Last Week

"And you are? A panther, right? So you must be a Stewart. The accountants family's ....."

I had figured him out in a few seconds but, unlike the others he didn't seem suprised by my accurate readings.

"Son. The accountants family's son." He corrected. "And you are the lead councils daughter, Carters family duaghter, right? Oh wait, sorry, you are the 'missing' councils daughter." He smirked at his last, smart remark before strolling into the room where everyone had gathered.

"You've done your research then. Tell me how much money my father put over my head for someone like you to come and find me. Knowing him, it's probably a dollar for all I know. So tell me. How much?" I asked inquisitively as I had a weird feeling that was the whole reason I was here.

My father probably put a price over my head and these guys seem to want it but, they did it so agressively. Although 'the fox' didn't seem to recognise me. Or mabey he was acting the whole thing out.

Uuuggghhh... this is so confusing.

"You have got to be kidding me" I heaerd Jace mumbling under his breath. He put his head in his hands and rubbed his face before sighing and storming out of the room angrily.

"Luckily for you he hasn't put anything over your head. But we need to ask you a few things, alright?" The dog announced still keeping his distance.

"Shoot. But I don't know if I want to answer." I replied back cheekily.

"Remember, your the one tied up. That attitude won't get you out." He remarked the plain obvious situation. "Yeah, yeah..."

"Okay. Where were you on the 23rd? A week ago exactly from now." He quizzed my memory. "Ummmm... Oh I had my practice in the school hall." I answered based on my memory.

"Okay what were doing from 10 to 11 that night?"

"Oh my god. I barely remember what I had for breakfast this morning, how am I meant to know that. Give a sec... Oh ya! So, I finished practice at nine and I had to pack away the equipment since I was last to leave. Then I went to the restaurant with my friend before I went to the movies with her." I recounted my memory out loud.

"Were you any where on or near Trafford street during that time?" They asked

"No, I was on the opposite side of town. I was at Rolleston Restaurant and then we went to Omni Screens which is on Grey town street." I cleared without hesitation.

But, why? Why did they need to konw where I was. What was the point of this? If they weren't here to take me back to my home then what do they need this information for.

"Why do you need to know?"

"You know the Bakers? Your husband to be, Jackson Baker, was murdered a week ago behind Ally's bar on Trafford. He was stabbed by a blonde woman and she drove a black range rover. Exactly like you." The panther explained coldly.

"I'm sorry?" was the only words I could muster.