Rain waited, waited for him to turn back counting in her mind

10 9 8 ....

He was not going to turn back, he was not coming. 

He had stepped back again.


He was hurting her now. She didn't even want to stay there.

Perhaps she had been looking for love in the wrong places. In all the safe places. Reid had seemed safe for most of the days and night, but what if she didn't want that, What if love was not safe at all?

He might have some reasons to act the way he was acting, but right now she didn't give a f*CK about those reasons. 

There was no way that he liked her when he was making her anxious every freaking second.

Because here's what guys don't do if they can't live without you: They don't push you away. 

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Swallowing the lump in her throat and blinking away the tears. 

Her life won't revolve around a guy, who doesn't give a damn about her feelings.

There were two options, risky and dangerous. But she had no choice now, she had to get him out of her system and her head. 

Turning away, she texted Emma

*911: Need an escape*

She knew on some level that Emma would understand her. She was a huge tree filled with wisdom. If anyone could help her right now, it was Emma. 

*Carnival near your school. Meet me there in 10*

*Wait come to the Cafe first, you would need to change* 

As soon as Rain was inside the Crystal ballroom, Emma handed her a dress. And it must have been the most beautiful dress she has ever seen. Usually, she wouldn't go in anything but black, but today was a different day. Things were going to change.

Emma was already dressed in a greenish-blue gown made of soft, satiny fabric, long and loose.

"I will give you some privacy" Emma winked and sneaked out of the room, leaving Rain to get dressed.

The creamy sheets of the silk dress slipped onto her shoulders, peppering her body with soft, sensual kisses. Like a lover, it seduced the senses and conveyed with utmost skill the art of pleasing. The strapless knee-length dress accentuated her thin waist, hugged her hips, and flared out a bit.

She felt a bit naked, probably due to the color and absence of clothing on her legs, but she felt confident.

She walked as lightly as an acrobat. A puff of wind swept through her loose black hair making them sway.

They took a cab, since walking in heels didn't sound like a good idea for Emma. Rain still picked the cream-colored flats. She could still remember the last time, she wore a dress and had to make a run. 

It was a scorching hot winter day: perfect for a day at the fair. The sky was dotted with a few candy-floss clouds. The entrance could be seen in the distance along with excited customers. Faint music could be heard from beyond the tall gates with the occasional happy scream suddenly piercing the air. Closer to the entrance and the massive structures of the rides could be seen: a rollercoaster, a big wheel, a helter-skelter. Below, younger children stood watching, eating their sweets and snacks. Ice creams wobbled perilously over the cones and dripped down their small fingers as they melted; some munched on brightly colored balls soft sugar strands that dissolved on the tongue - sweeter than sweet and sticking to the teeth better than glue. 

"Why are we here again?" Ace asked without looking at Xander, who had dragged him from the school. 

"You said you shouldn't stay longer there and I had some business here," Xander said looking around, searching for someone.

"Uh-huh," Ace smirked, catching Xander in the act. He knew his friend had come here for the girl, he had been crushing for a while. 

Just like Ace, Xander had his resources too. 

Xander was constantly tapping his feet and licking his lips. His gaze was not settled at any one thing until he found someone and bit back a smile.

"Come on" He grabbed Ace's shoulder and started dragging him.

"Dude slow down. I can walk" 

Xander pointed his finger to the booth ahead.

"You gotta be kidding me" Ace's eyes went wide as he raised his brows.

He turned to Xander with his arms crossed and frowned. There was no way he was kissing a stranger. 

The music was getting louder as they walked towards the booth. The sky is getting dark and a little cloudy now. The stalls had their lights turned on. The public near the booth was extra chirpy and excited. 

"No no no no I am not going to do that" Rain begged again to Emma, who was not taking no for an answer. She was tapping her foot and staring at Rain. 

"You said you need an escape, and then ranted about how Reid won't make a move, so here you are" Emma signaled towards the kissing booth.

"You either wanna keep thinking about him and getting hurt when he turns you down or you are going to kiss a stranger and move on" 

Energy has to be fed from a source. If you don't feed the source, it dissipates entirely.

The same is true of a boy. If you cut off the thoughts, if you stop pinning, you're free to find an attainable boy.

And she wanted to get spoiled and have fun so there was it...

A black cloth was draped over the eyes of Rain and Ace behind the booth curtains. 

Rain gulped as someone made her sit on a chair, with a stranger in front of her. She thought she would be trembling, she was too anxious.

But the fragrance...it made her relax like she had known it for her entire life or maybe for more than that.

She leaned in hoping for a quick small peck but what the stranger did, melted her instantly.

He pressed his cool lips delicately to her forehead. The smell of his breath made it impossible for her to think.

His fingers then traced slowly down the side of her face, as he settled his palm against her cheek, his breath coming more quickly against her skin. Rain's hands went limp by her side, and she felt lightheaded like he was putting a spell on her. She knew what she had to do. She slowly tilted her head and touched her cool lips to his, very carefully. Pulling back a little and then kissing him back, upper lip then lower lip and then parting her lips a little.

He shuddered and there was a sound from the back of his throat, half growl, half moan. Ace couldn't hold back anymore, it was just supposed to be a peck but not now, now when she was kissing him like this. He deepened the kiss pulling her close.

She smelled like chocolate and Rain. The strange yet intoxicating combination. And yet he felt like he wanted to smell her everyday wrapping her tiny body in his arms. Smell and kiss, kiss those soft puckered lips constantly every hour of the day.

Her fingers gripped his hair, pulling him closer. It was soft, silky. Oh, she wanted him, but he wanted her too. His veins throbbed and his heart felt like it was going to explode. He had never wanted anyone like this before. Ever.

While his hand caressed her head saying that it was all okay, his thumb throbbed at the hollow of her neck, rubbing up and down, pulsing warmth as he slipped his tongue inside, gentle but demanding.

The rush of sensations crawling across her body was maddening. Scary. Thrilling.

But then it was gone, as someone had pulled her back.

Ace felt a sudden pain in his chest by her absence. 

Where did she go? 

He quickly removed his drape, but amid the crowd, she vanished, like a beautiful dream as soon as you opened your eyes.

Reid was carrying Rain on his shoulder when she removed the drape and yelled for help.

"It's me, Angel" Reid gave her a light pat on her hips which made her stop yelling.

"Put me down now" she demanded, the dress had its perks but Reid wasn't slowing down until they were out of sight and somewhere deserted.

He turned to an alley and put her down, but before she knew what was happening, he took both her hands and pinned her against the wall. His hard body pressing her soft one.

He brought his face closer to hers, she could feel his warm breath over her skin as he parted his lips a little. 
