Old empty skills

Shortly after the abrupt situation that took place with that member from the two fazed moon guild. Koku began moving once again, and would continue to do so until the sun began to set. But by this point, he had yet to find any signs of a civilization close by. 

"Damn it… am I going to have to camp out here tonight?" he complained to himself as he picked up the pace. "Well at any rate, I'm sure somethings are going to ironically be after me~like always…" he said this in his head and right after this he slapped his face cheek. "Okay okay, let's not get all moody now. I should honestly focus on harmonizing the two of these…" pondered Koku clearly talking about the World's will and the Void energy clashing inside of himself. 

As Koku thought more and more, the sun eventually disappeared more and more, pretty soon not being there at all, finally marking the start of the night. Although it was night time, Koku chose to not stop moving forward since it'll just take him more time to get to his destination, on top of being a sitting duck for anything that might want to come and fight him during night time.

So as he kept moving in the dead of night, he'd hear howling off in the distance, ways away obviously; and although it was ways away, Koku's attention was bought. "They don't sound like pelt wolves… they might be night hounds or shade wolves." Koku thought, clearly overthinking again (He might be overly cautious). In case it actually is something, Koku wanted to test something out.

Fighting without the use of his eye powers again, like in the past. "The sword techniques Celestia had taught me are pretty powerful. Although I wonder what would happen if I combined it with techniques from the academy days." What he had been talking about, was the faint mist-like lines (Chapter 11 dueling), that had shown him how to fight better with his aura sword in the academy days when he was much much younger.

What he had learned back in those days due to the mist-like-lines was much less effective than the knight's sword techniques at the time but was alright. He'd come to call them as of this day "Void sword techniques" pair this with the Iron Maiden techniques that Celestia taught him, surely he'd be able to make something great right? 

Well Koku was about to find that out in a few moments. As not far, he could hear footsteps by the masses, like a stampede. "Shade wolves don't make noise while running. So night hounds it is hmm." Being able to see fully, all around himself due to the night owl ability he had taken a long time ago, 360 vision was basically always active in a sense, so this meant no sneak attacks from behind would happen as long as he's able to see the moves of his foes. 

So as the presumed Night hounds approached quickly, Koku muttered under his breath "Void sword technique-" Closing his eyes he envisioned a faint trail of mist within a dark shapeless room. The mist trail resembled a wavy cut string affected by zero gravity. 

Eyes closed, senses at their highest and his mind at it's calmest. Koku felt an imaginary tug in this state of stillness, so choosing to react to this, he moved his hand and arm in unison with the faint string-like-mist which now began to extend its length by quite a bit, even changing patterns along the way. 

By the time Koku reached the end of the mist string, it straightened itself out, giving Koku a moment of clarity. With this moment, he jerked his left arm from his waist up left, cutting through the air molecules themselves in a perfect cut. "-Empty slash." After this move, he opened both his eyes and looked down at the hound who had just made it to his left hand side. 

"Dear me… are you shocked little guy?" Koku asked the night hound that flinched yet hadn't moved upon the use of Empty slash. "There's a connection between me and the actual slashes attached onto the hound. Anywho, now as for the rest." Koku reminded himself in his head not to do anything further to the hound, instead stepping back a few inches. 

So as three night hounds rushed past the cover of the trees, Koku evaded their incoming attacks making sure to use Empty slash on all of them as well. After getting this over with quickly, Koku took a jump back, which landed him just about 10 feet away from the night hounds; and with this movement, he whispered under his breath in a curious but satisfied way "Slash." When doing this, Koku felt the need and had the bright idea to flood the empty connected slashes with Void energy and Void aura. 

When he flooded the invisible slashes that were attached to the hounds, two things happened. One the slashes flooded with Void aura cut into the hounds body quietly and half way through leaving their bodies halfway opened (Halfway cut in half). Second the slashes flooded with Void energy completely shredded the bodies of the hounds, leaving it unrecognizable but making much more noise compared to the aura cut ones.

After seeing this, Koku placed a finger under his chin in the midst of pondering. "So Void energy is superior in every combat, and destructive way than Void aura. Though Void aura is harder to sense and notice if it's not being showcased…" Koku smirked after this thought was processed quickly. "Okay okay, you can come out now." Koku shouted aloud facing the tree tops. 

Being discovered, three people jumped down from the dark treetops. "So kiddo, we can see you have some skills, even if it's just slashing and dodging, so we'll get this over with quickly." One of the three announced, causing Koku to chuckle, then full out laugh. 

"Go on, try it." Koku said, going quiet with his eyes focused solely onto the three of them. One of the three people, who Koku could see were masked, rushed out at him with a concealed knife ready to cut, stab and kill. This person who rushed at Koku felt the sudden pressure of Koku's Void energy being flexed out a little bit, but just enough to go unnoticed through medium and large amounts of distance. "Don't worry, i'm just letting you find out who's the kid here" Koku stated mockingly as the three stood still in cold sweat. "Why are small fry like them coming after me only? Maybe some big shot is waiting for me somewhere else…" Koku thought as he then focused back on the two people who looked like they were getting ready to attack, plus the one who was already mid way through but was stopped because of Void energy.