Academy twins P3

Kurai looked over at Yoru and she nodded. "M~my name is Kurai, and my younger sister is Yoru." she said keeping it short and brief. Kendred smirked, asking them something else. "Do you not have middle or last names?" after asking this, Yoru seemed to get annoyed and got up from her chair thus beginning to walk away, and that's when both girls next to Kendred stepped in front of her, and since they were in the left back corner of the library, that meant they were for the moment pinned with their backs against the wall.

So as both the brown haired and blue haired girl stop Yoru from walking away, the girl with brown hair began to speak to Yoru in a serious tone. "I bet you think your something special. Well let's get something straight little lady, your very disrespectful, and i don't like that. Your being rude to Kendred who's being kind to you and that bitch-" Hearing this girl with the brown hair call Kurai a bitch made Yoru get pretty mad so she threw the uniform glove straight at her face before she could finish speaking. 

Looking pretty pissed for a moment Kurai knew Yoru was going to do something stupid in a few moments, and that's when Yoru put her hood down, and showed her expression instead of upset, as emotionless, but knowing her little sister for their whole lives, Kurai knew Yoru was just acting unfazed by anything that girl had said, while in reality her actions of throwing the glove at that girl spoke pretty loudly. Not just that but it spoke loudly amongst the students' impression of Yoru.

When Yoru threw the glove at the brown haired girl, she knew what she was doing, since she had seen some posters hung up in the school hallways earlier with some of the guidelines readable on them, and this one was one of them. 

Throwing/tossing a single glove at someone is to challenge them to a duel. Address the duel with honor and respect, no form of dirty play will be tolerated. Is what the posters had shown and what Yoru had read. 

So as Yoru remained silent and in front of the girl, the girl whose name is Rebecca Eisten caught the single glove before it had fallen from her face to the ground and she angrily clutched the glove tightly with her hand and looked at Yoru with an angered expression, she then said to Yoru "I'm going to have fun putting you in your place. Let's duel outside. Right now." The girl then stepped aside, speaking up, "I'm going to put this kitty cat girl in her place. If you care to watch go outside to the courtyard." Rebecca Eisten announced aloud. 

Kurai however thought this was a pretty bad idea so she just looked at Yoru with a pained expression "Goodness she's so protective over her few cherished ones." After this thought Kurai sighed aloud getting up and walking passed Kendred without even glancing at him.

So with everyone now wanting to see what was going to happen, lots of students began going to the courtyard mentioning to other students what was going to go down. So by the time Kurai Yoru and Rebecca alongside Kendred had gotten to the courtyard, lots and lots of the students had already gotten there and began waiting for the duel. 

Some familiar faces as well. Vron Reinheart was present as well, not only that but Elora was there for some reason as well. Her and a few other people who look like staff. Seeing so many faces made Yoru wonder as to why this was such a big deal if it was with Rebecca not with that wanna be cool noble guy (Kendred). 

Seeing as lots of people had gathered and were waiting in anticipation, Rebecca spoke up introducing herself. "I Rebecca Eisten, a second year student in section 3 will be putting a kitty cat in its place." Hearing this, lots of student's snickered, feeling bad for Yoru since they had known how well Rebecca was at using fire magic, which almost always ends up being a bad match for most Demi-humans. 

While this was about to start, Vron Reinheart came up to Kendred Reinheart. "Don't you think this a bit much elder brother?" Asked Vron looking at Kendred. "Well of course i do. But this isn't my duel, but theirs." Kendred pointed at both Yoru and Rebecca who were just about to start dueling. 

Vron sighed crossing his arms telling Kendred to stop Rebecca from hurting her badly or causing any long lasting scars. "Oho~ are you interested in that disrespectful Neko girl?" Kendred asked Vron his younger brother. Vron gave Kendred a pat on the back telling him as he began walking away "That's none of your concern big bro." After Vron had walked away from Kendred, Kendred sighed to himself. 

"The older sister Kurai has gotten my attention more than that younger one, Yoru." With this, he crossed his arms as he watched Rebecca start the duel. 

As the brothers spoke, Rebecca looked at Yoru, who's gaze seemed fixed on Rebecca like a cat stalking its prey, though she didn't give it much thought since her ego was over the roof momentarily. "I'll hold back a bit if you apologize to Kendred and I" Rebecca said aloud, making sure everyone could hear her as her grin grew bigger and bigger. While this happened, a forcefield was placed over the dueling area so that no rogue attacks, spells etc would hit any students or cause any damage.

Yoru spoke no words as Rebecca kept running her mouth and after saying a few more things, with no response, Rebecca decided that this was disrespectful, so she got pretty angry and began to cast a fireball. "Say bye bye to your pretty little features since I'll burn them away." Rebecca muttered as she casted the fireball towards Yoru's direction. 

Seeing the fireball coming her way, Yoru in a quick movement, dodged the fireball by jumping to the side. After doing this though, she began running straight towards Rebecca with her nails extending becoming very sharp and a little longer. Seeing Yoru getting really close in an openfield dueling area with her claws coming out, Rebecca smirked taunting her. 

"Is the kitty planning on scratching me with those little claws?" She said this as she created another fireball followed by an attack which was self explanatory per the name of it. "Fire wave" she used right after the fireball making it pretty hard to avoid if the opponent hadn't had any escape moves or methods. 

But just like that, when Rebecca and everyone else thought Yoru was going to get hit by those fire attacks, Rebecca felt a sudden force hit her back hard and fast. When she came to it, her face had been pushed onto the ground. 

When everyone had seen what happened to Rebecca, lots were shocked since it had looked like, Rebecca was going to win easily after using a fire combo like she did, but then Yoru who was running towards Rebecca seemingly appeared behind Rebecca out of nowhere (Her shadow) rotating her whole body with a kick for Rebecca's back.

That kick sent her flying quite a few feet, and as she was about to get up, with her back facing Yoru. Yoru stepped on her back, grabbing her head and pushing it down into the ground. "This kitty does want to scratch you." Yoru muttered, only letting Rebecca hear as she then cut her long hair, then grabbing her now short hair, Yoru pulled it up and began to scratch at her whole face letting her feel some pain before she yelled out that she surrenders. 

After that, Yoru looked down at her as she let go of her and she whispered. "Say another thing about my sister, and next time I'll leave you unrecognizable." After this Yoru put her hood up again and walked up to Kurai who was surprised that she did so little to the girl. 

And amongst all the suprised students, some grinned and Vron was surprised, "Well well, that was something to watch." He thought as he looked at Yoru and Kurai from afar. 

After finishing this, Kurai and Yoru hurried over to the dorms after hearing all the cheers from the students and even seeing Elora's surprised expression. Few could tell that Yoru hadn't tried fighting seriously at all, but only Kurai knew that this was Yoru's way of putting her down in her own place. 

After the sisters had gotten to the dorms, Kurai gave Yoru a pat on the back, "Nice. You humiliate her in front of all those people. But i think we're going to have a tougher time here in this academy little sis~" Hearing this Yoru sighed putting a hand over her face. "Your right. I didn't think about what happens next… but it doesn't matter honestly since i don't think we're going to have a tough time here as we would have a tough time with Koku…" Yoru reassured her sister Kurai.

"Yea…in less than two weeks, he went from destroying a whole city to fighting the grandmaster of Paladonia, what was next world domination?." Kurai added, causing both sisters to chuckle. 

On the topic of this, Yoru asked Kurai something very very important. "Hey sis, if…"