Dungeon of eternity

Out of the ground came a worm-like monster aiming for Koku's life. Koku, seeing this much before the monster could get close, jumped back and used Void Arrow to shoot clean through the monster.

"What's this?" Koku questioned as he killed the monster, "Does it not have abilities?" He wondered as he didn't get any abilities from it after killing it. But just then, he once again felt the ground shake as another worm monster appeared, then another, and another followed after that.

"Something isn't right." Koku dodged and killed the incoming monsters as they slowly began to increase in numbers. Koku noticed this and decided to escape since if he didn't, he'd probably be overrun easily within 20 minutes, and constantly having to use abilities would definitely tire him out sooner or later.

Once Koku escaped in the direction of the screams he heard earlier, Koku stopped, and his way was blocked. "Whatever this is, it looks like a golem." Koku, over his time in the academy, had learned many things about monsters. For the most part, he'd learned of the existence of many types of monsters.

Having learned so much, Koku knew and could tell that the monsters he had encountered earlier and at the moment were not recorded in the books. "So I'm curious," Koku told himself as he covered his body in Void aura and created the aura sword.

As Koku did this, the golem, which looked half-destroyed, flashed its eyes, confirming Koku as a target. Koku blitzed the golem at the fastest he could possibly move at the moment. Just as Koku blitzed the golem, he found himself shocked. Being blocked at top speeds, Koku jumped back using Void Arrow.

When the arrows hit the golem, they barely scratched its body. "Despite its appearance, it's so fas-" Before Koku knew it, the ground suddenly and with no warning had risen up in the form of a pillar aimed at Koku's stomach. Koku, who was hit hard, was sent into the air, and he landed near a burning house. Koku stood up after landing on the ground the hard way, and to his surprise, the golem was there. "Wha-" Koku was hit again with the same attack, but instead of the stomach, his jaw was hit.

This time, however, when Koku was hit, he took the attack in a way that allowed him to do a backflip and land on his feet. Landing on his feet, Koku began to run, but at the last moment, he turned around and summoned Voidpulse and yelled, "VOID THRUST."

The moment he did this, the golem's arm, which had been a few feet behind Koku and moving at high speeds, was completely torn off. "Yes!" Koku cheered for a moment as he didn't know if that would work.

"I feel much stronger…" Koku, who had summoned Voidpulse (his gifted sword), had merged its power up to Koku's for the time being. "The sword makes up most of the strength I have right now…but with this, I'll be able to at least fight this golem off if not kill it."

After his little victory thought, Koku began to go on the offensive, and doing this made the golem go on the defense. 'I'm faster…" Koku smiled and began making mincemeat of the golem, but before he could end it right there, the golem did something unexpected.

Its body began to merge with the surroundings and grew back the parts Koku had destroyed. "With this size, it had to get slower," Koku muttered as the golem absorbed lots of the nearby house's materials. "A little longer…" Koku had wanted to test something out since a few years back, and now that an opponent like this was right before him.

Several seconds after it had begun its absorbing, it was nearly done. Koku took a deep breath and, letting it out, screamed at the top of his lungs, "CURSED GOD'S GIFT!" The moment he yelled this, a massive explosion rang out loudly, and Koku's body grew black markings. His eyes went from a light, gentle purple to a vibrant red.

"Maybe I should merge this with it…" Koku pondered for a second as he created an aura sword and merged it with Voidpulse. "Now…" Koku took another deep breath, "Concentrate, Koku, concentrate," he told himself as he closed his eyes and began to channel all of the cursed god's gift ability into Voidpulse.

As Koku did this, the golem moved its fist back and began to bring it down. With the size of a miniaturized mountain the golem had just gotten, its fist were to do some real damage, and as it neared Koku's body, from 200 feet, 120 feet, 60 feet, the fist was about to hit Koku in a literal 2 seconds. "CURSED VOID OUTBURST!" A massive ray of dark purple mixed with dark red erupted out of Voidpulse and into the Golem, completely vaporizing it without a trace.

As Koku used this, unknowingly, Koku's attack had forced him to tap into the void's power by 10 folds. Feeling an endless surge of energy and power, Koku breathed heavily repeatedly after the attack. Koku smiled and was about to cheer for his victory and creation of a new attack, one he could call an ultimate move. But suddenly, blood forced its way up Koku's body, making him cough up blood very violently.

He fell to the ground on his knees, breathing heavily, coughing up more blood, and realized that monsters were on their way to his location at a pretty fast pace. "Damn it…I can't fight for much longer," Koku exclaimed, coughing a little more blood. 'I'm losing too much…blo~od," Koku uttered as his vision began going blank.

Koku wasn't dead, but hurt so bad to the point he couldn't even keep himself conscious. As Koku's consciousness retreated into the depths of his mind, he awoke in the dark space like he had done many times in the past. But this time, when he awoke there, he was alone. Not a single one of his monsters was there; he even tried to summon them, but nothing happened.

Apart from the monsters not being there, nothing seemed odd whatsoever. That was until a bright purple light began to illuminate the entire dark space. Seeing the rapid change, Koku was left confused but could tell that the entire space itself felt more energetic or denser with void energy.

Koku smiled to himself and, from that moment on, knew he'd reached the next stage in power, or in other words, he'd just now begun his true power journey. However, after a few minutes in this dark space, which was a little lighter, his consciousness began to awaken.

Upon waking up, he'd see his monsters having an all-out war with an insane amount of monsters. Not only that, but these were monsters of all sizes and kinds. The Cratrus's being the main units in the attack, looked much different. They had a purple stripe running down from their tail to their face.

Koku stood up, fragile but healing quickly, he picked up Voidpulse and ran towards the monsters which had been battling it out with his own monsters. "That golem's here too…" Koku was relieved to see the Golem he'd just been fighting, in his own ranks now; even this too looked a little more different than before. Instead of a single purple stripe like the Cratrus's, the Golem not only kept its massive size, but it also had purple chains wrapped around its arms, which it was using as weapons against the monster horde.

"Alright!" Koku yelled as he began combat with the many monsters too.

(Not too far)

Purple eyes flashed as a big creature stretched its wings and roared in the direction of Koku...