How you get the Girl

From the darkest corner of the bar, Ace took a long pull of his draft beer and watched men and women start to pair off, retreating to their dark corners together. The bitter storm taking place outside had kept people inside well past their cut-off point. Loud music emanated from unseen speakers until everyone

around him yelled to be heard or had given up and started dancing. 

Toward the back, a group of men played pool under an ancient light, their

girlfriends looking on from the sidelines. 

He took another pull of his beer and tried to focus on the debate taking place in front of him. 

"So let me get this straight, buddy. You've

never once cried in front of a girl?"

Ace heaved a breath toward the ceiling. "No, Noah. Why would I be crying if I'm with a girl?"

"To show her how emotionally complex you are."

Noah tapped his finger against his temple. 

"Women go crazy for that shit."