Academy twins P1

Shortly after being admitted into one of the top academies of Hydropolis (Leviathan academy), Yoru and Kurai had a little bit of time until the very sudden fighting tournament scheduled by Elora per the principals request (Chapter 52). 

At this given moment, a night had passed since Yoru had cried in Kurai's arms; but this was also two days before the fighting tournament was to take place amongst the first years only. This naturally meant, other years would be able to see what took place within the tournament. More importantly this was for the principle to gauge the powers of the twins, since he had felt something oddly strong lurking deep inside of them. 

So as the next day was here, and both of the girls had gotten a knock earlier by Elora, telling them to head over to the dining hall for breakfast. After this Elora excused herself and just like that, both of them got into a change of uniform that was given to them beforehand by Elora which was a blue and white skirt with tights, but still wore the robes they had back when they still traveled with Koku. So on their way there Kurai began teasing Yoru about wearing the robe. 

"Ehe~ are you worried that someone might look at your beautiful shape if you don't wear the cloak~?" Kurai slowed down when saying this and hugged Yoru from behind in a playful way trying to ease the tension in the air. 

It worked and Yoru became slightly flustered scoffing at Kurai "So what?- i'm not some kind of pervert like you who enjoys getting behind her little sister or likes its when others looking at my body~" Yoru's halfhearted insult wasn't meant in any bad way since Kurai didn't like it when others look at her body either. Although it was true she's wasn't a pervert, and it was the only true thing she said there, to her knowledge. 

"Whaaaat? I'm not some pervert who likes others looking at my body. But what if i like to tease my sister~ it doesn't hurt does it?" Kurai whispered the last part into Yoru's ear making her blush a little more right before ultimately pushing her off of herself. 

"Your so weird sis…" Yoru said looking at Kurai weirdly, as if she was weirded out. After this scene unfolded, Kurai sighed and tapped Yoru's head "Relax a little, your big sister's here to keep you safe." Kurai reassured her by breaking the teasing big sis act for a moment. 

With this both sisters went on their way to eat breakfast in the dining hall. Little did they know, this was going to cause a little problem for them and others. So as both Yoru and Kurai stopped right about to take a turn. Both gave each other a glance and a nod, with this they turned the corner and walk a little further eventually getting to the two big wide open doors leading into the very packed dining hall. 

Taking a few steps into the hall (Cafeteria), someone bumped into Yoru from the side. It was a guy wearing white and blue uniform, he was blond as well. Regaining his footing, he apologized to Yoru looking her in the eye. "Many apologies for that. Are you okay?" he asked, still looking her in the eye with a tender smile. 

Yoru nodded, feeling that she didn't want to talk. Kurai saw this so she let out a big 'Ahem' getting the guys attention. "Oh sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Vron Reinheart, and yours lovely lady?" he asked, slightly lowering his head in a gesture of kindness and respect. This is when quite a few people began to notice what was happening and some pick me girls began talking amongst themselves. With many eyes on them now, Yoru took a step back wanting to just walk away at this point, but Kurai took up everyone on their little talks. "I can hear all of you as loud as it may be…" After stating that, Kurai looked at Vron Reinheart who was still diligently waiting for their answers on their names. 

"My name is Kurai, and hers its- Yoru~" she hesitantly said not knowing if she should've said Yoru's name without getting the heads up first. Vron taking these names whispered them underneath his breath. "Kurai and Yoru~ both delightful names. Beautiful cold night.. Your name sounds interesting, and very true by the looks of it." Vron spoke aloud only to the point Yoru and Kurai could hear him. But as he said that, he looked over at Yoru who had piqued his interest far more than Kurai did. 

"I'm here to eat. Not to talk." Yoru spoke up briefly before doing something she had done when much younger. She got behind Kurai a little bit and tugged gently on Kurai's cloak letting her know she was uncomfortable, the same way she would do so when she was a small child. 

Vron however after hearing Yoru speak up, apologized agreeing with her "Ahhh~ yes you're right, I apologize for that, please feel at home, I can tell that you are a new student here, maybe a transfer, nevermind that. Hmmm well i must go now, see both of you some other time," He smiled waving at them as he walked past them leaving the dining hall. 

While leaving, Vron had pondered as to why they wore the cloaks, since they weren't apart of the uniform rules and were quite against it. To him, he thought they seemed lacking in wanting attention but by wearing the cloaks, they were going to get lots of it. Anyways he thought as he kept going on his way. 

After Vron had left, Kurai was left with Yoru sticking to her back as by this point the dining hall had come to be quiet. All the students just stared at both of them. "Im gonna kill that white haired Terrorist for sending us here…" Kurai smiled in her head clearly not meaning what she had said. Though she was pretty annoyed with the current circumstances of things. After the awkward silence dragged on for a few seconds, Kurai did what no one could've ever expected in this situation and pulled out the Tsundere card. By loudly and clearly making a noise and following that by stating something. Hmph!Perverts… she said in the very quiet room. 

After a moment of registering what she had said, those words sunk in as they all pretty much thought about it, staring at two uncomfortable girls in the middle of the room, did seem perverted for them to do… so some of the students broke up into a cheerful laugh calling other students perverts in a tease and the ones being called perverts did the same eventually turning into everyone calling each other perverts. 

In this confusion, Kurai and Yoru were able to make it to the food line where they quickly got what they wanted and left since before coming here Elora made sure to tell them that the food was all free. 

After slipping out of the chaotic dining hall, Yoru and Kurai went to eat out at the courtyard where it was more peaceful, warm and full of scattered students, minding their own business by either reading or talking in their very small friend groups and just not being loud and or nosey. So deciding to sit against a tree where there was a little bit of shade, Yoru and Kurai would eat their breakfast underneath a tree speaking to each other while slightly remaining cautious of their surroundings. "You know, now that I think about it. Since we left Amagiri, we haven't been able to sit down and eat and relax" Kurai told Yoru who knew this was pretty much true to every last word, though Yoru had something on her mind to say about that.

"Maybe, but…"