadness. He knew she was getting fond of him and had high hopes for him.

However, he had to go. He had to find someone. "Sabito, I'm on my way," Koku told himself as he rushed past Celestia, giving her a warm smile. About 30 minutes later, Koku escaped the city and evaded the knights. With this, Koku un-summoned all of his monsters.

Something Koku figured out during his time at the academy was that his monsters couldn't fully die. After being killed, they'd reappear seconds later, until Koku wanted them to stop. If not re-summoned back into the world, they lay in wait within their waiting area, which was the dark space.

But as Koku un-summoned the monsters, he'd re-summon the big Cratrus and get on its back. After doing so, he'd ride on its back as he made his escape even further. As luck would have it, Koku made it pretty far from the city and nearly one-third of the way to the borders of Paladonia.

When Koku decided to stop, it was nighttime, so he decided to rest for the night. Since he stopped near a small village, Koku un-summoned his Cratrus and walked into the village. But as far as he could see, this place had no good people. "A slave market," Koku sighed, seeing this, and continued to walk, hoping to find a room he could stay in. Just as he made it to the front of an inn, Koku noticed just how many slaves were around.

"This place is disgusting. I'd better leave as soon as I can tomorrow." Walking into an inn, Koku placed an Argentum (Silver coin) on the counter where the bartender was cleaning a glass cup. The bartender, also the manager, looked at Koku, pointed to the stairs, and tossed him a key. "Hey kid, don't go out during the night; you might get into some trouble," he warned Koku and continued cleaning the already clean inn.

With this, Koku went to the room and off to sleep. After waking up in the morning, Koku heard a commotion. Peeking through the blinds of the window, he saw knights. "Damn, they made it this far already." Koku quickly went downstairs and left the keys on the counter.

The old man (manager) could tell who Koku was, as the flyers of his bounty had made it there in the morning. "This way, go through the back door," he told Koku. Sensing no bad intent, Koku went through the back door and quickly left the village.

Back to traveling, he was, but a few miles down the line, Koku encountered someone on the ground and stopped. "Dehydration." Koku turned over the person who was clearly a girl. "A catgirl; she must've escaped the village and captivity," he thought as he grabbed his leather water jug and began giving her water.

"She won't be up for a while," Koku thought, but just then, she coughed a few times. "Where am I?" "You're in my arms?" Koku responded to her. The girl quickly tensed up after remembering the night before. "Are you here to capture me?" she asked worriedly.

Koku looked at her with a dumbfounded expression. "If I was here for that, I would've taken you back there already. Anyways, you're not well; you shouldn't be so tense." Koku then went on to ask about what happened to her and how she ended up in the slave market.

"So your people were attacked at your village near the front lines. You look like you haven't been in captivity for long," the girl named Yoru Reiko confirmed that she was a slave for about a week. After learning these things, Koku asked very personal questions. All of which she answered, as Koku basically decided to take her with him on his travels.


 (Author: Boi's don't worry she's a virgin:)