Academy twins P2

"Maybe… but it doesn't feel the same~" Yoru sighed, taking a bite of the turkey sandwich she had gotten from the lunch line. Kurai hearing this, looked down in defeat and began talking to herself in her head. 

"Is she obsessed with him or something? I get that he saved you and all, but still… it's a little much." Kurai had worried herself with Yoru's potential obsession with Koku, though she also knew that just meant she was in love or starting to fall in love. Deciding to change the topic, Kurai made small talk while they ate. A little later they finished eating and the academy clock tower rang letting the students know they must move onto their classes. The girls, Yoru and Kurai hearing this went on to explore the campus of the academy since they hadn't been official students and couldn't take classes until after the fighting tournament was finished. 

This was because holding the entrance exams for a single student would be an outrage for them to do in the eyes of the public. That and it costs a lot of money; so they will hold a fighting tournament to see who the stronger first year students are, and to evaluate the twins Yoru and Kurai.

So as the twins roamed the halls, They saw all sorts of paintings hung up on the hallways, from pictures of history, to the picture of a Leviathan, that and one of the painting that caught their interest, was the picture of the first water monarch holding a blue book with green music notes into the surrounding air of the land (Hydropolis), like ocean waves in books. The face of the water monarch, not visible, still carried a message of hope and tranquility. 

The girls passing by that piece of art, stopped getting a weird feeling about that painting. Feeling weird, both sisters looked at each other in unison. But as they were about to say something, the girls heard a sudden familiar voice behind them. "Boo!" It was the principal, and he failed to scare them as he planned. 

"Oh it's just you mister principal." Kurai spoke seeing that it was him who tried to scare them in a very poor manner. "Yea, it's me. I know I know, good stuff heh." Both Yoru and Kurai gave him an insecure look as he then proceeded to fake cough. 

"Ahem. Many students say they feel many kinds of feelings when seeing this painting for the first time. I reassure you it's nothing more than a painting. Though a painting, it still conveys a message, and like all artworks, that message may be something else in a person's mind. Commonly the kids report feeling calm, worried or amazement." the principal said, clapping his hands together in a single move. 

"Anything i can answer for the both of you?" he asked them wanting to satisfy the curiosity on their faces, and that's when Yoru spoke up asking a question. "Did the artist ever leave a message to this painting behind?" the principal put his hands down lowering his tone from the all silly type to a more normal tone. 

"Sadly, no. The artist of this never came to surface, some say the artist was killed long ago and others say he or she simply did not wish to be seen or known; and as far as we're aware, no word has ever been left behind by the mysterious artist with the original painting. Oh yea almost forgot to say. The paintings name is waving notes." After telling both Yoru and Kurai this, silence befell them all. 

That was until the principal spoke up and interrupted the silent moment. "Hmm that's right, i never told the both of you my name, It's Estros." Telling the girls this, he turned around, his back facing them and he said something before he left. "Some have noticed you already and have voiced their dissatisfaction with the late entry, be careful." With this he vanished in front of the girls eyes confusing them since it took them a moment to realize his disappearance. 

After this, both Yoru and Kurai pondered on what he said before they chose to keep exploring the campus, but not before they took a last glance at the picture, "Waving notes…" Yoru muttered as Kurai placed her hand over Yoru's head brushing her hair with the hood of the cloak they had still been wearing. Yoru and Kurai's use of the cloak was more or less just to hide their bodies since they'd feel uncomfortable otherwise. 

However, even with them on, others could barely tell what they still wore underneath. This didn't matter too much since on their minds weighed other thoughts, like the fighting tournament due in two days. 

So as both sisters walked throughout the almost empty halls of the academy, Yoru asked Kurai something about the tournament. "Should we ask around how the fighting tournaments are held?" Kurai squinted her eyes, looking at Yoru and she sighed. "By we, you mean me~ and I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea. I'll ask Elora about it when we see her." When Kurai said this to Yoru she became quiet since she knew Kurai was about to start teasing her.

"Hmmm. Is someone worried that her big amazing sister won't be next to her with everyone watching? awww it's okay, I'll cheer you on from the sidelines If we're supposed to fight solo." Kurai teased Yoru who at this point was much accustomed to it. 

Continuing to tease Yoru, both the sisters kept on exploring the campus, eventually getting the chance to see some of the outdoor classes, such as: The outdoor studies class, the environmental study class, the cavalier classes and even magic combat classes. They'd even see more normal classes such as some indoor classes being taught outdoors for the moment. 

After seeing those, Kurai and Yoru had seen the massive sports grounds they had, even seeing the massive pool they had. There was so much to see, to the point their school day would end before they were able to finish exploring 40% of the academy's campus. 

Taking a break Kurai suggested for them to look for the library next, since it's most likely a quiet place that less loudmouth dramatic students might be in. Yoru quickly agreed and followed through with it, so as they set out to look for the library someone lingered not too far off behind, hiding at the corner of an intersecting hallway. "They aren't a threat sir." This hiding person seemed to communicate with someone telepathically.

With this, that person watching over them left, leaving them alone. Roughly 20 minutes after setting out to look for the library, they found it, and lunch time had begun. So students of all kinds, both Demi-human and not, began slowly flooding the library to have lunch, study or to simply have somewhere colder to enjoy lunch and or relax. 

So choosing to sit somewhere before there was no place to sit, both Yoru and Kurai quickly found a spot at the back left corner of the library. Everything was calm and peaceful for a while until a blond male student accompanied by two girls and a guy approached Yoru and Kurai's little sitting area. 

Seeing his hair, eyes and face, he seemed to resemble the guy from morning. (Vron Reinheart). The blond who was clearly not Vron spoke, he spoke with grace and elegance in his voice. "Greetings, my name is Kendred Reinheart. I take it, you two are the ones who caused a commotion in the lunchroom earlier in the morning?" Asking this put Yoru on edge while Kurai was nonchalant about it. 

"And if we are?" Kurai replied to his question. Causing his subordinates to get offended for some unknown reason, even though they weren't being talked too. "Watch your mouth newcomers. This is the Kendred Reinheart, a Noble you are speaking too." The guy behind Kendred said loudly, getting the attention of many students around. 

Some began to murmur, "I think those are the new students." Speaking amongst themselves, another student whispered to another, "There goes another one. Getting involved with the nobles is such a pain." Students whispered all sorts of things that Yoru and Kuria could pick up on since they were Demi-humans, specifically Nekomata's.

The lackey and two girls with Kendred began to speak to both sisters as if they had done something wrong, but Kendred himself stopped them from talking by apologizing. "I apologize for my subordinates attitude." He slightly lowered his head (Not his body), placing his right hand over his chest. 

"Uhm~ it's fine…" Kurai replied not knowing what to say, but then Yoru spoke up, asking them what they wanted very bluntly. "What is it you want with us?" Kendred raised his head. 

"A very to the point person i see. Very well. I've taken an interest to meet the newcomers of Leviathan academy. It's a pleasure to meet you. As I've said once before, my name is Kendred Reinheart. I am in my third year of section 3. May I have your names?" He asked Kurai and Yoru with a smile plain on his face.