Gifts and return of eternity

1. Spatial White Sword

(Able to cut through all defenses, including space itself. Performance varies based on the wielder. Additionally, this weapon runs off life energy as fuel for power and when reaching lower levels of energy can cut through reality and more.)

2. Infinity Eyes + Dark Robe

(Further adding vast amounts of powers to your eyes and their newfound abilities. The dark robe grants the user a much better affinity to magic and increases during the night. This, along with the ability to increase magic defenses/endurance by 50%.)

3. Rightful Blood Summon

(Summons your rightful void/blood familiar with a 70% chance of loyalty.)

"The options and the descriptions they have aren't so bad, although the sword…," Koku pondered for a few seconds, and with a sudden movement, he moved his hand onto the second option. "I choose the Infinity Eyes with the Dark Robe…," Koku's reasoning for choosing that was that his eyes had a new power he wasn't aware of, and that his eyes could be used much faster than a summons or sword. There is also the possibility that these eyes could give him much better abilities than the other options.

As Koku chose his award, he felt his body become suddenly heavy. So heavy that he was struggling to even stand on his legs. On top of this, his eyes began to burn once again, but this time at a much stronger level. As this all took place, the environment changed once again. This time, however, when the environment changed, he found himself at the entrance of the dark room where he had found that codex which disappeared in front of him.

"I'm back?" As Koku questioned it, his body gave out for a moment, and he fell onto his knees, holding his mouth. A second later, he threw up. "My vision's completely different, and my body feels more refined," Koku told himself these things as they were true, but something stuck out to him. "It feels as if most of my life was fighting in that place," and the reason for this, which Koku didn't know, was that...

The eternity dungeon had gathered all of Koku's experiences within its phases and boosted the experiences tenfold, giving them to him. This and something else he'd have to see in the lost codex.

"Hmmmm, now that I'm back, I'll head over to Yoru. It's felt like years since I've seen her…," After Koku reminded himself of this, he began retracing his previous steps before arriving in this room. After 10 minutes, Koku made his way back to the room where he had placed his few Cratrus's.

Upon seeing them, Koku could tell that nothing had happened, and that they had not yet undergone the evolution the other Cratrus's had gone through. "Strange… it's as if they were completely frozen through time and space. Hmmm… at any rate, I'll think about this some other time." Koku yawned as he felt tired. So as he was about to open the door to the room, a sudden earthquake began without warning. As this happened, Koku opened the door quickly, and through the window of the room, he saw purple light in the form of lightning slowly rising from the ground up.

All this was taking place outside, and what left Koku on edge a little more was the fact that the purple light was forming a dome around the whole academy-like building. Koku slowly walked up to the window and watched as this purple electric light finished surrounding the building with its light.

"I don't sense any intruders or monsters within the dome," Koku watched as he summoned his far stronger Cratrus's for reassurance. "I wonder…" Koku thought as he was thinking of what was going on. So as this finished happening, Koku left to go outside and was followed by Yoru. "Koku, you feel a little different. Did anything happen while you looked around?" Yoru asked worriedly and curiously.

"Uh, nothing really happened," Koku told her without much of a reaction, since he was curious about something else. "It looks like lightning particles from up close," Yoru mentioned as she reached out to touch the light dome-like walls, which were somewhat transparent but barely.

Koku went to grab her hand but felt a shock, as electricity ran from the dome onto his hand. "Ouch… that felt weirdly shocking," Yoru, however, wasn't shocked, nor did the dome show any interest in stopping her. So as her hand touched the dome, it did nothing but let her go right through. "Strange…" Koku thought as he saw the dome let Yoru's hand go straight through and not let him even get close enough to touch.

"Maybe I have something else to do?" Just as he was thinking, the lost codex on him began to spark up bright purple. So as Koku opened the lost codex up, he'd see the words over the title page. "Path of the Void Lightning." As Koku read this, he'd feel a little excited. "Void lightning…" Koku flipped the pages, and as he did so, he'd see so many pages full of information. There must've been thousands of pages filled with words from top to bottom.

As Koku's face lit up with a smile, Yoru looked at him in awe. "It's the first time I've seen you smile, Koku," announced Yoru, as Koku had just begun reading the first pages of the section. "Hmm? Oh, my bad. It's just that everything lately has been kinda tense, you know? Also, it hasn't even been 2 days, fluffy," Koku completely let the last part slip out by accident.

"HUH? DID YOU CALL ME FLUFFY?" Yoru yelled out in a playful angered way. "Yea… I forgot, you're really skinny right now… SO let's get you some food," Koku yawned as he closed the lost codex. So as Koku put the lost codex away, he'd think of how to get across the dome which wouldn't let him through.

Koku was thinking for a few seconds until he heard Yoru and his stomach both growl. After a while, both of their hunger grew pretty bad, so Koku had to think of something, and during the now-time, the bug light crystal had dimmed down to the point it looked like night time, and as this was the case, the lightning dome looked much weaker and transparent.

So testing to see if he could pass this time, he found that he could, in fact, pass through now, and as he did so, Koku's first thought was to hunt something down as soon as he could. He'd take anything at this point, he told himself. Anything he said, and it was anything he meant, as he found himself in front of a dead monster-like bird.

The same kind as the earlier ones they had seen. "Maybe it's edible?" Koku wondered as he gave his opinion to Yoru, who really wasn't all too excited about eating a monster. "I'm hungry, but if nothing, I might be willing to try it," Yoru hesitatingly said. "Well, let's try," Koku said as he pointed his palm at the monster's body and used the flames he'd gotten from the dragon in the phases of the dungeon.

After basically cooking its body quickly, Koku ended up being the first to try it. "It's not bad… though seasoning could be used…" Koku muttered under his breath just as he took another bite. "Hey, it's not too bad. It actually has a flavor," Koku told Yoru, who was surprised it didn't taste bad, as per Koku's statement. This led to Yoru trying it out as well, and to her, the flavor was much much better since she had much much stronger taste buds.

After eating their fill, they brought the corpse of the monster-like bird and determined it was enough food for about 3 days if they planned to get full. With this, Koku took Yoru to the room she was going to stay at and left 3 stronger Cratrus's in charge of her. Adding onto this, Koku made sure 30 Cratrus's were patrolling the area building.

After leaving Yoru in her room, Koku went outside and began reading the lost codex once again. After 12 minutes, Koku was trying to act out the instructions the lost codex showed; after doing this for a few hours, he showed some progress as a small purple light sparked out of the tips of his fingers. "It's harder than I thought," Koku told himself as he'd keep trying over and over again, until he went back into the building and into a room to sleep.

Basically, for a year, Koku's daily to-do list was to wake up, eat breakfast with Yoru, talk with her as they both trained together, and hang out with Yoru after training. Thus, they'd go to a new place in the still-abandoned eternal city, and night would strike. By this point, if they needed food, they'd go out to hunt, and if not, then they'd just eat dinner. After dinner, he'd talk some more with Yoru and bid her goodnight as she left to sleep, and in this time, Koku began training nearly till the light crystal began lighting up.

This went on for a year. So by this time, Koku was able to learn a lot of things about the path of void lightning. One thing being that there were levels of mastery, and that Koku, after the end of that year, was at the 7th level, with the maximum level of mastery being 10.

When Koku and Yoru were talking, Yoru brought up her sister. "I'd like to see her one day," she said with a faint sign of sadness. Koku caught onto this and smiled at her as he gave her a head pat without any notice. "We should head out in looks for her, okay?"

When Koku said this as he rubbed the top of her fluffy head, even rubbing his hand over her cat ears, she grew really flustered and happy at the same time. "Really!? thank you, you're the best!" she cheered. After a few hours of staying there, Koku and Yoru, who had a new set of clothing, tried on a pair they wanted to take, and as this happened, Koku remembered he had to give Yoru something important.

(Note: 1 year in the eternal city is the same as 1 month in the real world. The light crystal is the main cause for the difference in the time flow. That and the fact that the eternal city was basically cut off from the space of the real world).