I know he’s coming

As they watched the convoy pass by, Koku faced Yoru's direction and then began to walk past her. Following right after him, Yoru looked around, staying on guard. After following him for a while, she noticed that they were headed to the outskirts of the city. Moving up closer to Koku's side, she in a low voice began to ask questions.

"Why are we going to the outskirts of this city?" There was a dead silence for a few seconds until Koku spoke up, "The farther out of the city, the better our chances of escape are if we're found, and it's better to avoid detection."

Yoru, after hearing this, then mentioned something else, "Okay. Hey hey, wanna go over there? I smell something good~" Koku stopped to look at her, and as he did so, he could see her hands over her belly. "Sure, let's go get something to eat," after hearing this, Yoru blew up with excitement, and though she didn't remove her hood, Koku could tell that she was cheerful.

So, as these two went to get some food, a group of people also happened to be going for food. These were people who were hunting a certain man's lost property. As Koku neared the food stand, this group also did the same. Having arrived at the food stand first, Koku began to order food for Yoru and himself, and then the group of bounty hunters/mercenaries had to wait as they arrived seconds into Koku ordering food, and just for that, they began to make a fuss.

"You. Move." Another then added, "Leave your partner, I can tell it's a girl," another man began speaking and finishing what the other had to say, "And from the looks of it, even under that robe and hood, I can tell she's packing quite the body."

After hearing these things, Koku turned around after he stopped talking mid-order and gazed at them from the shadows his hood casted over his face. "Gentlemen, this isn't the place nor the time for this, there are kids, and are you really doing this in broad daylight?" Koku chuckled, creating an image that he was either scared or using the time of day as a cover for themselves. But, in reality, Koku was pissed at the men for bringing Yoru into this.

The men then, "kindly" asked Koku to go somewhere private. "Of course, I'd be delighted to go elsewhere more private." Koku tossed his pouch of money towards Yoru, and she caught it, "Finish the order, Yoru, and please get something extra for yourself. I'll be back quickly." Koku then smirked as he turned around and followed the men elsewhere.

The men led Koku into a secluded alleyway in which, even if anyone yelled, it would be hard for anyone to hear, especially during the daylight hours, which housed many kinds of noises. "Well, any last words?" The men asked Koku. Right after asking this, another man raised his voice, "We'll tell that girl if we're feeling generous."

Koku smiled as he took his hood off, "Let's get two things straight. One, I'm going to enjoy tearing you all apart. Second, escape isn't an option." The men laughed, and as they did, one of the men felt eyes on him, so he turned around for a quick second, and as he did… a tall ferocious-like monster was blocking their path out.

"Behind us!" The moment he yelled this, all of them looked to the back, and as they did, lots of them felt lighter. "Eh?" One noticed as he looked at his legs then chest and now arms. "MY HAND!" A man yelled at his missing hand, and soon after this, many noticed that one of their hands was all missing.

"I did say I'll enjoy tearing you all apart, did I not?" Koku calmly stated with a smile full of built-up resentment. "KILL HIM!" Their leader yelled as all of them pulled out their weapons ready for combat.

These men had completely forgotten about the Cratrus blocking the escape route, but that did nothing, as Koku ordered it not to kill them unless they tried to escape. Koku wasn't going to let them escape, though, and that was noticeable when midway through the charge at Koku, their other hands fell clean off. Koku from this point began to cut them slowly, all without moving from his spot.

"There. In hell, you should think your actions over… oh, that's right, my bad; the humans and Demi-humans, as I come to understand as of recently, don't go to heaven or hell when killed by me. They simply die and cease to exist, even if their bodies are present. The void's still a mystery to me…" With this, Koku left the bodies where they were, and having no blood on him, he could go and meet up with Yoru as if nothing had happened.

"Look look, I got these things called creamy doughnuts; they look super yummy. Wanna try some of mine? It's vanilla, and I got you one too; it's a chocolate one!" This was what Koku returned to, and his heart most definitely felt something good and in his weak spot. "S-sure~" Koku took a bite out of her vanilla-filled creamy doughnut as if nothing had happened moments ago, and then he offered her some of his doughnut after receiving it from her.

She leaned over and took a bite, "Ohh, this one's super sweet. It makes me a little thirsty, though," she told Koku who then went to get water for themselves. So as Koku and Yoru walked towards the inn they were staying at, Yoru couldn't help but think that they looked like a couple, even if it was for a day.

"We're heading out tomorrow morning, Yoru, so let's try to rest up, oh and we should try something like this again soon sometime," Koku forced the last part to come out since for some reason, it was a little hard for him to do so (Slightly shy).

Yoru was quite excited about this, so the two went straight to sleep after arriving at the inn. After waking up, both Koku and Yoru had some breakfast and went off on their way to Frostvale. Of course, they weren't going to do this in a few days, so after another two weeks of traveling, they stopped near another city that belonged to Eldoria. This came without troubles since on their way here, they encountered and killed many of Dago's men.

"We should lower the kill count," said Yoru, and Koku asked why she'd suggest that. She'd go on to say that if they kept killing Dago's men, they'd have a general idea of where they'd be and a good idea of where they'd be headed towards.

Koku pondered on this and sighed, seeing that Yoru was completely right on this. They'd start implementing this into their travels, just as long as they're able to make it there in time for the event. Some days later, Koku and Yoru were three days away from Frostvale, and they had just about four days left until the slave-fest began.

"Looks like we'll be getting there a day before the event starts," Yoru stated as they were at the moment resting right before continuing on their way to Frostvale. "Yeah, and now that we won't be rushed as much, we'll be able to create a plan," Koku then added onto what he said, "But we'll train a little before heading over there, no?" Yoru felt a shiver down her spine as she agreed with the kindly smiling Koku.

For four hours, they trained, and after that, Koku summoned some Cratrus's for them to ride on their way to Frostvale. A day before the event began, an old short man, with a belly the size of a baby seal, was giving a certain man orders. "Bastard! You shouldn't even have the title of killing machine if you can't even catch a damn Demi-human with a kid!"

"Look here fatso, I don't work for you. I work for money and the thrill of fighting plus killing. I don't need crap from the likes of you. For all I care, if it means fighting that kid one last time, I'll let him go and fight him again. And as for the kid, I have a feeling I know where he's heading. Since the Demi-human's sister is here, I'm sure they'll be here for slave-fest."

After talking back to Dago, Satsujin (Killing machine) was now in charge of the defenses and security. His party and the men of Dago, which were there watching as both Dago and Satsujin argued, were shouted at to begin the prep for the defenses and countermeasures in case of certain unwelcomed events happening during Slave-fest.