Night of games P2

"That important thing is… just by the looks of you, an impostor amongst mankind, are—never mind that. Seeing your facial reactions right now proves to me that you yourself do not know about it." When saying this, the demon smiled at Koku, glaring straight into his eyes in a mocking manner.

"I don't know why you're after me, b-but I won't run away without teaching~ no~ I won't run away without fighting you!" Koku yelled as he rushed the middle-class demon with the sword gifted to him by Celestia. "Fantastic, let the hunt begin, little boy," said the demon with the nerve-giving smile, followed by licking its lips while bloodlust poured out of him.

Standing in front of it gave Koku chills. However, when the bloodlust began to pour out, a feeling of dread overcame Koku, freezing him in place with the sword in hand. "What's the matter, boy?" the demon muttered into Koku's ear after suddenly teleporting right behind him, slouched over his shoulder, or moving so fast you could consider it teleportation from its original location.

"I- need three days, it said." Koku reminded himself as he bit his lip, allowing him the freedom of movement, which he took to slash behind himself with a rotation. Of course, when Koku did this, the slash didn't hit the demon as it moved behind Koku in unison with his rotation, making sure it was behind him all along.

When Koku stopped his rotation, he felt a sharp sensation pierce behind his body. For some reason, Koku knew what had happened, but due to the uneasiness running throughout his body, Koku couldn't help but feel the pain ease away due to the adrenaline pumping all over his body. "You're so weak…" the demon said with a faint trace of disappointment. "However… seeing you in pain or run away as I hunt you will be so much fun. So all I must do is show you that beating me is impossible, then you'll run away," the demon now said aloud at laughter's doorstep. "Oh, common, scream or yell out in fear. Give me reactions that aren't silent," it demanded of Koku as he turned around trying to slash it again, but this time thrusting the sword backward, hitting the demon with the handle of the sword as it moved behind him in unison with the spin.

After hitting him, Koku slashed upwards at the demon's chest and then tried to bury his sword into the demon's chest, just where the heart would be. However, when Koku tried to do that, the demon grabbed the blade of the sword, and in a serious tone, he spoke up. "You actually hit me, then grazed me with that toothpick… maybe I should teach you a lesson before I engrave the marks of fear on you, child," when saying this, the demon looked down at Koku with a disgusted look in his eyes.

Not even a second later, the demon kicked Koku in the chest, forcing him to puke after stumbling onto his feet. "Does it hurt?" he asked as the slash mark that Koku had placed on him healed alongside the damage on his clothing.

After somewhat getting up and puking, the demon threw Koku's sword to his feet, as if telling him to pick it up. Once regaining his footing, Koku picked up the sword and pointed it at the very strong demon; he then watched full of wary as one of the demon's arms turned into a dark red and black long pointy sword.

Seeing the point of the sword his arm became, it was visible that that weapon had been much sharper than his own. For a moment, Koku had seen the shine from the moon reflect off the arm sword-like weapon. This gave Koku a mirror of time to get into a defensive stance.

However, once getting into it, the demon broke through it with overwhelming brute force. "This is insane…" Koku thought to himself as he positioned the sword back into a defensive posture, noting that the other forms weren't enough.

Just then, it hit him clear as day, "The iron maiden sword techniques!" his mind raced as his body regained footing after jumping backward from the demon, who had grown a massive smile on his face while staying still. "I can see it. Hope is forming in your eyes, Koku." The demon then rushed at Koku, giving him a chance to get into his posture fully.

When rushing at Koku this time, the demon could tell that for a moment, his attack had been guided to the ground by Koku's sword slightly tilting downwards. This caused his arm, which was currently a sword, to slide off into the ground, lowering the demon's head to the same height level as Koku. "A great technique... It won't work again," the smile off his face as Koku sliced its head off gave Koku a chill running down his spine; afterward, making some distance from the body and getting ready for another defense.

Koku looked in anticipation, waiting for the body to move or something to happen. His thoughts would end up in the right place as Koku watched the head he had sliced off moments ago grow these black tentacles which attached themselves to the body that had been slouched over in the same position Koku had slashed the demon's head off at.

"Child, I'll give you props. If you had been a holy magic user, I would've been dead, but seeing as your hands are drowned in blood, you couldn't ever be that. Behind that innocence of yours stands the image of you as something entirely different from you sits in wait… I'm curious so let's make this more interesting." When saying this, the demon created a thin black magic dome around the area; seeing the dome fade into the night sky, it was as if it had dissolved, and now… all around himself, or inside this dome, he felt an ominous feeling scatter throughout the air.

Seeing the demon's smile as it rushed at him once more, Koku blocked the attack well and then the next attack and the next after that, counter-attacking each and every time. Seeing as with swordplay, the demon wasn't going to get through whatever type of techniques Koku was using. It decided to do something else entirely.

"I'll just break the ground around us," the demon thought to himself as with its other hand, in the palm of his hand, it formed a black and red orb made of magic. After creating this orb, he smashed it into the ground, causing a loud explosion to occur, and the earth within one fourths of a mile to shatter and make uneven grounds with pieces of earth pointing upwards in all directions. "Using this technique will be hard now. Maybe if I…" Koku dropped the technique as the ground made it hard for him to perform the moves necessary, so taking this chance, he began running in the opposite direction of the demon, which he could no longer see due to the dust cloud all over the area.

For some reason, Koku knew that the demon was chasing him. So when he turned around, ready to block the supposedly incoming attack, Koku was met with the stretching sharp arm of the demon ready to dig into where Koku's back was located before turning around. "Oh, you knew that was coming?" the demon asked as Koku fended the attack off, making him stop his run elsewhere.

Koku's thoughts seemed to be crashing with another as he thought of every possible area of attack and wherever it could arrive from. Not seeing the demon because of all the dust still in the air, Koku remained silent and overthinking as the voice of the demon shot up through the dust in every direction.

"You see, boy, there are those who you can win against… and those you cannot win against. If you think yourself as anything but weak, you are sorely mistaken." he mocked Koku who in response said back to the demon that if he struggled against a supposed weak person such as himself, then that made him weak as well.

"Besides, if you're a middle-class demon, then the higher demon class must be in a world of its own." Koku stated getting to the middle-class demon's nerves. "…It seems I change my mind, LITTLE PIG, I'LL TORTURE YOU SLOWLY THEN KILL YOU IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE," the demon yelled out in anger.

Koku smiled hearing this, as he knew he had gotten to the demon's ego; so with this, it should make its moves more predictable Koku thought as the demon rushed out at Koku full speed. Koku, of course, not being able to see this was hit brutally in the chest. Forcing him to cough up blood, Koku was also sent flying into a tree, which snapped in half after Koku's body hit. "M-my back, I-i think it's broken~", Koku struggled to get up, but luckily his spine wasn't actually broken but strained and under heavy tension due to his body not yet being completely healed.

Actually, in this fight, and the time in which Koku had been moving, his ribs, which had been nearly healed to perfection, began cracking again due to the intense moves. Under normal circumstances, if his ribs had healed back to perfection, Koku wouldn't have any struggles whatsoever with any kind of moves. However, without the void backing him and making his body stronger, that also limited Koku to simply his body alone. Koku did not have the world's will protecting him and granting him magic; that's the reason he was born without magic, but did that really matter right now… Koku was fighting for his life since the demon in front of him was hunting him due to being summoned for an assassination...