The Chicken Dance

Rain rubbed her eyes once more realizing that her hands were still wet and there was no way they were getting dry soon. The closet was getting dark due to the lights going off. The rain had messed up the party plans and everyone was rushing to get home now, in case another breeze decides to hit them. Most of the people have sobered up by now. While some hopped on their vehicles to go back, some decided to make use of the dim lights and started making out.

A figure which doesn't seem to belong was creating a nuisance now. Someone dressed in a chicken suit was teasing and troubling people.

"Go to hell" a guy cursed

"It's not a kid's bday party" Others made a comment

"Who is this weirdo," one of the popular girls remarked.

Irritated by the rain being poured on their plans literally and people having to make rain checks again due to the rain, the figure seemed to be the target to release the frustration.

The groans grew louder as the figure started to do the chicken dance. While others were annoyed by the tall chicken, there was a single girl who was giggling.

Rain had walked out of the closet to find herself facing a huge chicken. And the sudden hips movement along with the chicken dance, made her giggle. She didn't care about who was watching as she joined in and danced a bit.

Dancing...dancing was something that Rain always loved. She might have forgotten it recently, but as soon she saw the big chicken dance alone, she joined the figure.

Will it make people talk about her more? Will anyone make fun of her? She didn't care, as she was losing control with every passing minute. She kept one of her hands on her belly as she laughed more while dancing.

"You are funny," she said between her giggles.

"Am I ?" Her feet stopped hearing that familiar voice. She knew the person, but it wasn't possible, was it?

She shook her head but didn't continue to dance observing the chicken closely now.

"I think I am, as I was able to make the prettiest girl here smile" she might have stopped breathing realizing who he was. On top of that realizing what she just did. Cherry added to the top on how she was dressed right now at a party.

It looked like the figure had read her mind as it moved towards her and patted her head.

"It's okay, Angel" without saying anything else, he took off the chicken head and then his clothes.

Walking out of the damp chicken suit, was a guy with gorgeous fucked up brown hair, sculpted body, and blue eyes.

*She knew him*

*That's not him*

She heard a voice in her head.

*Why did she just think that she knew him?*

It was Reid

"Reid, is it you?" She heard a female voice from near her. Now he was visible to them.

"Didn't I just tell you, he is looking hot in the chicken suit?" The girl said loudly to her friend.

Reid looked at Rain and smiled before turning to the group of girls and waving at them and then slowly whispered for just to hear.

"Help me out, I will owe you one"

Listening to Reid's words, Rain went speechless. Did he need an escape? Escape from all the hot girls here? Was she still dreaming?

She quickly pinched herself only to realize that pinching doesn't hurt much, on that they don't confirm if you are dreaming or not.

Shaking her head, she tightened her fist and took a deep breath.

*Okay, just for this time*

"He is with me" she almost threw up hearing the words coming out of her mouth without stuttering.

*When had she gotten so confident?*

"You must be kidding me" the girl rolled her eyes reaching for Reid's arm when he moved a little back.

"Angel is right, I am with her" Rain swallowed hard hearing those words, that nickname especially. It would have sounded cheesy but the way he said it was making her feel differently.

Reid, dressed in a white tee and denim jeans, with a leather jacket and damped hair was looking like an Angel himself.

Adding to the surprise, he took off his jacket and put it around Rain, his hand resting on her shoulder now.

"It's okay you will realize your mistake soon" saying another awful set of words the girl and her friends turned away leaving for home in their expensive vehicles.

Rain looked at the hand and back at Reid, the universal gesture to make him realize that he should let her go.

*Why did he like to touch her, and hold her, like she already belonged to him?*

"It's getting cold now, want to have a cup of tea?" Reid looked at Rain and raised his eyebrows.

If Rain could compare herself with the computer right now, it would display a couple of hundreds of tabs open right now, that was her mind. Filled with a hundred thoughts.

*She wanted to tell him that he was a child holding matchsticks and she was made of paper. That he would find girls who have a low voice and soft bodies. What if he could peek in her brain, he wouldn't be able to sleep due to nightmares at night after that. She was not normal. She didn't know how to be normal*

She rubbed her shoulders and immediately felt the warmth of the jacket.

"I am.." she cleared her throat "I don't check expiration dates on milk" she burst out and looked down.

*Okay maybe not the best example to show how dumb she was, but then again, it might have conveyed just that*

"We will ask him to make the tea with fresh milk?" Reid chuckled and Rain made a note to hit her head to the wall as soon as she gets home and maybe drop out from the classes, and maybe leave the city and settle down somewhere far far away.

"You are cute when you blush" Rain's head bolted up hearing those words.

*Did he say I am cute?*

*Maybe it was him who needs to hit his head* Rain chuckled hearing the joke inside her head and quickly went quiet knowing that she wasn't alone.

*We can always start over, it might sound obvious but it's true. We could force ourselves to do things about which we are not sure.*

The words popped up in her mind.

"Ummm.. yes..yes tea does sound good" her barely audible voice made Reid come closer to her.

His scent although intoxicating like that of aftershave wasn't what she was hoping for.

She shook her head.

*What was she expecting?*

"Tea sounds good" she spoke again, this time loud and clear.