Who I Am And What I Am Should Not Concern You...

====================================→ we are what we pretend to be...


"A what?!" an array of voices sounded out in unison. "There's no way your a wolf! Wheres your scent gone too. It didn't just run away so stop lying. What a pathetic way of trying to scare us. Were friends with the wolves so we would know." The tiger started to preach.

I on the other hand, rolled my eyes. "If your a wolf then prove it!" The fox 'Jace' stated sternly with a slight smirk tugging at the corners of his face.

I drooped my head low out of embarrassment. "I can't-t" I forcefully stuttered while avoid any eye contact possible. The room filled a dark, fake laugh and Jace was the one who was sounding it.

"Wel, wel, wel what a surprise. The liar can't transition. Hahah, I'll ask you once more. What. Are. You!?" He shouted in my face, although I wasn't quite listening.

The hybrid I heard earlier in the halls seemed close as their smell was really, really strong. With my ears I could get their deep breaths as if he was tired or scared, maybe shocked. Awakenings my senses, he seemed to be just out side the room. Unfortunately, my back was facing the door so I couldn't get a clear view.

Hearing a noise, my ears pricked up and my nose flared, my head and eyes shot towards the slightly ajar door.

And there they were. The hybrid, the wild cat. He was tall and pale. His eyes were dark unlike his skin tone or hair. Hair, blonde and his skin was almost like a sheet of white paper from a blank notebook.

He sighed before openings his mouth to speak. The suspense filled the air. Jace was still leaning on the arms of the wooden, oak chair I was tied up in. The others were standing a bit further back. The 'dog' was leaning against the wall and the 'tiger' rested his chin on the bunny's right shoulder. While the 'wild cat' stood there in silence, staring at me with his lips parted.

"So Ms. Choi. It's nice to finally meet you."