The Hidden Café

Rain blinked a couple of times and looked at Reid. She didn't know why his presence was making her feel safe and calm. The brown hair, the blue eyes, something was familiar about him. For a second she thought, if she didn't hug him right now, her world would end.

She shook her head so fast, that she might have actually made many people around her confirmed, about her craziness. The thought made sense for a second, but for any functional, sane person, it would feel absurd.

It was like he was oblivious to all her weird actions, as he was still smiling at her as if the sun rose and set with her.

*There's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm* Rain thought to herself.

She had two choices, she could either introduce herself or run away. The latter seems much easier, but. But...

She looked at him again. He was like beautiful art, which has come alive, A sculpted, tall, and well-mannered guy. Guys like him belong in the big castles and only to beautiful princesses.

She won't want to be intentionally hurt, even though girls are pre-wired to like things that make them suffer. But...

"If you are done spitting in the trash can there, let me take you to the tour of this place."

And the decision was made for her. Not looking back, she strode forward and kept on walking till she didn't reach her apartment.

Trying to escape all that happened in the past hour, weeks, days, she started turning the keys in the lock, only to find that it was unlocked.

Her fingers trembled, as she turned the knob of the front gate.

"And this, this is the dining room. It has seating for 6 people, but you could put more chairs at the edge and add a couple more of those family members" a chuckle was followed by the recent laid down description of Rain's dining table.

"Aunt...who are these.." she is quickly grabbed and shoved aside by her landlady who still had that fake smile pasted on her lips.

"Shut up, you idiot girl. Those people are here to have a look around the apartment" Rain's face went pale hearing the words.

*The landlady was renting out her apartment to someone else?*

*I had only missed on the rent of two months*

"But...I promise..." she walked behind her landlady as the landlady kept showing the people other rooms. "I promise...I will manage to pay... please...I have nowhere to"

The landlady turned to her sharply and raised her fingers. " Two. You have two days, girl" Without giving her any more attention, she turned back to the people and that was Rain's cue to leave.

Leave till she was done showing around her place. The apartment where she has grown up. Her hand went to her locket and the fingers started rubbing it. She bit her lower lip and blinked a couple of times, trying her best not to cry.

She looked back once more *will she really lose her childhood, the memories of her parents, the happy moments, the ones where she cried her eyes out for three months. Maybe yes, but she has nowhere else to go.*

*Honk honk*

She jumped realizing she was in front of a car, crossing the road at a green light. Taking her steps back quickly, her back suddenly hit a cold knob.


When she turned around, she couldn't believe her eyes. It was a small, beautiful, cafe.

*How has she never seen it before?*

The shiny glass door and walls looked like they have been recently installed. Fresh beautiful flowers kept on round brown stands giving a view of an actual plant, were kept at each edge.

She couldn't stop herself from walking in.

"Hi Ma'am, Welcome to Gypsy Souls" A young pretty girl, greeted her as soon as she stepped in.

Surprised by the sudden interaction, she quickly pulled on her hoodie which covered almost half of her face.

She quickly took a seat and started looking at her nude nails. Her foot tapping again and again, as she bit her lips again.

*What was she thinking?*

She cursed inwardly, but there was no regret. The place felt homely. Like somehow it has found her and was ready to make her a part of this small home.

As soon as the pretty girl was back behind the desk, she raised her head again and started to notice things.

It was a unique setup, completely different from the cafe she has been to when she has been too.

She was seated at the section called "Sizzling Diaries", which she thought belongs to the people who came alone. She was just making a guess, at this time.

As there were two other sections, one having cute couples and one having a group of friends. So the couple won't be distributed by high laughter and the friends won't feel uncomfortable around couples. Both sections were on opposite sides of the small cafe with glass doors, to keep the noises inside.

*Such a small place, but such a smart brain*

*Sobs Sobs* Her eyes fell on her adjacent table, where a girl sat with her face in her hands. It looked like she had been crying for hours now. Before thinking for another second, she got up and approached the girl.

Slowly keeping her hand on the girl's back, she didn't expect the girl to actually turn towards her and hug her. But it wasn't bad. She knew that somewhere after a long day, she needed it too. She traced her fingers slowly on the girl's back and that made the girl cry harder.

The pretty girl, without making any loud noises, brought a glass of water and a chocolate donut. She looked at Rain and smiled.

Rain smiled back, she didn't know after how many days, weeks, or months. She smiled back.

The sobbing girl loosened her grip slowly and unclasped her hands from around Rain.

"T...Thank.." *sob sob* "I...need..I"

"I know, I did too" Rain knew it must have been difficult for the girl to utter anything in the condition she was in.

*Click. Click*

Rain noticed that it must have been dark outside as the young girl just turned on the overhead lights. The cafe, even being small, was really beautiful. There were parts she still hasn't seen, but as per the girl, those opened up for regular customers, to which Rain nodded.

"You want to work with us?" Rain's hand froze in the air, holding the hard buck in her hand.

*Did she need to work? Yes, she needs money. But did she know how to work? No*

"Ummm..I...I don't know...How to" The young girl nodded. Her face blank for a second except for the furrowed eyebrows.

Her gaze raised, searching for something, as they stopped as soon as it landed on a notice board.

Rain's gaze followed her as the two approached it.

"Um okay, how about we offer customer service to give love and relationship advice. And if they benefit or like it, they could tip us. And" she pointed at Rain, "you could take care of that section"

Rain was surprised as she really liked the idea. She almost jumped up and down with joy.

She looked back at the notice board and that's when her eyes fell on the advertisement.

"Roommate needed. The cost would be covered if you can cook and clean with just additional 50 bucks."

It looked like an amazing deal to her. She further scrolled her finger down to check the contact.

"For contact call: 98776adffe


*Is that the same Reid? Is it fate?*