Sylvanterra’s night P1

After both men stopped in their tracks after Koku had released a little of his Void aura and energy. Koku noted down in his head that releasing Void energy in his current situation isn't the best thing to do, since he could lose control over it quickly and make an explosion of sorts that will hurt himself. 

"Oh yes yes. Apologies." Koku snapped back to the situation at hand. As he began to speak again. "I have this problem where I… think too much and get lost, ya know? Heh that doesn't matter, clearly not for y'all anyways." A smirk became slowly visible as it grew over Koku's face, and then.

He was gone in a flash, appearing right behind one of the guys and in front of the other. Koku wasn't just in front of him, but was very close. Enough for the poor adventurer to hear Koku whispering to himself. The man in front of Koku muttered with a terrified expression on his face "Monster…" Then he heard Koku whisper slash, as immediately after he looked away as he brushed past the guy with a tap on his shoulder. 

Sighing out of a breath of relief, the man tried reaching out to his not moving but standing partner and as he'd done so, he saw his own arm suddenly become blocks of meat as blood began flowing in all directions with his falling handpieces. Right after he found himself not being able to talk, as he'd also see his friend get diced up as well, by seemingly nothing. 

Leaning against a tree, Koku watched to make sure it's just as he'd seen with the night hounds. "Hm." he nodded, walking away into the night sky as his wanted destination was Amagiri. 

Koku began running all the way there since being in Paladonia territory wasn't in his bests of interest by a long shot. So much much more time would pass by, several days until he'd reach the border of Paladonia. 

After making it this far with no rest, Koku was quite tired but knew that if he'd stop here, someone might see him and that could lead to unnecessary fights (Use of energy) and the potential of getting caught. The problem also is, that he has no way of knowing If Celestia is after him or not. For all he knew, he could already be surrounded deep within a trap. 

"I'll rest after I leave Paladonia." He sighed out of exhaustion continuing on his way. After several hours, Koku eventually found his way to where the border ended and then crossed into Sylvanterra with no problems. Sometime after crossing into Sylvanterra, Koku would hide within a tree hoping for some time to get shut eye before sundown, when Sylvanterra was most dangerous as he and Yoru discovered way long ago, during their first travels. 

While he rested, days earlier somewhere else a certain young lady knelt over rubbing some dirt in between her gloves. "He's gone. I was so close too." Celestia thought to herself as some of her guarding Knights approached her bowing politely. "Grand master, It's just as you suspected, we've found leads of someone leaving this scene sometime within the last few hours."

Hearing this, Celestia responded with a question, "Where do the leads face?" The knight responded with south. Right after this Celestia walked past the knight commanding her fellow very strong knights to ready themselves, as they were heading out in pursuit of the "Wanted criminal Koku." All the present Knights, which were six, slightly lowered their heads holding their right hand over their heart. "Yes ma'am!" afterwards they left in a rush.

Back with Koku days after Celestia's arrival to the place where Koku fought the demon, he woke up atops the trees just as the sun began to set. Standing up he yawned, stretching his arms out in the process. "Goodness, I needed that rest." he said aloud doing three mini hops on the branch in place. 

Once he finished stretching, Koku looked over at the setting sun and wondered if this place was even worse than last time he was here. The thing is, that when he and Yoru were in Sylvanterra they hadn't gone that deep into the territory, and this time it's different. He was going right through the middle of the entire place since he didn't have time to waste as he thought Amagiri had things he needed.

He sighed, looking at the setting sun. "Well, time to get going." Koku jumped off the branch and landed on the ground.

Sylvanterra was a really massive place, having many types of areas, forests were the main thing within the entire region, but had all kinds of forests, and hidden details, truths and much more, but night time approaching inside these gloomy forest made it look dark and dense, with towering trees blocking out most of the remaining light. The only sound was the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant hoot of an owl. Koku walked for what felt like hours, his senses on high alert. He knew that Sylvanterra was like any other massive area having weak and strong everything, and like usual he wasn't about to let his guard down anytime soon.

So as night completely fell over his head, the forest became even more eerie. The trees seemed to loom over Koku, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. The air was thick with the scent of decay, and the only sound was the eerie creaking of branches.

Suddenly, Koku heard a noise behind him. He spun around, his hand reaching for the sword Celestia gifted him, and there, standing in the shadows, was a tall, humanoid deformed creature with glowing dark and lightly dimmed eyes. It was a Ghoul, something that wasn't native to Sylvanterra at all according to prior records public to all the academies. 

The Ghoul in very old weird worn out armor covered in moss and other overgrowing plants let out a blood-curdling screech and lunged at Koku with a thirst for blood. Koku dodged the attack, his sword then flashing in the darkness. He slashed at the Ghoul with a powerful swing, cutting through its flesh and nearly worn out broken armor. The blade pierced both its armor and flesh and went straight through its chest. The Ghoul let out an agonized scream before collapsing to the ground dead for a second time. 

Pondering for a few seconds Koku remembered something, "If you even see one ghoul, there's many nearby." It was true, since he heard distant screeches coming his way. It must've been the first or final screech the ghoul did that let the rest know of me, was the thoughts flooding his head as he wasn't entirely brave brave… deep down somewhere he was a little freaked out, but not nearly enough for it to get ahold of him or to weigh on his mind. 

With this Koku began running in the direction he'd need to go towards to hopefully soon arrive at Amagiri.