Help Me

"Your Teammate is going to join you in




Logging in...

Player One: Little Devil

"Welcome to The Legend of Dark Fate"

"You have landed at Ghoul Town, which was built miles away from the Main City. For decades people have come to visit the Ghoul Town, in search of peace and isolation from the crowd. Until one day, when the visitors started hearing screams at midnight. And one by one disappearing in the city.

You are in front of Haunting Hell Ville. Your Mission would be to rescue the Alive and Kill the monster hiding inside.

Don't trust anyone."

"Wait... what? Don't trust anyone? What kind of warning is that?" Rain growled totally oblivious to the surrounding.

The screen which was displaying in front of both the players had vanished again like usual.

Too many things played in her mind at the same time. She might suck in the real world, but the gaming world, she knew she was good at.

It was like the wheels had started turning in her brain. She didn't notice who the other player was, just the hand of both the avatars. They were both human and empty-handed. It meant a few things.

*First, they had to find the weapon to kill the monster inside the Ville itself. Second, if the captives are locked somewhere, they need a key to unlock them or else they have been out. Third, Monster could have possessed one of the captives, Forth…*

"We don't have much time, Let's go in" Her head jolted up listening to the commanding voice of her teammate, bringing her out of her analysis. The Demon had yet again stepped on her nerve.

"Glad to be human, huh," she asked, striding forward. Both of them had gotten a human avatar, while Rain was dressed in a casual blue tee shirt and shorts, Ace had his Avatar dressed in all black tee-shirt, jeans, and boots.

"Meh, I would have rather preferred to be a ghost in this scene. Would have put me to an advantage of using a human body to my use by possessing them and the fact that I couldn't be killed by human weapons."

Rain wouldn't admit to Demon, but that's what she liked about the player to be her partner. Demon used his brain, or hers, whoever it was.

Ace was getting impatient. He needed to quickly finish the game and get back to unpacking his stuff.

As Rain and Ace were approaching the Ville, Ace quickly came in front of Rain and stopped her in her tracks. Keeping a finger on his lips, he raised his hand and signaled her to go from the other entrance, while he would take the front one.

Rain wasn't sure about this approach, after all, she thought the game was mainly to test teamwork, but she nodded. She didn't have a say if Demon had to take a different path.

The Ville was an epitome of beauty. It could be the baronial touch or the building was actually pretty old. The brick-built structure gave it a solid foundation, so hopefully, there was nothing that would crash on their heads. The rooms were cavernous. They were almost expecting it to be dank and condemned as there has been no service for years now.

As she stepped into the room, she stumbled back and almost cursed. The room looked cold along with the wet and smelly walls. And here her Avatar was in shorts.

*What were they even thinking?*

Quickly rubbing her hands on her bare thighs, she decided to step in again.

The room was lit lightly so the players won't crash into something but not heavily lit hence making it difficult for anyone to find things they need.

She left as she had stepped on something. Looking at the ground, she saw an old key lying on the floor. She didn't waste any time picking it up.

"Here, we have a map" Rain jumped at her place, hearing Demon's word..

"Idiot, you want to give me a heart attack? Why would you do this in a haunted house?"

Ace looked at Little Devil, who looked like he had just entered the house and shook his head.

If it wasn't the rules of the game and the hard to admit fact that his teammate was smart, he would have already started the hunt for the ghost and kill that monster directly. He didn't care about the captives, since that would increase his time and maybe reduce his points. But he had known his teammate, who would try to stick to all rules.

Rain snatched the map quickly and started tracing her index finger over the graph.

"Two floors, four rooms per floor, two stairs, two entries.." Something was missing, Rain thought to herself.

Or something was wrong?

"We don't have a complete day" Ace growled trying to get the attention of his teammate.

"Demon, you don't feel cold?"Rain asked, rubbing her hands and thighs again.

Ace raised his eyebrow and then shook his head.

"Collect any weapon you think can be useful. Let's go" Both of them turned their backs on each other and started moving. It didn't need to be said, both were taking the charge for one floor each.

*Knife picked*

*Matchstick picked*

*Gun picked*

*Holy water picked*

"Why is it so quiet?" Rain muttered to herself.


Ace turned to look at his teammate, but he saw that Little Devil had already charged to the first floor. He turned back and strode to the rooms on his floor.

Barging in the first room, except for the big spiderwebs and ruined furniture there was nothing more.

The second room turned out to be the same. Something told him that no captives would be there too. Without checking the other rooms further, he made his way towards the first floor.

"Anyone there?" Rain tried to keep her voice to the bare minimum possible as she unlocked the door with the key she found. Holding a knife in her right hand and a lighter in the other, she took careful steps as she stepped inside.

*Sob sob* *hiccup*

"Is there someone?" she was sure, she heard a faint voice, a sob maybe.

"Mommy, is that you?"

*A kid.*

Rain didn't wait for any further and quickly went towards the source of the sound. Trying not to scare the kid, she kept the two weapons aside and walked towards the kid.

A little girl sat beside a giant Almira was crying quietly. As soon as she noticed Rain, she tried to move away.

"'s okay, don't be scared. I am here to take you out"

"I ain't the one who should be scared. Mommy, is she my meal?"

Rain's eyes went wide as she heard the girl's word. Before she could take a step back, the little girl jumped on her and went for her neck.

"What the hell..." She recognized the voice, It was Demon.

"She is...she is..." Rain was struggling to speak up as the little girl had her hands choking her.

Rain slowly raised her hand, pointing to the knife and matchstick, and nodded.

Ace was already prepared, he cocked his gun and took the first shot.

The bullet hit the little girl, and her hands went weak. Rain was finally able to breathe. Trying to get up from under the girl's cold body, she froze as the girl started laughing out loud.

Her gaze went from the girl to Demon and back at her.

Moving as fast as a jaguar, Ace picked up the knife and stabbed her back. The non-stopping laughter indicated yet another failure.

When he was about to pick up matchsticks, he realised something.

*The weapons won't work on her*

They both looked at each other at this realization.

"Demon, what all you see in the room" Rain barely managed to say the word with the sore throat.

"Roof, walls, pillars, broken and damaged cables" Ace quickly listed everything he could see around him right now.

"What about the plumbing?" Her eyes focused on the little girl now, whose laughter was becoming much more creepy by every second but she won't attack.

"Yes, I can see it now. But, it wasn't. How!"

"Stop thinking about anything now!" Rain spoke as loudly as she could.

"It's an Illusion" Ace said, looking at the little girl, who then vanished in thin air.

*Level completed successfully. You both would be thrown out now*