Eternal field third phase

With a two-tailed purple armored monster. This monster resembled a scorpion but was much, much bigger. When Koku was faced with the monster, he did what he knows how to do best: kill.

Upon coming across the monster, Koku began to fight it. He quickly killed it. After this, a monster resembling a bull charged at Koku but was stopped by a blonde female knight. This knight not only looked strong but stunning as well.

"Hey, you there! Don't falter, stay strong and push forward to the enemy!" the blonde knight yelled as she pushed forward to the horde of monsters. "She reminds me of…" Koku thought to himself as he kept his attack on the monsters. About 10 minutes into Koku joining the fight, something purple flashed off into the distance, and within a few seconds, flew right past Koku's face.

"Void arrow…" Koku looked at the direction of that attack and saw a humanoid figure in all silver/purple armor walking towards him with a purple spear that radiated void energy. "So, a dark champion appears, hmm, good for me!" Koku stated out loudly as a smirk grew on his face.

Koku, who had an aura sword in hand, quickly tilted the sword in a way to protect his face, and as he did this, that dark champion's spear was pressed against the sword Koku had just blocked the nearly lethal attack. "He's quick," Koku told himself as he jumped backward and covered his whole body in a shallow aura to increase his performance.

As he did this, the dark champion also did this and rushed Koku once again. As the previous time, Koku blocked the attack, but this time Koku used void arrow up close as he backed up a little. The dark champion showed incredible speeds as it was able to dodge the attack up close. But the arrow wasn't meant to attack the champion, as Koku wanted another outcome to happen.

Koku had wanted the champion to dodge the attack as, in doing so, Koku could see how he dodged. This move would eventually be used a few more times, and Koku found something out, "It dodges to the left every time." After the dark champion dodged this time, Koku created another void arrow and shot it off to the champion.

This time the attack landed, and as soon as it landed, Koku rushed the champion with lethal force all the way. Koku was able to slash the champion a few times, adding void thrust into his attacks, helping him do more damage.

Koku, however, watched as the dark champion healed, seemingly as if it had immortality. This didn't stop Koku from his attacks, and after about 30 minutes of fighting, Koku could tell that this dark champion wasn't a joke since it had been on par with his strength. "You're one hell of a fighter," Koku complimented the dark champion.

After complimenting the champion, it began to speak, "Why is it you side with them, void-kin? Are you not with us?" This question was aimed towards Koku, as no one else was focusing too much on their battle as monsters were still flooding Paladonia. Koku showed no signs of wavering nor dropping his guard, thus he began to speak. "I don't side with anyone by heart. I'm simply choosing the side which I have the best survivability, but don't get me wrong, I see both sides as threats to me." After telling the champion these words, the champion questioned Koku.

"So will you fight the humans after getting rid of us?" Smiling, Koku responded, "Precisely." After this, the champion rushed Koku, nearly getting through his reaction speed, but falling just short. Koku was able to shoot a void arrow into its chest.

In doing this, the champion was sent flying a few feet; this wasn't going to be enough to keep it down, however, and Koku knew this. "Young warrior, tell me. Why is it that you are favored by the Void? It surrounds you as if it's nurturing you all the time." Koku's response was that he didn't know why that was the case, but that he wasn't going to complain, and after this, the dark champion told Koku one last thing before they had to get serious.

"One favored by the Void, you aren't from this era, I can sense it. Something is meddling with the space and time around us currently. It's as if it was a dome. This matters not, for you are my enemy, thus I, the one of the 100 void champions who serve his majesty, shall take your life. Remember this name, for I, Algreth, the 100th champion, shall take you on, void-kin." Koku smiled as he heard this come from Algreth, the dark champion.

"I'm not fancy with names, so I'll get it over with. The name's Koku, and I'll kill you, Algreth." As he introduced himself and said what he said, both Koku and Algreth unleashed all of the power within themselves. Koku's might against the overwhelming power that Algreth had.

The power from both of these Void-kins struck fear not only into the hearts of the humans but also the void monsters. Frozen with fear, everyone could only watch now as these two warriors faced each other at full strength. "Voidpulse!" Koku yelled out as his power was merged with its own power.

Koku used Curse god's gift and was constantly pumping tons of void aura onto his body, all while void energy surged throughout his body. With all of this power, Koku could see the dark champion's strength still on par with his own.

So, in the moment, Koku and Algreth both rushed at each other. A fierce melee ensued, and it was obvious that Koku's skills were lacking in comparison to Algreth's skills. Although the skill difference was noticeable and quite big, Koku was able to hold his own and even get the upper hand with void thrust at a single moment.

And in that moment, Koku yelled out as he held his sword in the direction of Algreth, "CURSED VOID OUTBURST!" Koku yelled at the top of his lungs as a dark red and purple ray erupted out of Voidpulse and to Algreth who was on the floor and getting up.

The moment Koku used this powerful special attack, it hit Algreth, it also hit the ground beneath them. The only way to explain what happened was with a word. "Obliterated." Algreth died the moment the attack had hit him, as his body was disintegrated. But the land… was another story.

The ground had been utterly destroyed. The full city, which wasn't even close to the size of the more modern Paladonia, was absolutely shattered and unstable; the ground and city had been leveled entirely; this most likely killed every living thing within the full city, which at the time was Paladonia.

With this, the void wave left, and the monsters stopped appearing completely. Soon after, Koku walked around the place, limping as he was hurt by using that attack. But as he walked around, he noticed something; a single survivor. Koku had seen the person laying on the rubble looking up at the sky, which was now clearing up.

So as he approached this person, he could see that it was the blonde knight. With blood dripping down her face, she smiled looking up at the sky as it cleared up slowly. Laying over her pool of blood, she coughed up some blood, and Koku sat down next to her. "That was a badass attack," she said weakly. "Mhm." He responded.

"What's your name?" she asked Koku, "My name's Koku. Yours?" "Sarrina. I'm sure you're asking yourself why I'm not mad or blaming you for lethally hurting me right?" "Mhm, why aren't you upset? At the very least, mad?" Koku asked her confused.

"Well, Koku, I'm dying; I don't want to die with bad thoughts in my head. You also seem like a good kid, a perfect match for my daughter too." "This is the reason you don't resent me for killing you?"

"You didn't mean to kill me. You were fighting an opponent no one here could've stopped, since our grandmaster was elsewhere tending to other matters. Koku, I can sense the void all over you; so why did you fight a fellow void-kin of yours?"

"I fight for myself; I don't side with anyone in particular; and when I got here, the monsters were already attacking me. So I made the monsters my enemy. That's all."

"I see… well, I'm thankful to you, Koku; thank you for killing that champion… he killed my sister and her children 2 months ago; and if he had gotten through this city, he would've reached Eldoria… and that's where my daughter is currently, so again thank you, this means the world to me." Koku was taken aback by the kindness of this female knight.

Koku smiled and looked at her, "It may not be much, but if it makes you feel better, I'll stay here with you until… hey, what's your daughter like?" Koku changed the focus of the conversation to try to get her mind to wonder away from the fact she was going to die in a few moments.

"Hah-ha (Coughed), my daughter is a smart girl. She's as strong as they come and as pretty as they can get; she's so lovely and smart, like her father and her sexy mother," As she said this, Koku chuckled to himself, "Yes yes, that last part is very noticeable," Koku said trying to make her feel a sense of joy. "Hahaha, Koku, my daughter is wonderful, and bright. Thank you; thank you for comforting me; I couldn't ask for someone better to be around in my last moments, could I?" Koku grabbed her hand so that she could feel some warmth.

Koku and Sarrina talked for what seemed to be minutes, but it was in reality nearing an hour. He also made Sarrina forget about all her pain, and the fact she was dying completely. "I'm a little tired Koku. Could you watch over me while I take a nap?" Koku knew… and said "Yes" to her; he then watched as she smiled and closed her eyes, saying "thank you."

Once this happened, Koku waited for a little bit of time and then could no longer feel a pulse from her. He stood up, placing her hand over her chest gently. "If all people were like you, this would be the perfect world, rest comfortably, forever." After saying this, he buried her, and as he finished this, his eyes began to burn, and as this happened the environment began to change once again.

This time once he arrived at the next place, he could see that the place was dark and there was nothing apart from three items floating in front of him. "What's this?" Koku questioned as he looked at all three items which he was seemingly supposed to choose amongst...

1st: ???

2nd: ???

3rd: ???