Up comings of the trials

Walking in this seemingly abandoned city, Koku and Yoru began to feel something strange, as if something had been eyeing them. This was far after 20 minutes, but nothing seemed to cross their paths.

Koku and Yoru had been walking for a while and were very tired, as they had not slept in a bit, and with very little time of rest, they had been constantly moving around. "Hey Koku, that big building is super close; maybe we should go in?" she asked Koku with a glint of adventure and curiosity.

"You know what, I'm pretty curious about that building," Koku told her as he quickly saw her face light up with excitement. Thus, after walking for a few more minutes, Koku and Yoru arrived there. "Let's go in," one said as they pushed the door open slowly.

As they opened the doors and walked in, Koku felt a chill go down his spine, and Yoru seemed completely fine, as if she felt nothing. Koku was about to ask her about that but kept quiet, as he could see she was really tired. "Maybe we should find a room for you to rest up in," Koku suggested. Yoru blew up with excitement and began cheering, and she did something completely unexpected. Yoru grabbed Koku's hand and placed it over her head, "I-I was thinking~ you could… touch this once!" She pouted and looked away with a slight trace of embarrassment.

Koku chuckled and rubbed his hand back and forth over her head. "Alright, let's find you that room." Yoru wasn't talking much at all after that point, and that's because she was very embarrassed about what just happened. "He's so sweet and kind, and good-looking," she thought as they wandered around the massive academy-like building.

After doing so, not even one-tenth of the way through the building, they found the rooms. "Hey, I'm going to introduce you to some of my friends," Koku informed her, as he summoned the 5 cratrus's. Three were to stand guard outside of the room, one inside watching over her, and the other was to patrol around the floor.

After doing this, Koku told her that he'd be exploring and would be at her side at a moment's notice if something happened. After this, Koku walked away and began exploring on his own.

"Things feel weird here," Koku told himself as he moved away from the first floor and onto the lower floors as he found a staircase leading beneath the building. Koku followed the staircase and was eventually led to these two big doors.

"Hmm…" Koku opened the door and once he did, he had seen a skeleton tied up against the wall. A circle was drawn against that wall and had the skeleton in the middle. After walking into the room, Koku made sure to be on guard but couldn't feel anything from the room.

Koku walked around the room and found a lever; he pulled it after making sure there weren't any traps around, and once he did so, the wall opened up to reveal another room, this room, however, looked as if no one had been there for thousands of years. Webs literally covered many of the bookshelves, and the majority of the room was very dark.

"It's a library, an empty one…" Koku muttered as he walked in and looked at the web-filled shelves. "There are no books in them," strange Koku pondered as he scouted the area out a little more. After doing this, Koku did find something. He found a single book; this book, once he opened it, had one page with very few words written on it.

"Strength, magic, or knowledge?" Koku remained silent as he contemplated the meaning of the page and its contents. "Knowledge," he said out loud. Once he did, something began happening; the page began to glow bright blue, and after the glow died down, new words appeared.

"Battle knowledge, Survival knowledge, or world knowledge." With these options, Koku started evaluating the options. "Battle knowledge." Once he said this, a glow once again happened, but this time there were no words after the glow died down.

Instead, the book began to fade into a blue and red light, which then started swirling around another which led to them disappearing quickly. "What was that about?" Koku wondered as he left the creepy underground room.

"Well, now that that's settled, I'm going to explore a little more," telling himself this, Koku blinked and found himself in a dark room. This one, however, had no exit, nothing apart from a dark and light purple, with some black swirling around this gate which seemed to be locked and had a lock that seemed to be only openable by a certain key.

Not long after being sent here randomly, Koku found out that his connection with the cratrus's he had summoned was currently paused. Koku was confused, but as he looked at the gate, he noticed the symbol it had. "It's the same as the key's," Koku stated as he pulled out The labyrinth key of eternity.

"It's definitely the same…" Now that Koku found what might be the key to this gate, this brought up the question, "So is this the labyrinth of eternity?" Koku couldn't really deny this idea, so he tried putting the key in.

As he placed the key in the lock, the gates opened and sucked Koku in really quickly. Being sucked in, Koku was caught off guard for a moment, and when he came to it a second later, he was in this stone-like city.

Smoke filled the sky, blood stained the stone streets and walls as corpses lay lifelessly around. Yet, screams could be heard off into the distance. "People!?" Koku used his 360 vision he'd obtained from the night owls years before, but the distance was still farther than he could see. Koku, within a moment, decided to run over there, and just then Koku felt the ground shake, and out of the ground came out a...