Dance of blood stain

After arriving in Frostvale, Koku and Yoru had a single day to get everything they needed done. They quickly got to work, setting up traps, coordinating monster summons, and making plans and strategies to defeat Dago's men, Satsujin's party, and Satsujin himself. "We're going to have to use the terrain to our advantage very heavily," suggested Yoru. Koku agreed, ensuring this time that he didn't forget about his golem and dragons. He reassured Yoru that she would have lots of help in this fight.

Elsewhere in Frostvale, Dago was peering into a cage, taunting Yoru's weakly chained-up sister. He expressed his sinister intentions, enjoying the girl's suffering. Twenty hours later, Koku and Yoru had completed their preparations, including a plan B just in case. "What do we do for 4 hours?" asked the tired Yoru.

"Well, you should get some rest, I'll keep watch," Koku said, sitting down and lightly tapping his lap. "Come on, don't be shy, I won't bite," he teased. "Ewww, please don't say that, it just doesn't suit yo-" Yoru was interrupted by Koku suddenly yelling at her, "TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. This is embarrassing for me too…" Muttering the last part, Koku made Yoru say, "On second thoughts, I'd love to have a lap pillow. Ohh whatever might you do to me while I sleep~who knows." Koku looked at her with a dumbfounded expression and simply said, "In your dreams."

After this, Yoru laid down on Koku's lap and fell asleep. Although the next day would arrive within 4 hours, the slave-fest would start in 13 hours from their time, with the main event in 16 hours (mid-day). So, for 10 hours, Yoru slept. After those 10 hours, she woke up and could see that Koku was playing gently with her hair.

Acting asleep, Yoru let Koku play with her hair for about 2 minutes until Koku sighed and asked, "How much longer do you plan to fake being asleep for?" Yoru's eyes shot open. "You weren't supposed to notice," she said, all embarrassed.

Koku looked down at her and said, "If you're awake, it takes all the fun from playing with the hair of a sleeping queen." After hearing that, she jumped up, asking Koku to repeat himself. "Hmmm? I don't know what you're talking about." Yoru wasn't going to let this go by, so she kept on pressing him about what he had said, and eventually, they headed out, speaking a lot while they walked around with their hoods over their heads.

While Koku and Yoru walked around the city of Frostvale, something happened behind the scenes. "I want you all fighting in wave rotations. This way none of you weaklings will die on me easily, though I see some of Dago's mutts aren't entirely useless. What are both of your names?" Satsujin asked two of Dago's men.

"My name is Stale, and his name is Vron. He cannot speak since he's lost his voice a long time ago." After introducing themselves, Satsujin asked them some questions. After determining that they were powerful enough to slow Koku down or his partner, he had them in certain places together.

After 5 hours passed by, Koku and Yoru were in position for the attack since slave-fest had begun 2 hours prior. They watched from a hidden area as the auction began an hour later. Seconds turned to minutes, and those turned into many more minutes; eventually, 40 minutes would pass since they had been in the main event. All of this important auctioning happened underground in a heavily monitored facility.

They had seen some rare Demi-humans being sold off but did nothing since they couldn't blow their cover until Yoru's sister was in their sight. After the next 5 Demi-humans were sold, the curtains in the underground stage slowly closed.

For several seconds, nothing was heard. Just as Koku and Yoru began to worry, the curtains began to slowly open, revealing a stunning Neko. "The starting bid is 1,000 Suncrest (Gold)," the auctioneer stated to the large crowd.

After the starting price was announced, many began bidding. "1,100 Suncrest!" "2,000 Suncrest!" A bigger man stood up and bid 10,000 Suncrest. Another stood up, doubling the bid, then another, and another, and another one followed. Eventually, the bid was up to 190,000 Suncrest.

Just as a very big man, weighing about 400 pounds, stood up, he bid 300,000 Suncrest. With this, no one dared to bid higher, as it was far too much for a Neko girl. Seconds later, after the auctioneer was about to officially sell the Neko girl to the man, a verdigris coin (Bronze coin) flew out of nowhere into and through the auctioneer's head, killing him. "I bid a single verdigris. And with this, I'll take what's mine," Koku stated loudly as he appeared on the stage out of nowhere in a purple lightning flash.

As this happened, a loud explosion could be heard outside on the surface, and from there, another explosion was heard. After four more explosions, the city's super loud alarm began going off like crazy.

At an explosion site, a city guard walked towards the smoke of the explosion site, and within a few seconds of doing so, he felt the need to stop advancing towards it. Just as he stopped, he saw something with a faint purple glow. "What is that?" He gripped his spear tightly.

Something growled and jumped out of the smoke, though the smoke seemed to follow this thing for a few seconds, making it look like a smoke bullet as it protruded out of the smoke field.

The smoke screen dispersed from the monster's charge and revealed a Cratrus, which then killed the city guard in less than a second. After this, many Cratrus rushed out of the smoke and began a full-out assault on all of the city guards and Dago's men, who had been putting the plan into play, so they retreated to lure the Cratrus into an area.

In another explosion site, a massive golem seemingly grew out of the ground and remained still for several seconds as tons of Cratrus flooded the streets. In another area where no Cratrus were present, a dragon appeared (Wind dragon), and in other areas of the massive city, other dragons appeared (Earth, black, and red).

Back on the stage, Koku had stepped onto the stage, causing chaos in the auction. A man covered in light scars walked slowly through the curtains. "So kind of you to drop by and say hello again, and surprised I am that you're the terrorist of Paladonia."

Koku opened his mouth and began talking, asking Satsujin, "Why aren't you going to mark me with your ability?" Satsujin looked at him with a smile and said, "I like to have a challenge, and I've decided that I'm going full power, not half."

"Oh?" Koku amusingly said, picking up Yoru's sister and throwing her into the air. One of his Night Owls flew in and grabbed her, leaving the underground as fast as it got in there. "Now that she's out of the way, let's dance, shall we?" Koku asked as he summoned Voidpulse and pointed it at Satsujin.

"Let's smash for the last time, kiddo! And to make this fun, we'll use all of this city as our ring." Koku closed his eyes for a split second. "Pause... he could've said clash or something else." After this thought ended, Koku then muttered something. "Now! Lightning domain!" After he yelled this out, he called forth his Void enhancements stage 1. Following this came one of his favorite abilities, "Void arrow," followed up by "Lightning entrance," which made Satsujin lose track of Koku for just about 2 seconds.

"Outburst…" Koku muttered as he appeared in front of Satsujin, slashing upwards with Voidpulse in hand. Using the ability outburst made Voidpulse use 5% of the power within itself in bursts of power, creating a small burst of power that can burn things if very close.

Satsujin jumped back as Koku slashed at his left eye, rendering it practically useless. After Satsujin was mid-jump back, Koku rushed at him, trying not to give him a break or even a second to think.

"Lightning halo," Koku muttered as he used Lightning entrance to get to Satsujin's weak point. After creating the lightning halo, Koku made use of it and sent it flying while rotating very quickly.

Satsujin dodged the halo with a jump but found out that the halo would blow up after it had been right below him. "Detonate." Koku muttered under his breath. After this, a massive explosion occurred, killing all of the auction attendees. Koku kept pressing Satsujin, making sure to hurt him quite a lot before he got serious or on his feet again.

Finally, getting an opportunity to kill Satsujin, Koku went in and found out that his attack was in vain, as Satsujin blocked Koku's strike and smiled as he then pulled out his longswords, hitting Koku back. Although Koku blocked the hit with Voidpulse, he was still sent back into the walls of the auction house.

"Now that you've gotten your hits through, I should get serious, and because you've gotten so much stronger, I can't wait to see what you got now." Koku sighed and got into an attack position.

Koku was about to use another technique but noticed that they weren't working. "I'm marked," Koku thought to himself as Satsujin rushed Koku with his blades.

While this happened underground at the auction house, Yoru, who had made it out of the auction house, was currently fighting Dago's men, waiting for the Night Owl to reach the agreed spot, which she was protecting.

"She has to get here quickly or that party is going to get here before they should." Yoru thought as she could then see through the smoke-filled sky a silhouette. It was the Night Owl. "Finally!" Yoru cheered right before she had seen a blue light shine far into the right side.

Seeing this, she worried since she could see who it was. "The party members…" As she began to worry, one of the dragons, which were currently on the loose, hurried over there. This was the Wind dragon, which slithered through the sky quickly and intercepted the mage of the party with the rest of the party.

It was mentioned to Yoru by Koku that the dragons weren't even close to their true past powers, since he himself isn't strong enough to house even 1% of one of their powers, let alone their true forms. Their powers, for the moment, were set and stuck at 0.5%.

Knowing this, Koku knew that the dragons might struggle if not all together. She herself could see that the dragons weren't going to be all together for some time. The Earth dragon being the slowest and the only grounded dragon of them all could very well take just about 20-30 minutes to get there.

Yoru killed another one of Dago's men as they kept rushing her, acting as fodder since these guys were cut off by Yoru midway through their retreat. Some time after when the Night Owl landed with Yoru's sister safely, they began to retreat somewhere safer but would find themselves in front of Dago's two strongest loyal men, Stale and Vron.