What are you?


Love cannot make a house for secrets and lies to sleep.


I slowly flickered my eyes open and lifted my pounding, drooped head to look up. It was almost pitch black. There was no ounce of light except for the railed-up vent to my right in the corner of the room. I woke up in a cold, grey, empty room. There was nothing but me and the oak, wooden chair I sat in.

I tried to get up but, I couldn't. There was something restraining me from moving. Looking down I noticed that my legs, arms, and torso were tied up by thick, swayed ropes. I shuffled around but it was no use, if I moved much more I'd either topple over or suffocate because of how tight the ropes around me were. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't move, I could barely see, all I could smell was the iron of the blood trickling down my nose, my limp body was numb. All I had left was my hearing. Unfortunately, that sense was also restricted due to a high pitch shriek, coming from inside of my ear due to all of the silence.


Pain is all I could feel, hear and think of. I don't know how long I had sat there staring at the plain, grey wall in front of me, but my eyes became dry and sore, matching the feeling of the rest of my body.

After a while of sitting in the dark with nothing but my thoughts, a ray of warm yellow light from the opening door lit up the room. Two figures walked in while another two followed closely behind.

They smelled oddly familiar. There was one particular smell that stood out to me. It smelled like a wild cat. A tiger or even a lion. Then it hit me.

They were hybrids.

I tried screaming, hoping that someone on the other side of the wall or even the building, would hear my cries. " HELP! SOMEONE, PLEASE! " I screamed until my vocal cords couldn't vibrate anymore.

The hybrids didn't stop me. They stood there and held the door open while I screamed. They waited until I had shut up before speaking.

" That won't work princess. " One of them announced. His voice, 'princess'. My eyes widened in terror and hardened.

He was the one who knocked me out.

The male had light pink hair, chocolate brown eyes, and plump lips. His skin tone was fair but darker than mine. He walked over to me and bend down to my level.

" So tell your name, Princess, " He asked with a smirk on his face. " Well one thing for sure, my name ain't princess, " I protested while staring straight into his eyes.

His smirk fell, as his eyebrows knitted in confusion. He moved closer to my face and then moved down to the crook of my neck. I could feel his hot breath brush off my skin.,Suddenly, I felt something warm and wet in contact with my skin. I tried to squirm out but I was fixated in the one spot with no way out. I cringed under his touch.

The two guys emerged from the shadows of the corner of the room. " Jace, get off her, " The 'wild cat' said with disgust painted over his face.

Jace pulled away slowly licking his lips before speaking up. " What are you? " He asked scanning me up and down. His eyes had narrowed and darkened.

I started to smirk, imitating his actions before. "A girl," I answered coldly, still maintaining eye contact with him.

" I asked what you are not your gender, " He yelled making me flinch. " Don't lie, I know that your a hybrid so don't bother lying! " His warning seemed to flick a switch in the rest of the hybrids as they neared towards me to find out more.

" You know what I am. You said yourself, I'm a hybrid. " I mumbled. Jace slammed his hands on the arms of the wooden chair, making his face just inches away from mine. I could see his eyes changing to a glowing amber color.

Then his scent snaked it's way up my nostrils. It was strong. He must have switched quite recently, as his smell was nose blinding.

"You're a type of dog, right? " His guess was close but I wasn't going to give my identity away. They could easily be Hybrid Hunters acting this whole scene out, for all I knew. " I think you're mixing me up with your friend over there, " I said as I gestured my head towards one of the two guys who had come out of hiding from the corner a bit earlier.

" Ha Ha. Don't get smart with me, " Jace warned.

I took a second to sus out these guys. One a dog, one whom I think is a tiger, the other a rabbit. Then there was Jace a fox. His amber eyes gave it away.

Using my ears, I listened out for anything else. Luckily, after a few stretched seconds, my ears picked up footsteps a few corridors away. Taking one deep breath in, I got a scent. It was faint but I could make out that there was a wild cat. I don't know what cat but they definitely switched a few minutes ago as they were far away yet I could smell them quite well.

I decided to answer his question.

"I'm a Wolf."