Academy twins P12 END

Not long after the sisters had gotten confessions from the brothers, they both had prepared themselves for the Academy since they were now official students there. "Ya ready sis?" Asked Kurai with a slight yawn afterwards. Yoru curled up into a ball near the door whining about something. "Everyone knows what we can do— this isnt good… at all. We're supposed to hide our powers, you know." Yoru complained in the corner with her hands hugging her legs. 

Kurai bonked her over the head telling her that they shouldn't worry too much about that since, in truth they weren't weak, and had some tricks up their sleeves. That it's just natural to end up having to show more of what they can do in order to win. This seemed to help Yoru get out of the whining mood, since it had been true. 

"Keep in mind, you aren't Koku. That only he thinks the way he does, so try to form your own way of life, the way only you can think. It's what I'm sure he's done too. Let's get stronger, for yourself, me and your lover boy Koku, alright?" Kurai cheerfully gave Yoru a pat on her back.

After this both sisters opened the door, locking and closing it as they left for the first day of class. First they visited the dining hall, where breakfast had been served for many students by the staff. Then they went to their first class, that being monster lessons. As one could expect, the moment both sisters had entered the classroom people had flocked towards them praising and admiring the both of them. "The two of you were really cool" a student said with stars in his eyes, followed by a girl saying that they were pretty. Soon after the bombardment of praise and looks, the teacher then arrived outside the classroom and began pushing his way into class, sighing after getting through. 

"This early in the morning and all of you are already this noisy… go sit everyone, we have two new students that will be with us for the remainder of this year." This was the teacher Isak, a pretty accomplished mage who used to serve the royal family before retiring due to service related reasons. 

The students did as they were told and sat down in their assigned seats leaving the two girls standing near the door of the class. "Come in you two." Isak asked the two girls who had barely been through the doors themselves. They did so and shut the class door behind them. 

"Please begin introducing yourselves to these…students." He added as he remained standing ready to teach class after the girls introduced themselves. Yoru kept silent, basically encouraging Kurai to introduce herself first, this prompted Kurai to give Yoru a little look of I'll get back at you later. 

So Kurai began to introduce herself. "Salutations every-" Kurai's introduction came to a small pause when she heard Yoru snicker for a vague second, making her look straight into her soul with a smile, afterwards she resumed her introduction. "Ah sorry for the short pause, it's nice to meet you everyone, my name Is Kurai, just Kurai is fine, I'd rather not say my last name for reasons. I hope to get to know you all very well." Kurai smirked, touching the center of her chest in a proud way, as if she did something to be proud of. 

After Kurai's introduction she slapped Yoru on the back encouraging her to also introduce herself with no worries. "Hey, cut it out." she whispered in annoyance right before fixing her posture. "Ahem. The names Yoru. I can't wait to get to know you allll." This introduction seemed more sarcastic than anything but many didn't mind it and the teacher also didn't care since he was only there to teach and get paid. 

"Alright you two go sit over there, near the back corner of the class." Isak told them fixing his glasses and turn away to face the chalkboard. "Alright everyone. Today we'll be learning about Rampant mist orcs and red orcs. Does anyone here know about them?" Isak asked, expecting no one to in fact know that. 

Kurai raised her hand prompting Isak to call on her. "Ms. Kurai please tell us what you know about either one of the two, if not both." He asked semi-curious. 

Kurai lowered her hand after being called on and she began to talk. "I don't know much about Red orcs but I do know they inhabit Merfolk isle. As for the Rampant mist orcs, They live in Amagiri, they're really tall and quicker than they look. Their blood looks somewhat green and gray combined, and they are really strong but dumb as well… they're pretty ruthless, far more aggressive, and kill for sport too." She told the class, leaving Isak curious as to how she knows so much about the Rampant mis orcs. 

"And how come you know so much about them Ms. Kurai?" Isak asked aloud expecting her to say something around the lines of she heard it from someone. "Well we've fought some before in Amagiri." The idea that they were supposed to keep themselves away from suspicion of any kind, hence the secrecy of their arrival and all that left Kurai's mind for a moment.

Saying that caused Yoru to elbow at Kurai's hip stopping her from saying anything else. "I see. How Interesting. Did you kill them the same way you fought Vron Reinheart?" He asked Kurai, clearly seeing Yoru's quick elbow. 

"Agh~ ahaha about that~ we fought for a little but proper adventurers killed them~ we were too weak to fight them properly, hehe~" Kurai's nervous laughs were very noticeable but even more the urge to scream out in pain. "I see… understandable. Well class, it's as you heard. Now lets begin…" Isak would teach class without any interruptions and like that the class would eventually end with the ring of the bell, causing the students to flock to the door heading to their next classes. Yoru and Kurai's next class was history. After that swordsmanship, following right behind magic class and then mathematics. Lunch comes right after that class and ending the day off was magical theory.

After the day of school passing by, they'd seen both people who view them in a positive way and others in a bad way. Of course Academy life wasn't going to be so easy, especially since Valor season was coming up shortly and all of Hydropolis knew about them for beating two nobles at this point.

That aside, both sisters would struggle and also not in the academy life, having so many things to do, and many events popping up, alongside playing catch up with the academics. The classes they had went as follows: monster learning, history, swordsmanship (Physical education), magic and then magic theory. Of course lunch is right before the last class of the day. 

The sisters daily schedule was essentially, waking up, brushing their teeth, cleaning up, getting ready, having breakfast, going to school, having some free time, going back to the rooms, studying and then having dinner, afterwards bathing and sleeping, then repeating the same thing over. 

Just as their life in the academy was now set. Koku's life in the trenches began after he'd woken up forgetting many parts of his life. Prompting the whole situation with the demon hunting him throughout night time after Celestia having to return back to the main city of Paladoina for paperwork and her duty. During that time Koku fought long and hard, with foreign skills and no sort of power at all. Just his physical strength and speed, tagged with some skills. After his victory and awakening of his lost memories and the clashing between the now deeply embedded World's will and Void, Koku set out eventually meeting a new person. A strange girl with no presence, Airi.

Afterwards Koku had gotten to know her briefly before he set out once again, where he'd then hear of something called Valor season, and someone named the nameless twins. After this Koku once again set out. This time out for Amagiri once more, that's when he'd kill someone from the two fazed moon guild and later be attacked by three people who were questioning their life decisions after prompting Koku to attack, where we last left off with him.