Old paladonia second phase

"Whoever that is looks to be in armor," Koku thought to himself as he'd see this person slowly approach him, and within a few minutes, the person did, in fact, make it to him. "Hey, state your business here." After hearing this, Koku kept quiet.

Struggling to get up, Koku got up, making it look like he was perfectly fine. "Where are we?" he asked the man in armor, who now had his sword drawn and pointed at Koku. "If you don't tell me what you're doing here, I'll kill you!" Hearing this made Koku smile, so he began to talk. "You're going to kill me? I'd like to see you try."

When Koku said this, the man in armor rushed at Koku with his sword ready to stab Koku. "My body hurts; however, I can still use my abilities." So as the man was within 5 footsteps from Koku, Koku muttered something really silently. "Void arrow." As he muttered this, the man stopped his approach and dropped his sword.

Grabbing at his chest, the man took a breath and fell onto his back. "Dead already, hmm…" Koku looked in the direction from which the man came and began to walk in that direction in hopes of finding civilization. "No matter how much I kill people, they don't seem to be accepted into my summon group... is there a reason they can't be a part of it?" Koku wondered as he walked for a while and eventually reached a knight outpost.

As he came into view of the outpost, a bell rang, and many knights came forth to meet him, with weapons drawn. "What's a dark champion doing here!? State your business and prepare yourself to die!" The knights seemed on edge and, in fact, looked very worried.

"Dark champion? What the hell's up with that term…" Koku was curious and confused as to why they kept calling him a dark champion, so he asked, "What's a dark champion?" The knights, which had formed a line of swords and shields, stayed silent for a few moments until one spoke up.

"Your trickery will not work on us. So state your business, void-kin," the knight yelled at Koku. "Ahh, so that's what a dark champion is... a void-kin," Koku was pretty interested in this dark champion stuff, so he asked if all void champions looked like humans.

Of course, no response was given. "Look, all of you… I know you're trying to buy time for backup, so make this easy on yourselves and avoid a fight with me," Koku stated as he once again asked the question, and yet again no response was given.

Koku took one deep breath in and looked at the knight captain there. "He's wearing the old crest of Paladonia, and if I'm not wrong, that crest was worn during the 70th year of its founding, meaning it's from the early stages of the Voidfall war."

After determining the time frame he was in this time, Koku had seen a mage arrive behind the knights. Charging up an attack, a few more mages appeared, and after this, a few more arrived. "Well, if it's like that then…" Koku pointed his hand at the first mage who showed up, and he used Void arrow. This, of course, instantly killed the mage, sending the knights and other mages into an attack state.

"My body hurts, but I want to test this new feeling out alongside the battle memories I got." Koku told himself as this time instead of using void arrow used a new attack at the incoming knights. "Great gust!" After saying its name, a very big wave of wind appeared in front of Koku out of nowhere and pushed the knights back with a violent force. "Those 4 dragons gave me quite the abilities," Koku smiled to himself as he then summoned a big stone spike out of the ground piercing right through some of the knights and further destroying their formation.

"Great embers," Koku then yelled out. Following the callings of this attack, fire erupted from Koku's hands. These flames burned lots of the knights and mages at the same time. Not killing them, it hurt them bad at least. "These abilities have to be trained up, since they aren't as powerful as the dragons using them." Koku made clear to himself as then proceeded to create an aura sword, which he would use to engage in close-quarter combat with the knights.

As Koku killed mages and knights left and right without summons, he felt his body's pain ease up and slightly get stronger but barely change to call improvement. Soon after fighting up close, Koku killed all the mages and knights, all but one mage.

"You monster! No wonder you're a dark champion, you fit the description!" the mage screamed at Koku. "Can you tell me about them? I won't kill you if you do," after offering this chance at survival, he smiled gently at the mage, and the mage began to speak almost instantly. "Th-th-the dark champions, as w-we know, are those chosen by the void. T-they typically—no, they're always of some human kind and are cruel and corrupted with powers of the void. They're always really strong and have massive bounties." After the mage told Koku all he wanted to know, he let the mage go.

And as the mage was no longer in view, Koku summoned a cratrus, "Go play with him as you see fit. Just don't let anyone see you." After telling the cratrus this, it began to give chase to the mage. Which it would end up playing with very gruesomely as it killed the mage. Then it was un-summoned as it finished.

"Now to get out of here before—" Koku stopped talking as he noticed a dark cloud off into the distance, in the direction of the mage's retreat. "I sense void energy from it…" Koku then began making his way to the direction of the cloud, which was to overshadow Old Paladonia very, very soon.

"I'm sure a big fight's coming," Koku told himself as he heard all the magic sirens go off from Paladonia. This meant the full kingdom was to be ready for incoming threats; and as for that cloud, it's not just dark. It's a massive dark cloud with lightning striking most things underneath it, and on top of that, the cloud had bits of light and dark purple seeping through the black color of the cloud.

The noises and aura coming from it yelled incoming disaster, and as Koku arrived at the gates of Paladonia, the cloud had long since arrived there before him. Seeing through the gates, Koku could tell that nothing's reached this area yet, but the rest of the city had been in a fierce all-out battle.

Loud explosions and screaming, alongside roars and all things of that nature, were being heard from half the city. "So it's a wave…as said to be during the Voidfall war" (Void wave which brings endless amounts of void monsters and disaster until it's fought back or endured for long enough).

Koku got past the gates and headed down to the center of all the chaos which he would reach fairly quickly; and when he did so, his first encounter was with a...