Chaos in the Cafe

"What happened there? Sebastian pulled Rain to a corner and asked.

Rain was on her knees, with her head between them and hands all over her hair, pulling them.

"I-" she stuttered, she actually couldn't recall what had happened. One minute everything was fine, but the other minute, it felt like someone was pounding on her head.

Was it another of the anxiety symptoms or was it something completely else. 

And why here? 

*Sometimes, you might get triggered and there would be no external factors*

Maybe this was one of the times. The pounding had gone now, as soon as it had come, it went away when they had stepped out.

"Who won?" She asked getting up from the ground.

"I wasn't exactly watching it, was I?" Sebastian raised his eyebrows and Rain rolled her eyes.

"Wanna go home?" He asked as both of them exited the auditorium.

"No, not now, there is a Cafe nearby, I will go there" 

"I am coming"

"No, you are not"