A Harmless Kitten?

Rain chewed on her fingernails waiting as the hands of the clock moved, unaware of the anticipation they were causing inside the young girl.

Her face would jolt up every time she heard the door getting opened, but the hope would fade away when it wasn't the person she wanted to see.

*Coming in late with a girl, at a place like this, wasn't a good sign*

The wheels in her head were turning, having all the crazy ideas.

She let out a chuckle *What was she even thinking when she raced here. The guy with the gorgeous blue eyes was taking another girl out*

"Ma'am, do you need something else?" the waitress inquired, looking at the empty glass of virgin mojito kept in front of Rain.

*Should she leave now, before she mortifies herself further, or should she stay?*

That was the fascinating thing about girls, when guys think that we're being sneaky, or not, they don't know that girls find out everything. Not just coz they want to; girls read, whether it's just a young adult book or a magazine filled with gossip, or just watch a rom-com movie, and if you have bad luck, those crime dramas. But it's worse if the girl is a fan of a detective show like Sherlock.

Things we read, watch, hear, fuels the human brain with relatable thoughts and exercise, and sometimes guys forget that when they are doing other stuff, these are the girls who are paying attention.

Rain just had to make sure if she was right and then, she would drop the idea about him. It seems logical in her mind.

"Umm..one more, please" Rain brought the glass near to her lips, playing with the straw, and started sucking, when she noticed it was empty.

She looked at both sides, before keeping the glass down and hoping no one had noticed her.

The entrance opened again, and she wouldn't have bothered to look up, but the loud giggle caught her attention.

"Rachel" she mumbled under her breath.

"Here Ma'am" The waitress smiled and kept the drink on her table. Rain kept bending her head, trying to not miss anything in front of her eyes.

*Okay, Rachel put her arm again on his shoulder and he...he smiled*

"Oh..uh.. thanks" Realising that the waitress was still in front of her, she acknowledged.

The bar was louder as the clock approached the dark hours. Rain's gaze fell on the warning beside the clock

"Avoid talking about technology, you aren't aware of!!!!!"

*What the hell happened here!!!*

Both Reid and Rachel were looking at each other and smiling. Rachel's hand was already on the table, slowly sliding towards Reid, as the fake seductive smile was pasted on her lips.

"That Bi.." Rain shook her head. She wasn't familiar with the emotions she was encountering. It was all exotic to her. Her face was a shade of red and her nostrils were flaring.

Like someone was passing her favorite toy to someone else.

*But this wasn't right.*

"And even if you aren't that strong, to put your trust in someone, all you have to do is be a person, the others could trust. You have to be honest and faithful in your acts and thoughts."

She glanced at the drink placed in front of her and then at Reid. The guy whose smile made her belly uneasy. No, those weren't the butterflies she felt inside, those were like big elephants dancing inside. It was almost a miracle, as elephants don't usually dance and she thought she couldn't feel anything. For now, she could just have to control her feelings, as no one can control others.

She was about to get up when Reid rose from his chair. She quickly hid at her table again. He was talking to someone and was a little loud.

"What??? It's urgent?? Okay, I am coming" Rachel was trying to hug him as he was about to leave, but he just waved.

Rain let out a sigh of relief.

*Okay, so nothing happened*

She could enjoy the drink that was sitting for a while now. She looked at the desk, hoping she could get it changed but there was no one.

"This glass looks a little dirty, get me another quick" Rachel almost barked at the waitress.

"Hey Pretty lady, mind if I sit" The music was a little low so Rain was able to hear much more clearly. A guy dressed in a red tee and blue jeans was eyeing up Rachel. What got Rain shocked was the attitude of Rachel. Unlike a little while ago, Rachel looked a little nervous. Rain was seated a little away, but she could see that Rachel had her eyes on the table.

She wasn't answering as her shivering fingers moved towards the phone in front of her.

"Why bother the guy who left this hot piece alone now, shall we?" The guy, in a swift motion, dragged the phone to his side. Rachel should have shouted, she was good with comebacks, yelling, wasn't she?

Rain looked around, but no one appeared that bothered, most of them were probably too drunk to care. There was no staff, except the waitress, who looked a bit a little ignorant.

Rain took a quick sip and strode forward.

"Hey Girl, fancy seeing you here" Not paying much attention to the guy sitting beside Rachel now, Rain smiled at Rachel.

Rachel was dumbfounded as she didn't know what was happening. It was as if she had gone into a shock.

"Ah, I see, you have gotten a new phone" Rain snatched the phone from the guy's hand and smiled at him.

"Hmmm, cool features. Here I have seen enough" She handed the phone back to Rachel.

"I think it's late, we should leave. Do you mind dropping me at home?" Rain raised her hand and carefully kept it on Rachel's shoulder, which brought her back to reality

"Huh...yeah..sure," Rachel said, with her lips quivering. The small drop of sweat fell from her forehead and she quickly wiped it off.

Looking at the introverted girl, dressed with the sole purpose of being in the shadows, anyone could mistake Rain to be an innocent small kitten. But they were wrong, Rain wasn't a kitten, she was a white tigress. The one who doesn't purr but growls. The fire inside her, which made her a warm girl, was enough to burn an entire world.

She kept her gaze out of the car's window as Rachel drove her home, without saying a word. She knew Rachel was already in shock. It was a good moment to gloat, to blackmail, ask for anything, but only an insecure person would take advantage of a wounded girl.

Rachel looked at Rain as they reached her building. It might have looked like a plea and Rain understood.

Without looking back, Rain took two steps at the time.

"Ouch" Her leg has hit something kept in her path to the door.

As she looked down, her eyes went wide and her legs froze.

In front of her eyes, were kept all the things she had ever owned, packed in boxes. Most of her belongings, as she had already sent the things that were her parents to a storage unit.

"A-Aunt" she whimpered, not knowing what she was going to do now. She had failed to look for a place when he had the time and now, she had nowhere to go.

"AUNT!!" She yelled this time, looking at the stairs leading to the above floor, where the landlady lived.

She heard footsteps and hopped over some boxes to make her way.

"Kid, I have rented out the place. You were late."

"P-please give me, give me another day"

"I can't. They have already moved in"

Without waiting further, her landlady walked upstairs, holding on a sob, which could have broken her.

"But where will I go?" She muttered, already knowing that her landlady had gone.