Academy twins P11

After un-summoning the Skele Paladin, Kurai let out a sigh of nervousness as that little awkward situation, and now the many pairs of eyes on her, began to sink in so then suddenly, she covered her face with both her hands. "Goodness~ I probably looked so weird standing like that…" Kurai muttered in-between the grasp of her hands. 

Standing there made her even more conscious, "I probably look even worse right now!" Kurai thought of putting her hands down quickly, thus beginning to walk to where Yoru had been in a very nervous tense way. Then, the same individuals within the crowd that cheered for Yoru, cheered for Kurai as well. 

"WOOO!" some flat-out cheered, and some others chanted all together "The twins owned those Nobel scum! WOOO" Many things were said, and lots of them annoyed Vron, Kendred and Vincent. Leopold hadn't cared much at all, and instead cared about what both siblings that had fought felt like due to the fight. "Father, I'll check on them in your stead. You have other matters to tend to, so please don't waste your time here with little things." Leopold told Balor Reinheart, his father. Both said their goodbyes, leaving Vincent, Leopold and the only present person of Royalty. 

"Has something piqued your interest?" Leopold asked the man with a with a courteous bow. Roughly around three seconds after asking, he heard a sigh. "Yes. Those two have piqued my interest." Leopold looked at the man, stating something. "Yes, those two are interesting aren't they? May I ask which of my brothers is it you find more interesting?" he asked with a normal smile on his face. 

The Royal man's voice sounded again for a brief moment. "Those two don't interest me. I'm talking about the two Demi-humans." The man put his miniature notebook away, standing up. 

Leopold's silence was alarming to Vincent. But then the man spoke up, "What is your reason for asking me such trivialities. This seemed more like a demand, than a statement, so Leopold spoke up. "Apologies, I was just curious. Then may I ask why you're interested in them? No what I mean is, what do you have planned for them sir Ivan?" Leopold's tone was very familiar to Vincent, and for the first time in a while, maybe even the longest of times sounded slightly annoyed. 

The man, whom's name is Ivan Sailforth. Gazed down at Leopold's challenging gaze. "The eye's you carry look pitiful, put them in their place little spark." The nickname he'd just called Leopold was all too familiar to those who knew him, and the reason for its use. "Regardless, as for the reason I am interested in these two, is more of a personal matter, so keep your nose out of my business." The tone in Ivan's voice was rather one of someone being rude and disgusted. 

Leopold and Vincent remained now slightly bowing. Ivan Sailforth, the royal family member, now began walking past the brothers without even looking at them. Before leaving the room, Ivan stopped walking, stating something without even so much as a glance to the brothers. "We never conversed today." Right after saying this he left, going down the stairs right outside of the room. 

After this tense interaction Leopold and Vincent looked at eachother beginning to snicker at one another. "He's really hovering over the clouds with this one." Vincent stated sighing afterwards. Leopold gave Vincent a pat on the back telling him something he was already far too familiar with the thought of already. "Valor season." Vincent muttered looking outside at the field where the many battles had taken place, hoping for his victory in the upcoming Valor season. 

Valor season to most people was a season in which people of all races, academies and ranks could fight each other as long as they made it for qualifications. Of course in Adventurers terms, its not like a low tier adventurer could fight with a high tier adventurer unless that low tier climbed up all the way to the high ranks division. Not many high ranking people participate in these events due to the fact enemies could study them and or take the opportunity to strike after the match, or later that day. Most just place bets on the majority of divisions that participate, those being the low and medium divisions. 

Most students and below adulthood contestants would be found in the low ranking divisions, meanwhile seasoned warriors and others near that level would be always found in the medium divisions. The rewards for Valor season vary on the severity of the season's fights, and division rankings.

So while Vincent mentioned the Valor season, Yoru and Kurai were in their room as they had made a little special request some time ago. Of course they began going to their room after the devices they were given for the dueling purpose were deactivated and taken, in the process healing them even if they didn't need it, and then the weapons they borrowed from the academy during this event. 

"We won't get any public announcements related to us will we?" Kurai asked Yoru who was the one in specific to make a request for their absence in the other things after the fighting part of the event was held. "No, there's still going to be announcements. We just won't have to show up, or give a ohh my goodness im sooo happy… talk." Yoru replied yawning. "Fame skipped because of potential embarrassment~" Kurai simplified Yoru's words, causing her yawn to break leaving a pair of eyes directly on Kurai's forehead. 

"You're so ugly." Kurai teased looking away, nearing the girls dorm area. Kurai complained, replying back with some stuff. Both sisters just went on as they normally do on any typical day. Of course somewhere deep inside of Yoru's thoughts she'd wanted Koku to pat her head and give her compliments about her fight. With this both of them continued on their way eventually reaching their room. Of course they'd bathe, talk to each other and eventually went out for some dinner and back to the rooms for some rest. 

Next morning, when the sisters woke up, they heard a knock on the door. Yoru being the first to open her eyes, wouldn't take much time to answer, as she'd quickly changed into her school attire. Kurai however… was asleep. 

So as Yoru walked up to the door, she'd open it just to see an unpleasant face. Kendred Reinheart's face, along with a face she didn't dislike nor cared for, Vron Reinheart. Yoru considered closing the door on their faces but Vron placed his foot between the door and frame. "Hey~ we're here to just talk and apologize for any problems we might have caused." Vron said with an awkward yet nervous smile.

Yoru was getting a little annoyed but she held back from saying anything too bad. "What else are you here for? You aren't here in the girls dorm rooms just for an apology. You'd also better watch out with what you're going to say." Yoru stated in a serious tone, clearly getting more annoyed by the second. This was visible as well; her ears were perked up, and her tail straightened out and stiff, almost as if she was on guard, which she was. 

Kendred was the first to reply after Yoru's nearly threatening response. "I'd like it, if your sister was present while our being here." Hearing this Vron, Kendreds brother felt the door he was preventing from closing having pressure applied. Yoru was pulling the harder per the second.

Because of this Vron bonked his brother Kendred over his head with some newspapers rolled up. "Sorry about him~ can you stop putting so much force on the door~ it's hurting a little." Vron pleaded with Yoru's foul temper, which worked a few seconds after.

"What he meant was if both of you could be present for our apology and main reason for being here." Vron said in a firm voice. "Yoru looked at them for a second signing. "Move your foot, I'll wake her up." Upon hearing this Vron was quick to move his foot out of the doorframe and Yoru quickly retreated into her room, shutting the door. Moments later both brothers could hear Yoru muttering something they couldn't quite catch, and soon both sisters were at the door. 

"So what do you want?" Yoru asked again, this time with the door fully opened. Vron slightly lowered his head apologizing for any problems they've caused them indirectly or directly and as for Kendred, he simply looked at the sisters nodding to what Vron had stated. But he then began to speak after Vron.

But. That is not our main reason for being here. For that reason is something we'd like to talk about inside if possible. Kendred said with a smile and a slight push upwards of his glasses. Both Yoru and Kurai shut that idea down quickly prompting Vron to then act on the spot. Then we'll make this quick Vron thought.

"I see. Well then I guess it wouldn't hurt asking them here Kendred." Vron saw Kendred's face of surprise. "But if we ask here, it'll be very sour… and not classy at all…" Vron spoke up in response to Kended. "Well it's here or nowhere. We can't keep bothering them." Kendred sighed letting Vron know he's conceded.

"Very well. I Kendred Reinheart sent an invention to court you Ms. Kurai." "I Vron Reinheart would like to court you Yoru~" Both brothers had shot their attempt right there. Kurai's eyes nearly burst out of her eye sockets. This was so early in the morning, and a confession already? she thought. 

Yoru hadn't even thought about it and was very quick to flat out decline the attempt to court her with a "Nope." right after Vron finished asking; after as in the exact moment after he finished asking. 

Kurai however panicked for a moment, before also declining Kendred abruptly. "I'd honestly rather…throw up then to ever see the idea of you with me Mr. Kendred." Right after this, both girls shut the door in their faces. As one they were in the girls dorms which men could not enter, and secondly it was first thing in the morning. Not even twenty minutes had passed since the sun's appearance. After this both brothers mumbled something and left shortly after hanging around for a very few minutes. 

Back with Yoru and Kurai who were inside the room and sitting on their own beds. They were talking about this alone. "Who do those guys think they are? they really have no shame. Asking us this stuff knowing we don't like them, fought them and are starting roughly at the academy because of them?" Yoru's voice held the tone of an upset Neko. Then Kurai added onto Yoru's complaint. "And the fact they bothered us so early, in the girls' dorms… somewhere they shouldn't be." She finished. 

"Mhmm besides. I already like someone~" Yoru lowered her voice, having a little shake to it. Kurai decided to tease her on that. "You're so shy, it's cute. But yes yes, I also like someone… Koku~" She said, the last part a joke. Since she hasn't really begun falling for him yet. Of course a tease like this caused Yoru to instinctively put up a fight (Banter) out of annoyance.