Night of games P1

In the week Koku was eating up the information of the swords play Iron Maiden, Koku was able to learn lots and spend time hanging out with Celestia who looked pretty alone all the time. Now even being in here didn't assure that rumors wouldn't spread like wildfire, and it did. 

Within the first 2 weeks of Koku being hidden sanctuary, unconscious but still present; the higer ups in this area spoke amongst themselves and eventually after many letters sent via pigeons, assasins were highered to come for the weakened pure Koku's life. These higher ups were of ranks below great generals. Although of the great generals one of them had been involved. 

This general wasn't weak by any means and hadn't yet gotten the chance to even see Koku. Though this one also had an obsession with Celestia, and had a hobby of lusting at the sight of Celestia being alone and friendless or for better words, he liked seeing her miserable. "Celestia… I'll kill that little shit you protect… that way, you'll be like a beautiful bird locked up it's birdcage. Yearning and yearning for someone to free you… oh that delicate yearning face of yours… i can imagine it…" this twisted general spoke aloud with the biggest and most insane look on his face as he was in an empty dark room with red circles drawn all around. 

"Now as for you young boy, what was it? Ahh yes thats it, Koku. The terrorist of both home of knights and mages. I'll just have you killed since your involment with Celestia has gotten out of hand boy." a cold serious gaze struck his face as he looked down at a small paper with Koku's face on the ground which was in the middle of the ground with drawn circles around. "With an offer of equivalent exchange, i offer up a life for a life. Now hunt this so called Koku down to the ends of heaven and earth." he chanted as he took the life of a lizard infused with his own blood in his hands.

A few days after this unfolding, Koku was currently resting near the pond reading a book that Celestia had recommended with a slight smile. "So this is about romance… they're so lucky things go well for them", Koku said closing the book gently now having nothing to do as he looked up at the morning sky. 

Convincing himself he had nothing to do, Koku laid down on the brightly green colored grass in the process closing his eyes, allowing the sunlights rays hit against his skin and body. "This feels so nice." he muttered underneath his breath letting a yawn go in the process. "I'm so tired" he said yawning once again just to feel the sunlight disappear from his skin by an overcasting shadow. 

"If you find yourself tired, rest more, so… let's forget training for today and tomorrow." Suggested a familiar voice. "You know what, i should rest up a bit more", Koku responded playfully. The person standing over him was none other than Celestia who had arrived with some news which she informed him on after a few hours of hanging out. "I have to go back to the main city of Paladonia for a few days…", she told him with a warry expression. 

"I'd bring you over… but~ you have quite the popularity there…" Celestia said with a nervous expression "So i was thinking abou telling you about it, since i do still have responsibilities as the grand master." hearing this made Koku feel a little down but nothing to much, since apart from the elderly, he only spoke with Celestia in the hidden sanctuary. 

"Alright, don't worry, i'll train and rest lots while your gone. I'll hold the fort down here", Koku assured her before hse could even lay her concerns on him. "Glad you understand. After i finish the things i have to do there, i'll be back quickly." she added as she then began making her exit with a wave and farewell. So after leaving, later that day when night struck, Koku felt weird. It was as if eyes had been set on him. 

"Someone without a doubt is watching me…", Koku muttered asking if anyone was there. Not getting a reply, Koku held onto the sword Celestia left him. A white sword with a golden handle which they used for sparring, and also a gift from Celestia to Koku. When holding onto this weapon which was very capable of doing lethal harm easily, Koku heard something in the bushes rustle. 

So now hearing the bushes rustling, Koku held his head feeling a littel dizzy when the words, "Survive three days." popped up in his head through a weird space he felt as if he knew. That and that it might've been a space close to him somehow. Regardless of what it was, the warning from this while the rustling of the bushes seemed to catch Koku's now and only current innocent curiosity. 

Within a second of time passing by, two people wearing hoods rushed out of the bushes with daggers aimed straight for Koku's face. After seeing them rush out, Koku swung his current sword slicing through them quickly with one move. However, after putting those two assasins to sleep for a long time, Koku felt a strange sensation. Almost as if this had been natural to him. "Strange…", he wondered as his head began to flood with the image of blood, sword and purple eyes that belonged to himself. But for some reason, when seeing his reflection from the pond, lake and even the swords shiny blade, he could only see light grey eyes. 

The reason for his eyes now being grey instead of purple, was due to the fact his powers were currently suppressed and three days from finally being available to him. Still not understanding the situation completely, it takes Koku a few seconds to put one and one together. "I'm being targeted." Noting this Koku heard clapping off in the distance. Now having night completely over their heads, Koku was cautious. 

When the one responsible for the clapping walked forward. An artificial cold mist rolled in creating a pretty nerve racking scene from the man dressed as a business man. Glasses as creepy as can be, and ears pointy. "I greet you Koku. If you may, allow me the chance to have a little bit of fun." he muttered as in between his hands which he used to clap two roses appeared out of nowhere. 

A white rose, and a black one. The smile on this mans face set Koku uneasy; and the aura surrounding him was quite ominous. "I am one of the middle class demons, a hunter. And you are my prey." the man informed Koku as a big uneasy smile covered his face. "Let's have fun. In three days there will be a full moon, survive till then, and you might live", his face was genuinely creepy and honest when saying this so as he looked into Koku's eyes, the demonic individual took the silence casted by Koku as an agreement. 

"Oh and before we begin. I'd let you know something important. That important thing is…"