Machine fights dark champion

Do it with this one:Y oru didn't waste anytime holding her punches so she quickly and swiftly unsheathed her 2 daggers and began running with it towards them. Dago's men, Stale and Vron weren't just going to let this attack on them go by so Stale pulled his blade out and met Yoru's daggers head on…or so he thought, but in reality Yoru had never planned on meeting a sword head on with 2 daggers.

 Her goal was to go after the man behind Stale…Vron was her target for the moment and after a few swift movements from left to right and back to left and right again Yoru shook Stale's focus or aim, "Vron be carful!", Stale yelled as he jumped up several feet into the air. These 2 had been good at teamwork and this was a tactic of theirs; this required Stale to jump if the enemies slide past Stale then a jump would be done so Vron wouldn't hit him with his upcoming attack.

Yoru had seen Vron's body tense up and begin to glow up bright red, with that a really fast swing of his massive great sword came next. "His element is air…", Yoru noticed as she ducked down in order to avoid the attack which was coming though the left slashing right. In retaliation to the attack, while she ducked and the attack flew past her she struck at Vron's arms with her daggers quickly and backed away. "Even if my cuts aren't deep I'll still do you pain and loss of movement and you'll lose strength due to blood overtime." Yoru was thinking deep into the fight and decided she was going draw out this fight and win this way as she could tell this wasn't going to be a quick fight. 

When Yoru had backed away after cutting at Vrons arms she dodged an incoming attack from Stale from her left flank all while Vron changed to his next attack and aimed from top to bottom. "Swinging that sword around with enhancements wont do you any good", Yoru thought as she side stepped and began to cut at him once again. After 10 minutes of this, Yoru was able to identify something very important throughout this fight, Stale's weakness is Vron getting hurt, and Vron's is the lack of skill." Yoru noticed as she closed in the distance after an attack had forced her to back off, this next attack on Vron was aimed at the Vrons legs. After getting her attack through Vron seemed to go from less skilled to more logical and skilled with his attacks after all these attacks had acclimated. "Hiding the true potential now are we?", Yoru smirked as 10 minutes would go by; and in these 10 minutes she had indeed seen difference in skill for Vron, to the point he had her on edge and on the defensive.

 2 minutes passed and finally what she had wanted to wait for happened, Vron coughed up blood and fell to one knee. Because of this Stale stopped his attack as he knew Yoru would dodge and become focused on getting to Vron's side. "What is this!?", Stale yelled as he got to Vron's side. Yoru smirked as she looked down at them, "You both lost because I'm more agile and full of tricks", she chuckled in a mocking way. Stale looked at Vron and his head had been visibly full of veins, "Poison! I'll make you pay you little bitch-", Stales field of vision seemed to flip upside down and as he noticed what had happened, he could not see Yoru's face, but her mouth, and he could see a slight smirk, "You 2 underestimated me, oh and the poison on these daggers, they are pretty lethal but serve more for paralyzing targets after 10 minutes. Congrats you held 22 minutes, so I am surprised muscle brain." Yoru had then clapped her hands as she threw a dagger at Vron which went to the left and the other to the right, creating the image of an X. Now that Vron and Stale were dead, Yoru continued on her path all while she could hear clashes from afar, "The party will be on me shortly if the dragons cannot all get there in time to fight together against them." Yoru muttered as she looked back at the now chaotic city now filled with black smoke and flames.

"Even the sky lost it's color", she thought as she looked at it. (Elsewhere) Koku had seen Satsujin rush at him while activating his own enhancements to the highest level, "Now kid lets have fun", Satsujin laughed out as he began to throw a crazy amount of attacks at Koku. Koku clearly being able to see this due to his eyes ability to see a second into the future was able to dodged the upcoming onslaught of attacks.

A few minutes of dodging turned to Koku counter attacking and slashing at Satsujins arm which left a pretty deep cut and this was to Satsujin's surprise, "What's with this sudden change?", he wondered as Koku began to apply pressure on him now with his endless attacks coming in quick waves after another. 

After a few minutes of being in the defensive Satsujin smiled and licked his lips all as he pulled out a weapon Koku wasn't familiar with him using. "See this kid? This right here is a one of the 5 fractions to the hammer of destruction, you're the third person I've ever used this on by force, so feel happy about it", Satsujin announced loudly to Koku as he was now more or less around 4 meters away from him. "You see this? This is my sword, and its sharp and it can fit in my hands", Koku responded mocking Satsujin, "HAHAHAHA. KID LETS PLAY", With this Koku and Satsujin who were more or less close in terms of power due to Koku's enchainments boosting him quite the amounts but not only that, his eyes being able to see a second into the future alongside Voidpulse having a storage of void energy/aura.

 Koku and Satsujin ran towards one another with their weapons on hand and due to this, anyone could tell that they were going to fight up close once again, but how could a sword fight with a hammer, well Koku's solution to this was rather simple, Voidpulse as mentioned before has an ability that allows it to switch its form into any weapon in turn giving the Koku at the least the basic skill set to use these weapons. So as these 2 came close to one another Koku went to slash as Satsujin went to slam the hammer down over Koku, but just right before the hammer hit, Koku switched Voidpulse's form from a sword to a 2 foot in length and width shield which was able to block the hammers strike very very well. 

After the strike was blocked Koku slipped through by shifting his body underneath the hammer slightly and began to continue his assault just without the sword and with he shield instead. Due to this Koku would have to engage in hand to hand combat on his part which meant his martial arts training wasn't unless at all and would prove it's use here and now. Koku's first action after slipping through and getting close to Satsujin was a punch to the gut; and since Voidpulse had now been a shield, the abilities which were meant to cut and slash were now more focused on strength, impact, endurance and defense.

One of the abilities that Koku could use with Voidpulse was outburst which used up 5% of the energy in Voidpulse. But upon getting close to Satsujin and using outburst while punching his gut, this created an explosion which left Satsujin burned but still standing, and standing in the same spot; because of this Koku was pushed back by his own explosion. "Damn kiddo that hurt like hell, but tell me… ISN'T THIS FUN?", Satsujin cried out with a flushed expression, "Your really weird…", Koku thought to himself as he rushed towards him before the smoke and steam of the explosion allowed Satsujin any visibility again.

 Once getting up close to him Koku had begun to fight hadn't to hand with him since the hammer wasn't going to prove any use in hand to hand. Koku knew this but was wary at the same time since he didn't know if Satsujin was hiding anything else while fighting with him. But because Koku had the ability to see a second into the future repeatedly, he was more confidant of not getting attacked to the point he was utterly blind. It's also due to this ability that Satsujin wasn't able to hit Koku. So as long as Koku's on his feet Satsujin knew he wasn't touching Koku for a while.

Thus the fight would go on like this for 20 minutes, and by this point Koku was beginning to see that his attacks were doing damage but he was going to tank all of it until Koku himself couldn't lift a finger. "Your defense and endurance are just ridiculous", Koku muttered under his breath as he scanned the battlefield for anything he could use to his advantage. While doing this his eyes locked onto a dusty broken flag sticking out of some rubble, "Maybe…", Koku pondered on If he should risk this chance to gain the upper hand by much more or if he should continue to press forward with his assault on Satsujin. "Damn it!", he yelled in his mind as he went full speed trying to get the flag, but just as Koku stopped attacking Satsujin; Satsujin ran out of the dust screen and was right behind Koku right about to punch him with his left arm.

 Koku of course had seen this just a second before it hit so he narrowly avoided the attack by not side stepping, but jumping off to the side as he moved forward, "Tell me. How is it that your continue to avoid my attacks…and just how the hell are you using powers. Another thing; how is it you've doubled your entire strength in just a month.

TELL ME, YOU WEREN'T HOLDING BACK NOW WERE YOU?", Satsujin yelled angrily at Koku as he watched Koku obtain the flag. "Giving answers to a dead man is a waste of time and energy, and what If I was holding back then? Does it matter now? What if I'm holding back now?", Koku responded back to Satsujin. "TAKE ME SERIOUS MOTHERFU-", Satsujin was interrupted by an explosion which had occurred right over them which caused the entire auction house to shake and send rubble everywhere, "The auction-house is falling apart", Koku thought as he took the first chance at an opportunity to rush him when some rubble had fallen disrupting Satsujin's view of Koku which basically made him blind for a single second if not less.

 With this Koku rushed Satsujin and threw the flags remaining parts which still consisted of the cloth and just about 1/3rds of the wooden pole. When Koku threw the flag at Satsujin, he aimed for Satsujin's final eye. Once the rubble had fallen from the point of masking Koku's location, Koku rushed at him turning Voidpulse from a shield into a spear.

So as the flag pole made its way to Satsujin's eye and Koku right behind it by a 2 seconds with Voidpulse now as a spear Koku thrusted Voidpulse as Satsujin was now within range and right before the flag pole hit his eye, Satsujin…