The Kareoke Night : Part II

"Come on!" Rain looked at Emma with a puppy face.

"Oh well..looking at this innocent face, I would have called you an Angel too"

Her friend giggled, clearly tipsy in her own right. A complete contrast to

Rain's light looks, Emma's hair had been styled to perfection, her makeup darker. She never looked anything

less than put-together, even after a night of drinking. 

At Emms's suggestion, they'd started the night dancing at a nightclub. A few dozen unwelcome and poorly delivered pickup lines later, they decided to cut their losses and go to a casual pub, someone had suggested to Rain, but she wasn't able to remember who.

The alcohol hummed in her blood, loosening muscles she hadn't even realized we were tense. Her easy buzz combined with the steady drone of

voices and music in the bar relaxed her, made her problems seem a little

less serious, and she felt grateful for it.